Since the beginning of time men have asked the question what is the purpose of man and why was he created? Were we born into this world to just live and die and never be heard from again? But how can that be when Christ tells us God is not the God of the dead but the God of the living? Or is there a greater purpose behind mans creation? King David asked God the question who is man that you are mindful of him that you consider him? And although there is no direct answer to that question from God, God has answered the question in the pages of the Bible.
To put it simply, God created men and women to become God’s themselves. I know this may sound far-fetched and hard to believe but God wants and desires a big spiritual family comprised of many spirit-born sons and daughters. And is it really surprising when you consider men and women have the same attitude towards their sons and daughters in that they want the best for them? The best of parents want the best for their children and to be honest even better than they themselves had it. Why wouldn’t a God whose love far exceeds that of human beings want the best for his begotten children? Why wouldn’t he want them to have everything he has?
The Bible says eye has not seen nor ear heard nor has it entered into the hearts of men what God has prepared for them that love him. In other words, the human mind can’t comprehend what God has in store for those who love him. To put it plainly, even if God himself told you what he has in store for mankind you wouldn’t believe it because in the minds of humans it’s too far-fetched and incomprehensible. But don’t believe me, I will allow God to tell you himself through his word the Bible. But even when presented with the clear facts, fully supported by the Bible, many still won’t believe it. Because as the Bible says it hasn’t entered into or been considered by men in general because it’s that mind-blowing. This audio is entitled From men, to God’s, God’s glorious plan for mankind. This audio was recorded on 9/29/24.
Listen: From Men, To Gods, Gods Glorious Plan For His Servants.