Added Thursday, January 23, 2014
A few scientists say the extreme weather patterns that we and other nations have been experiencing can be attributed to man-made climate change. But the majority of independent climate scientists say that these weather patterns have nothing to do with man-made climate change and the man-made climate change theory is bogus, baseless, and completely unsubstantiated.
In fact, a number of independent climate scientists that originally supported the man-made climate change theory, after careful study, completely reject it now and say that it is not at all consistent with the data that they have come up with.
At one point biased, government-funded climate change scientists, referred to the phenomenon as global warming, but after major flooding, snow, and cold snaps, they opted to change the phenomenon to climate change because it covers the whole spectrum.
Because a warming globe was not conducive to major flooding, snow, and cold snaps, in the eyes of many observers. So instead of calling the ever-changing weather conditions global warming, they changed it to climate change in an effort to cover their behinds, because this definition seems more reasonable and covers the whole spectrum.
And if it’s not man-made climate change what is really behind the destructive weather events of epic proportions that we and other nations have been experiencing? Weather manipulation by the hand of God? Yes. But man-made climate change? I don’t think so! What we and other nations have been experiencing has nothing to do with man-made climate change.
The truth of the matter is the word of God has clearly outlined and prophesied that these destructive events would take place before the term scientist or meteorologist ever existed.
I hope to make it clear to you today, which is clearly outlined by the word of God, that the swiftly approaching wrath and judgment of God on our nation and other nations because of our manifold transgressions.
Which include legalizing abominable, filthy, sexual perversions like homosexuality/bisexuality and lesbianism as well as the widespread promotion and practice of black magic and sorcery, and mass murder in the urban communities. As well as the practice of other very offensive sins are the sources of all our weather-related issues, epidemics, and economic problems.
Let’s examine the word of God to find the truth about the source of all our problems. Today’s Audio Is Entitled Climate Change Or The Wrath Of God? This is a remake of an audio I did several years ago. This Audio Was Recorded Thursday January 23, 2014 – The Original Audio was Recorded around 2010. I mention the Nation of Ninevah in this audio but obviously what I meant was the nation of Assyria and the city of Ninevah. Just speaking a little too fast sorry if I confused anyone.
Listen: Climate Change Or The Wrath Of God?
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