Related Information How To Distinguish The Wrath Of God, From The Wrath Of Satan.
Month: June 2016
70 Million Threatened By Summer Heat Wave.
Related Information How To Distinguish The Wrath Of God, From The Wrath Of Satan.
234 Pregnant Women Diagnosed With The Zika Virus In The U.S.
Q&A: Do You Support Any Presidential Candidate?
Question: Do you support any Presidential Candidate? Donald Bohanon: No. But I do keep my eye on the political landscape.
Murder And Mayhem In Orlando Fl. Homosexual Nightclub.
By Donald Bohanon Tuesday June 14,2016 The recent killing of fifty homosexual patrons at a homosexual club has prompted the liberal mainstream media to suggest the killer may have been gay, and may have been trying to suppress his homosexual desires by slaughtering over fifty people.I find the promotion…
Married Homosexual Couple Elton John And David Furnish, Seek To Hide Their Extensive, Homosexual Sexcapades, Outside The Bounds Of Their Immoral, Perverse, Fraudulent, Homosexual Marriage. But Why Isn’t This Surprising?
By Daniel Payne -The Federalist. Article Source The big lie of gay marriage was always this: “It will affect nobody outside of the gays who wish to partake in it.” That is clearly false, as any number of bakers or photographers will tell you after having gone through the legal wringer of forced…
Q&A: Why Do You Attack President Obama He Does Good Acts, Are Not His Good Works Going To Follow Him In The Judgment As Well?
Question: Why Do You Attack President Obama He Does Good Acts Are Not His Good Works Going To Follow Him In The Judgment As Well? Donald Bohanon: I’m not personally attacking him, just speaking the truth about who he is and how spiritually, physically and nationally, destructive and damaging, the laws he’s passed are going to…
Flood Weary Texas Set To Receive More Rain.
Related Information How To Distinguish The Wrath Of God, From The Wrath Of Satan.
The Greatest Is Gone.
By Donald Bohanon — Saturday, June 04,2016 Muhammad Ali arguably the greatest heavyweight boxer to ever lace up the gloves passed away yesterday of respiratory failure after a long battle with Parkinson’s. Like so many others I grew up watching Ali and was amazed at not only the skill and courage he displayed in the…
Q&A: You Say That Christ Is Going To Use A Sword To Defeat A 200 Million Man Army??? Doe’s That Make Sense And Seem Rational To You?
Question: You Say That Christ Is Going To Use A Sword To Defeat A 200 Million Man Army??? Doe’s That Make Sense And Seem Rational To You? Donald Bohanon: I assume you are referencing my statement in the audio entitled “Lion Of Judah: The Bloody And Violent Return Of Jesus Christ”? But let me clarify,…