They’ve Been Responsible For Destroying Millions Of Lives. So Some Form Of Punishment Is Probably In Order.

But what are the most effective forms of punishment in my opinion? Break up the corrupt power structure and base by destroying

2 Timothy 3:12-16… The Plan To Break Apart Google… RIP Chrome

For decades Google has been nothing but a tool of the ultra, extreme radical, liberal left, used to promote the agenda of

An Extremely Radical Far Left Liberal Administration Exporting The Misery Of Sexual Perversion To Other Countries.

The Ultra Extreme Radical Liberal Left Promises To Keep Fighting To Destroy Your Lives, Your Family’s Lives, And The Country, For Their Own Lusts, Greed, And Selfish Interests.

Your wrath as a nation probably really needs to be focused on anyone or any organization who is part of the radical

SMH-Pause: Resurfaced Footage Of Diddy Inviting 13-Year-Old Actress To An MTV After Party!

Boycott John Deere!!: John Deere Goes Radically Woke And Is Now Funding Pride Events For Children As Young As Three Years Old.