Question: Why Should People Focus On You As The Only Voice That Should Be Heard?
Donald Bohanon: I’ve never said you should focus on me as the only voice that needs to be heard because there are others teaching the truths outlined in the Bible also. I’m not the only one. But how you determine it should always be based on if what they are teaching is fully and totally lining up with scripture and if not run for your life.
If they are not teaching the true doctrines of God and Christ which is obedience to the ten commandments ( with emphasis on keeping Gods sabbath day which is sunset Friday to sunset Saturday as well as his Holy Days which we are commanded to keep) and to the whole of the Bible then you will quite frankly be worshipping Christ and God in vain. In other words, Christ said you will be wasting your time because they teach for true doctrine, the false doctrines/commandments of men Mark 7:7-9.
The Bible also says if they don’t have the doctrine that God gave to Christ to give to his servants they don’t have the father or the son John 7:16-18, 2 John 9-11. Paul also tells us to avoid anyone who is teaching a doctrine contrary to the doctrine we have been taught and learned from Jesus Christ because they don’t serve Jesus Christ but they only serve their own bellies or their greed Romans 16:17-18.
I would encourage you to listen to others as well but only if they are fully and accurately teaching the truths and doctrines that are outlined in the Bible because if not according to Christ you are just worshipping him in vain. According to Christ you are wasting your time worshipping him and that is the equivalent of not worshipping him at all. So says Jesus Christ, so says the Bible.