By Donald Bohanon
When personal tragedy strikes, as hard as it may seem, we must keep our focus on God. Trials and tests are designed to draw us closer to God, not push us further away. When personal tragedy strikes the lives of true believers and followers of Christ, God expects us to use those circumstances to build a closer more personal relationship with him to get more in tune with what he desires for us, and for us to do. And to get to know him more deeply. To draw us closer to the kingdom. I have seen people who claim to serve God in the face of personal tragedy think it’s a green light to turn up.
They think it’s a sign to work harder to attain personal goals and acquire more personal wealth. The thinking and behavior then devolves into a race to attain more personal belongings and accomplish more goals before they leave this earth, no matter the costs, while being totally dismissive of God’s expectations while seeking wealth, fame, and status, as opposed to a wake-up call to become more obedient to God in terms of keeping his commandments and word to REALLY be prepared when we leave this earth.
Because the ultimate goal is eternal life in the kingdom of God. To attain a body that will never die, not acquiring more personal stuff that rusts and fades away like the human body. The real purpose behind the trials and tests we suffer is to draw us closer to God and his kingdom. In fact, the whole process of spiritual growth is to draw closer to God and become more like Jesus Christ and the things we suffer in this life play an important part in that as well. And practically everything we face in terms of critical impactful issues in this life are designed to draw us closer to him as true followers and believers.
Because the comfort from tragedy God provides comes from the answers he provides in his word and through his spirit that guides and comforts us as we follow his word. And the strength to maintain and grow comes from the spiritual strength that God provides through his spirit.
And although wealth is important, God wants us to always put it second in relation to his desire and will for our lives. God tells us to delight ourselves in him, in other words, to be obedient to him in word and deed and love that way of life and he will give us the desires of our hearts. Psalms 37:4
He also tells us above all else he desires that we should prosper and be in good health but as our soul prospers first. 3 John 1:2.
The point is, everything must center around obedience and a change in behavior to mirror the righteousness outlined in his word for us to prosper (but the acquiring of wealth alone is not indicative of righteousness necessarily, in all cases, many who don’t sincerely and intentionally follow what’s outlined in his word are wealthy also) because he knows wealth without true spiritual growth and maturity is a recipe for disaster and the truest, surest way, to distance yourself from him and fall into the arms of Satan with all the pride, greed, lust, jealousy, hatred, anger, bitterness, and idolatry etc that comes with that.
So when we face trials and tests on occasion we must view them as an opportunity to draw closer to God not be drawn into what the world deems as impressive and important. God tells us spiritual growth and maturity are what’s really important and we should use every opportunity as a way to grow closer to him for our eternal benefit. Pray daily, obey his commandments and word, and study reading 3-5 chapters per day which is enough for retention. Always ask God for understanding and always allow the Bible to interpret itself. And God will make the Bible easily understandable and come alive to you.
God is focused more on quality as opposed to quantity. He is looking for servants who are totally obedient to him and everything contained in his word. Not individuals who allow difficult circumstances to destroy their faith and obedience and instead follow what the world views as good and acceptable and to follow the worlds/Satan’s lead.
Think eternal life, unmatched limitless intelligence, limitless power, limitless knowledge, limitless wisdom, limitless love, limitless joy, and rulership in the kingdom of heaven and on earth. And eventually rulership over the whole universe when God brings the universe to life through the power of his glorified spirit-born sons. Let that be one part of your motivation. Because this is the future of the servants of God. Revelation 1:5-6, Revelation 5:10.