Teachers’ union radically promotes transgender ideology, Trump-bashing https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/teachers-union-radically-promotes-gender-ideology-trump-bashing?utm_source=LifeSiteNews.com&utm_campaign=6fa87fd8fe-Daily%2520Headlines%2520-%2520Canada&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_12387f0e3e-6fa87fd8fe-400685181
Planned Parenthood’s new sex-ed: ‘Your genitals don’t make you a boy or a girl’ – Some women ‘have penises/testicles,’ the guidelines state. By Fr. Mark Hodges
Pediatrician: ‘Transgender’ ideology has created widespread child abuse
Pediatrician destroys transgender ideology: ‘Puberty is not a disease,’ shouldn’t be prevented –
‘All I can say to Tucker Carlson is: keep digging, you’ll be alarmed at what you’ll find.’ By Peter LaBarbera
Cracking the gender code – Seeking absolute authority over our bodily selves. Douglas Farrow |
Lesbian behind Disney cartoon pushing LGBT to preschoolers: ‘We’re political’
Totalitarian Librarians Rage About Pitman Picture Book Controversy-Written By Laurie Higgins
Children’s Book ‘This Day in June’: Propaganda for Children Available at Your Local Library
A Day In The Life Of An Abstinence Ed Teacher – Successful abstinence education begins with establishing and reiterating every child’s invaluable self-worth.
LGBT: These are the People Who Want to Talk to Your Kids, Part 1 Robert Oscar Lopez
Disgusting viral video shows parents explaining to horrified kids how to masturbate
On LGBT, Evangelical Colleges At Bargaining Stage
Forcing Transgender Ideology on Kindergartens
Shock Study: Most Yale Students Favor Free Speech
High school students petition for removal of teacher’s LGBT pride flag
Boy Scouts to Go Co-Ed? YIKES! Written By Laurie Higgins
Boy Scouts Allowing Girl Members is ‘Reckless,’ Says Girl Scouts
Wait, whatever happened to inclusivity?
Here’s Why Christians Are Choosing To Leave The Girl Scouts
Contrary to the Left’s recycled narrative, this is not a matter of conservatives enlisting little girls in the culture war. It’s of positive fidelity to key virtues.
INTERVIEW: How the left ‘brainwashes’ kids to accept its sexual ideology – and how parents can fight back By Claire Chretien (Dr. Swain’s book can be purchased https://www.amazon.com/Abduction-Liberalism-Steals-Childrens-Hearts/dp/163525146X ).
A ‘transgender’ kindergartner registered at my kids’ school. That’s when the madness began.
Schools across the country are quashing debate, abandoning academic excellence, and reducing themselves to pawns in a political movement whose claims are highly questionable, unscientific, and harmful to children. By Emily Zinos
CA: First Grader Sent to Office, Investigated, for “Pronoun Mishap”
Denver archbishop: Gender-confused girls, gay leaders can’t be part of our Boy Scout troops
By Claire Chretien
Pediatric expert calls kindergarten transgender lesson ‘psychological abuse’
Seeing a 5-year-old attempt to alter gender at a California school created ‘fear and confusion.’
By Lianne Laurence
Teacher under fire for Christian view of marriage, resigns after LGBT witch hunt
‘I love the students, but I love God more,’ a special education instructor wrote in explaining his reasons for speaking out on the sinfulness of homosexuality. By Lisa Bourne
Florida county on verge of banning ‘conversion therapy’ for gender confused kids
An ordinance barring reparative therapy for minors was approved by a committee and awaits a final vote. By Lisa Bourne
FL: Teacher Bans Cross and Forces LGBT Agenda on Students
Maryland library cancels lesbian pole dancer’s sex-ed classes for teens
It was noted that the scheduled sex educator, Bianca Palmisano, spoke at ‘Slutwalk’ about aberrant behaviors. By Fr. Mark Hodges
Public library hosts children’s storytime led by drag queens dressed as nuns By Fr. Mark Hodges
Harvard: Students can change gender daily, saying otherwise is ‘violence’ — Fr. Mark Hodges, LifeSiteNews
MN: K-12 School Agrees to Gender Inclusion Policy With No Notice or ‘Opt Out’ for Parents
Minnesota’s Proposed ‘Transgender Tool Kit’ For Students Causes A Stir
Mom loses lawsuit against school that secretly gave her son ‘transgender’ treatment
The ruling questioned whether parents even have a right to access their child’s school records. By Fr. Mark Hodges
Missouri: Nuns practice ‘transgender’ school policy with disturbing role-play By Lisa Bourne
NC: Transgender students win legal battles
Christie Signs Bill Requiring NJ Schools Use Preferred Pronouns for Transgender Kids
NJ: This School District Partners With LGBT Advocacy Group to Impose Transgender Policy
“Comprehensive sex-ed” battle in Omaha gets huge coverage in state’s largest newspaper. MassResistance affiliate group forces issue into statewide spotlight.
Texas MassResistance parents holding public meeting in Austin library on Saturday Aug. 12 – to inform city’s parents about radical LGBT agenda in elementary schools http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen3/17c/MR-TX-Library-Meeting_081217/index.html
VA: Court Dismisses Fairfax County LGBT Case
Why The Most Realistic Solution To Schools’ Trans Indoctrination Is Withdrawing Your Kids
With these news stories, parents understandably wonder how they can protect their children from being taught that boys can become girls, or punished for using biologically correct pronouns. Margot Cleveland
Popular homeschooling resource quietly promotes LGBT to children By Fr. Mark Hodges
Education minister should do his homework By Andrew Mullins
Politicians can’t ignore the impact that same-sex marriage will have on kids’ education
Should Catholics throw in the towel over gay marriage? Some prominent figures in Australia say it’s all too hard
Teaching Kids About Trans: The Australian Safe Schools Programme-Transgender Trend
Canada: Opinion-The left is alienating its allies by shutting down free speech
So-called progressives celebrated last week after Ryerson cancelled an event featuring controversial speakers
How one conservative stood up to transgender bullies… and won – The response to Dr. Jordan Peterson has proved remarkable. By Jonathon van Maren
Drag queens on a mission to gain ‘transgender’ acceptance through kids – A kindergarten teacher is trying to advance the ’cause of transgenderism and other non-binary forms of self-definition.’ By Doug Mainwaring
Trinity Western case: After LGBTQ groups complain, top court changes rule on religious freedom case By Lianne Laurence
Christian demonstrators attacked, injured by liberals waving gay pride flag-A confrontation in Calgary turned ugly, resulting in several minor injuries. By Fr. Mark Hodges
Vancouver, BC: High school hosts graphic ‘sex at lunch’ show for students
Christian dad fights for right to remove children from LGBT classes at appeals court. Steve Tourloukis is in court pursuing an appeal that’s ‘about protecting the rights of parents to direct their children’s education, and to protect the religious freedom.’ By Lianne Laurence
[Ontario] Catholic teachers’ union supports pro-abortion conference, pride parades
BC: Canadian school tries to cancel Mother’s Day-By Tanya Granic Allen
Catholic parents say ‘not for our children’ to curriculum promoting underage sex in Quebec
By Steve Weatherbe
Christians demand investigation of transgender promotion in Alberta schools By Steve Weatherbe
It’s a secret: Alberta schools are not to tell parents if their kids join gay-straight clubs
Education Minister David Eggen’s directive conflicts with PC leader Jason Kenney’s support for parental notification. By Steve Weatherbe
University president fully supports institute that linked gov’t website for school kids to ‘gay’ smut
The University of Alberta’s David Turpin responded to family groups by defending the Institute for Sexual Minorities Studies and Services’ work on homosexuality. By Lianne Laurence
Ontario, Canada: Catholic teachers adopt curriculum promoting transgenderism By Lou Iacobelli
Christian parents battle against 100-year-old German home school ban-Premier
Norwegian-Romanian couple had 5 kids seized over Christian ‘indoctrination.’ Will their case finally be heard? By Steve Weatherbe
First same-sex church wedding performed in Norway-The Local
UK threatens to close Jewish school for not teaching 3-year-olds about transgenderism. ‘Pupils are shielded from learning about certain differences between people, such as sexual orientation.’ By Claire Chretien
LGBT values will be pushed on two-year-olds in UK preschools – The teachers union backed sex and relationship education from nursery school through high school. By Steve Weatherbe
Transgender teenager sues Hereford school for discrimination [United Kingdom]-BBC News
Michelle Cretella is president of the American College of Pediatricians and spoke with me in depth about the problems with trans-friendly and gay-affirming policies regarding children:
LGBT College Blacklist By Rod Dreher
Can Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos Really End Common Core?
Our anti-bullying programs are failing kids. Here’s how to fix them – The Church cannot fail to act when youth in Catholic schools are placed at risk of serious harm. By Dr. Rick Fitzgibbons
There’s No Way I’ll Send My Kids To Public School To Be Brainwashed By The LGBT Lobby-Matt Walsh
The unbelievable LGBT “sex-ed” war on children in public schools. Helping the parents who are fighting it!
GLSEN and their LGBT Common Core Public School Agenda – Written by Israel Wayne
Do sex education programs work? No, says major new study By Philippa Taylor
Reviews of world-wide research show that it does not reduce teen pregnancy rates or STI rates.
Studies find LGBT youth more likely to use drugs, smoke, drink, engage in risky behavior – Research indicates that students who identify as homosexual are more likely than heterosexuals to engage in self-destructive behavior, By Fr. Mark Hodges
Judge spanks transgender-obsessed Obama: You lie!
Reaffirms nationwide injunction blocking White House policy for schools
U.S. school an antidote to transgender discrimination complaints
Cub Scouts Reject Girl Who Wishes She Were a Boy – Written By Laurie Higgins
Pro-“LGBTQ” YouTube Series for Young Children – Written by Laurie Higgins
Preschool ‘transgenderism’ on the rise, Canadian pediatricians report
Sexual indoctrination: an attack on parental rights, family and children’s souls By Lou Iacobelli
The Persecution of Professor Esolen by George Weigel
WATCH: Fire me, fine me, jail me. I won’t back down to speech police, says U of T prof By Steve Weatherbe
Love, liberal education, and the secret of human identity By Anthony Esolen
The Left’s ‘Parents Are The Enemy’ Scheme – Linda Harvey, WND.com
Free speech is at grave risk on university campuses By Frank Furedi – “I believe in free speech, but…” is fast becoming the new normal in the academy
What’s Really Going On with Evangelicals and Same-Sex Marriage
ADF lawsuit results in speech policy changes at 10 Phoenix-area community colleges
Maricopa County Community College District agrees to eliminate unconstitutional free speech restrictions as part of settlement
California College Instructor Caught in the Act of Being a Leftist – Written By Laurie Higgins
WARNING TO PARENTS: Links to explicit material in article as evidence of what children are being opened to – Colorado middle school leads students to sexually depraved material and X-rated pornography. School officials attack & threaten parents who object.
FL: Appeals court ruling allows LGBTQ clubs to expand into middle schools
Georgia college sued for censoring student speech, restricting it to 0.0015% of campus – ADF attorneys represent censored Christian student in new lawsuit
Males Can Now Sleep With Females on Field Trips with Maryland Schools and They Do not Have to Inform Parents
MASS: Amherst Students Conduct ‘Sh–t In’ to Push Gender-Neutral Bathrooms
Take your ‘free speech’ beach ball and go home, Michigan University tells students
Student group files suit over policy that limits free speech to less than 0.03 percent of campus—even speech written on a ball
LGBT activists attack parents — as Missouri MassResistance families continue to confront School Board over graphic sex ed programs targeting young children
Nebraska: School district strikes back at Omaha parents’ group that exposed graphic “comprehensive sex-ed” curriculum – District-wide email attempts to “debunk” parents’ examples
A disingenuous tactic being used by school officials across the country
(Part 2 of 4)
University president: Transgender ideology ‘dumbs down the definition of the human being’ By Claire Chretien
Parents’ group in Omaha fights radical sex-ed curriculum. Distributes “opt-out” forms outside every middle school in the city. Gets Catholic Archdiocese to officially join the fight!
(Part 1 of 4)
NJ: Catholic school’s legal battle continues over dismissal of former counselor, coach in gay ‘marriage’ – By Lisa Bourne
NC: Charlotte schools tell staff: Don’t call students ‘boy’ or ‘girl’ By Fr. Mark Hodges
NYU Professor Criticizing PC College Culture Forced Out – “I’m afraid my academic career is over. Academic freedom: It’s great, as long as you don’t use it.”
OH: Malkin: A New Victim in the War on Small-Biz Bakeries: It is time for real justice to prevail over truth-sabotaging, violence-stoking, thug-coddling social justice. By Mal
No More Free Speech For Professors at University of Oregon: “Orthodoxy, enforced on threat of institutional punishment, is what the University of Oregon is now about.”
RI: Catholic prof under fire at Providence College for opposing ‘diversity’ agenda
RI: Brown University students put tampons in men’s restrooms to promote ‘trans-inclusivity’
The undergraduate finance board will pay for the menstrual products because ‘not all people who menstruate are women.’ By Claire Chretien
TN: U.S. Catholic school expels student because parents opposed ‘erotic’ sex-ed – ‘I am just a mother who wanted to protect my son’s innocence for as long as I can:’ Susan Skinner. By Pete Baklinski
TN: Student Sues Catholic School for $1 Million After Rejecting Same-Sex Homecoming Date
TX: UT Austin Professor: Political Correctness Killed Moral Ethics Course: “Students clam up as soon as conversation veers close to anything controversial.”
The new religion of transgenderism in Australian schools By Michael Cook
Australia’s Safe Schools program is so bizarre and fact-free that you can describe it as a cult, says an academic
Bavarian gvmt holds off on school sex-ed program after groups protest By Jan Bentz
Today’s radical and ‘inclusive’ language is wrecking children’s thinking and behavior By Lou Iacobelli
Canada’s Boldest Professor Defies the Gender Police by Scott Ventureyra
Jordan Peterson exposes the creeping dictatorship of gender-rights movement By Lea Singh
U of T prof blasts ‘totalitarian’ gender ideology: ‘I guess I should be put in jail’
Pronouns, Ordinary People, and the War over Reality
Lesbian prof slams colleague for resisting transgender speech… but her own classes were filled with hate speech By Steve Weatherbe
Legal Sex: Exchanging the Truth of Sex for the Lie of Gender by Daniel Moody
Transgendered Case Goes To SCOTUS: on behalf of the Gloucester County School Board in Virginia on the so-called transgender bathroom decision in G.G. v. Gloucester County School Board. Liberty Counsel, and BRIEF OF AMICI CURIAE DR. JUDITH REISMAN AND THE CHILD PROTECTION INSTITUTE IN SUPPORT OF PETITIONER
see Press Release: http://www.lc.org/newsroom/details/011017-transgender-case-goes-to-supreme-court
Belgian bishop calls on Catholic Church to approve ‘ritual’ for blessing gay unions – By Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent
BC: Canadian court ruling on university covenant rule supports religious freedom By Carolyn Moynihan
LGBTQ efforts to kill a Christian law school fail.
Father appeals ruling upholding forced LGBT indoctrination in Ontario schools By Lianne Laurence
An open advocate of the LGBT cause co-wrote the Ontario bishops’ new religion program, and it shows By Pete Baklinski
Gay pride cruise funded by Ottawa Catholic teachers union By Steve Weatherbe
Judge restores Christian homeschooling operation after Alberta NDP gov’t shutdown By Lianne Laurence
Teachers’ union urges schools to host drag shows, use ‘comrade’ instead of ‘boy’ and ‘girl’ By Lianne Laurence
Judge upholds forced LGBT indoctrination in Ontario schools, tells Christian dad to pull kids out if he objects By Lianne Laurence
Jesuit college takes heat over lecture series calling homosexuals to chastity By Lianne Laurence
Christian Heritage Party sues Hamilton for removing ads against transgender bathrooms – The group will argue in court that its rights of free speech and freedom of expression were violated. By Steve Weatherbe
Hundreds rally against Wynne’s radical sex ed at Queen’s Park, blast Patrick Brown’s flip-flop By Lianne Laurence
Ontario sex-ed shock: Teacher tells 5-year-old he can ‘marry’ a boy By Lianne Laurence
The Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society v. Trinity Western University
Canadian court delivers win for Christian law school – Canada | Nova Scotia appeals court declares Barrister’s Society cannot deny recognition to Trinity Western students
Quebec bill would ban religion from private day cares By Steve Weatherbe
‘Rotten’ sex-ed forced on 5-year-olds in Quebec By Lianne Laurence
INTERVIEW: As thousands march against German sex-ed, activist explains the impact on families By Jan Bentz
New video exposes gender identity lies By Michelle Kaufman, New Zealand Correspondent
Trampling parents’ rights, Poland ramps up homeschooling regulation https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/poland-demands-psych-evaluations-for-homeschoolers
Transgender madness: Oxford union tells students to avoid ‘he/she,’ use gender-neutral ‘ze’ – A students’ union leaflet recently instructed Oxonians to use gender neutral pronouns such as ‘ze’ rather than ‘he’ or ‘she.’ By Michael Cook
Two major wins for the life and family movement in Uganda – The Catholic Church in Uganda played a vital role in the recent battle. By Fr. Shenan Boquet
Church schools can’t be against gay marriage, government’s integration tsar warns [United Kingdom]
BBC film on child transgender issues worries activists
-The Guardian
‘Damaging’ transgender curriculum is about to invade 7-year-olds’ classrooms in the UK By Lisa Bourne
UK: Government ‘looking into’ making sex and relationships education compulsory in all schools
UK: Transgender teen who cut parents out of his life wins payout after council let slip his new identity
Charity Reports Record Number of Children Complaining About Gender
“As transgenderism becomes increasingly prominent”
‘He’ and ‘she’ make way for ‘ze’ in Oxford’s gender-sensitive education
One of the world’s greatest universities has succumbed to pronominal correctness – Michael Cook
Tories vote to block compulsory LGBT-inclusive sex education, but promise reform [United Kingdom]
-Pink News
LGBT Crowd Eyes Preschool Children By Deirdre Reilly
K-12 Gender Identity Standards Surprise Some Washington Parents – Kelsey Harkness
The daycare generation now demands ‘safe spaces’ at university – Laura Perrins
The Problem with Gender Studies by Matthew Tuininga
Obama Unilaterally Rewrites Law, Imposes Transgender Policy on Nation’s Schools – Ryan T. Anderson
Obama admin. forces transgender bathrooms, locker rooms, on schools as condition of funding: ‘Transgender’ students must also be allowed to stay in hotel rooms with students of the opposite sex on school trips.- By Ben Johnson
The Creepy Cookie Corrupting Our Children – Linda Harvey, WND.com
3 Problems with Deceptive ‘ Lavender ‘ Graduations – Linda Harvey
LGBT Group Calls for Federal Ban of Single-Sex Bathrooms in ALL Public Schools!
‘Transgender’ mom and dad: The next wave of LGBT propaganda coming to schools? The war on truth continues. Can we confront it?
With Liberty and Prophylactics for All…
U.S. Kids are GLSEN Puppets on ‘Day of Silence’
Trump Donated $20K to GLSEN: Trump donated to group that promotes homosexuality to 5-year-olds, ‘fisting’ in middle school – Ben Johnson
Think Everyone is Doing It? Think Again: Teen Sex Plummets
Common Core Does Not Prepare Students for College, New Report Finds
Common Core: the Trojan Horse for Federalized Education Control – Written By Tami Jackson
Groundbreaking new documentary exposes ‘lie’ of comprehensive sex-ed programs By Pete Baklinski
‘Transmasculine’ teacher gets $60K after Co-workers refuse to call Her ‘They’ Written by: Bethany Blankley
‘Hate and extremism’ expert says campus conservatism faces discrimination, suppression – William Nardi
Resilience coach bullied by media for promoting resilience: The anti-bullying media are the most egregious perpetrators of bullying.
Schools: Declare Independence from Teachers’ Unions – Linda Harvey, WND.com
Sex education in schools ‘unfit’ for smartphone generation, survey finds: Half of 914 people aged 16-24 surveyed by Terrence Higgins Trust rated sex education they received as poor or terrible – Karen McVeigh
Public university now requires applicants pledge commitment to ‘diversity and inclusion’
Imagine If the Founding Fathers Wrote Constitution Like College Speech Codes: The freedom to use free speech zones as long as it’s approved in advance.
Retired General Fired for Disagreeing with Obama over Transgender Policies
Feds Promote Rainbow Badges for Public School Faculty: I’m an LGBT ‘Ally’
California public schools to begin teaching gay history, starting in second grade: As early as the second grade, California public school students will learn about homosexuals as part of the state’s new social studies curriculum. By Steve Weatherbe
Does This New Bill Threaten California Christian Colleges’ Religious Freedom?
An expert in religious liberty law explains the Golden State’s controversial SB 1146. – Thomas Berg
Catholic college restores pro-family employee after ‘hate crime’ investigation – By Claire Chretien
Catholic university employee suspended for ‘denying transgenderism’ shares her side: In documents obtained by LifeSiteNews, the employee rebuts claims that sharing her faith on a Catholic campus is a ‘hate crime.’ By Claire Chretien
California Teachers Unions Force Nonmembers to Pay for LGBT, Other Political Goals
Yale University Transitioning to LGBT-Friendly Policies
A Florida School Board Limits Public Bathrooms to Birth Gender
FL: Middle School Students in Spanish Class Asked to Fill Out Form on ‘Privilege’
Chicago YMCAs open locker rooms to transgender boys and girls By Fr. Mark Hodges
Louisiana’s AG tells schools to ignore Obama’s transgender policy
Music teachers in Mass. schools being told to integrate full LGBT agenda into their classes.
Include “gay” composers, change words of “heterosexual” song lyrics, use gender-neutral pronouns, embrace “queer” ideology, etc.
Minnesota Kindergarten Students Forced to Confront Gender Identity – Kelsey Harkness http://dailysignal.com/2016/02/29/kindergarten-students-forced-to-confront-gender-identity/?utm_source=heritagefoundation&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=morningbell&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTUdZeE1qVmhNbVZqTTJWaSIsInQiOiJUcFpiNitcL3ZQNG5EWlZFNUFBT3ErSnpwZTdrWmEyN3RYQ3VMa0l4bFFhT2RDTXIzWXlGR2hLc3VFMTZNOTJuYlwvSGE1QnJvUkZQaW0xOVg4TXBMVlo5U2plXC9mV3JtVFBQeWhpTFhmY3BoUT0ifQ%3D%3D
Amid Complaints From Parents, Virginia School Board Pauses New Transgender Policy-Kelsey Harkness
Victory: Tenn. School Board stands up to LGBT pressure—protects students from high school “gay” club!
Sets strong rules restricting how “gay” club can operate. Will likely cause club to eventually shut down!
By Mass Resistance
VA: School Board Facing Lawsuit by Transgender Student Asks Supreme Court to Hear Case – Kelsey Harkness
Virginia school board unanimously rejects Obama’s transgender bathroom mandate – By Claire Chretien
What goes on at a school ‘gay straight alliance’ club event? Here’s the horrific truth. https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/what-goes-on-at-a-school-gay-straight-alliance-club-event-heres-the-horrifi
What really goes on at a school “gay straight alliance” club event – Part II
Recruiting kids to outside adult-led “gay” clubs; special “gay sex” aids; “gay” partner violence warnings & victim support groups: Targeting middle school and high school students!
Caution: graphic content
What really goes on at a school “gay straight alliance” club event – Part III
Helping kids become “transgender”. Deadly diseases versus “safer” gay sex. Telling kids that Christianity is actually pro-gay. Targeting middle school and high school students!
New South Wales: More parents are choosing to home school their children – why? And should the government fund them? – David Roy
Over 4,300 Albertans rally against NDP’s school gender mandate – By Steve Weatherbe
Medical experts rip Alberta’s ‘reckless’ and ‘dangerous’ transgender mandate – By Steve Weatherbe
University of British Columbia launches plan to train all faculty in LGBT ‘inclusion’ By Steve Weatherbe
EXCLUSIVE: Gay activist who works in Catholic school board battles Church’s ‘entrenched homophobia’
By Pete Baklinski
Ontario gvmt may pressure Catholic board to pass policy expelling students for ‘homophobia’ By Pete Baklinski
‘Propaganda’: LGBTQ report claims 81% of Canada’s Catholic teachers support gay ‘marriage’ By Pete Baklinski
Ontario JK-8 teachers mandated to proactively promote LGBT issues: union lawyer – By Lianne Laurence
Wynne gov’t intervenes against parental rights in Hamilton father’s Charter challenge By Lianne Laurence
Ontario sex-ed: Classroom lessons are starting, and what we’re hearing is terrifying By Campaign Life Coalition
Catholic religion teacher removed, investigated after lesbian couple complains
Canada: Islamic School Textbooks Teach Death to Gays…by Fire
Ontario gvmt will use schools to vaccinate 150,000 boys against sexually transmitted HPV: Parents rights advocates argue that using the schools to promote the vaccine ‘undermines parental authority.’ By Steve Weatherbe
EXCLUSIVE: Toronto school official tells gay activists how they work around parents with traditional beliefs By Lianne Laurence
Scottish scheme giving gov’t direct oversight of every child includes sexual indoctrination:
A government plan in Scotland to oversee the rearing of children starting at birth is considered a threat to parental rights. By Steve Weatherbe
UK girls’ schools instructed not to call students ‘girls’: could offend transgender students By Fr. Mark Hodges
UK students oust ‘white cis gay men’ from LGBT groups: aren’t ‘oppressed’ enough
United Nations: If You Teach Kids Christianity at School, It Violates Their Human Rights – Tim Brown
Hey Deranged Adults: Keep Your Evil Hands Off Our Children – Bill Muehlenberg
The Case Against Common Core with Dr. Duke Pesta
Christian colleges & gender identity: the next assault on religious freedom?
LGBT Activists Target Christian Colleges over Title IX Exemptions – Samantha Gobba, ChristianHeadlines.com
Parents Putting the Foot Down Against Multi Gender Locker Rooms
Thanks to ‘Transgender Equality’ Laws, Boys are now Sharing Girls’ Locker Rooms – Dr. Michael Brown
Student: Gay-straight alliances are NOT a safe place for me By Anonymous
Feminist Professor Accused of Using Improper Transgender Pronouns
The Social Justice Warriors turn on their own.
Unsurprising Report: Diversity Policies Increasing Discrimination
GA: Private School Opening in Atlanta for Kids and Teachers Who Feel ‘Different’ And segregation rears it’s ugly head once more.
Kentucky Clerk Wins in Federal Court
ILL: Surprise, Parents! Co-Ed Restroom in North Shore High School
D211 Transgender Debate Reveals a Crisis of More Than One Kind of Leadership Written by Teri Paulson
UMass Students Earn Academic Credit for Building LGBTQA-Themed Light Displays
SD: What Locker Rooms Should Boys Who Identify as Girls Be Allowed to Use? South Dakota’s Answer Respects All
Washington State bathroom rule obliterates men’s and women’s rooms
Meet the California Teacher Taking On the Unions – Melissa Quinn
Aussie family group stands up to LGBT program for 11-year-olds
Alberta bishops and NDP gvmt hope for compromise on ‘transgender’ mandate
‘Totalitarian’: Alberta gvmt forces schools – including Catholic – to accept students’ ‘gender identity’
By Pete Baklinski
Edmonton archbishop calls out Catholic trustees for ‘betraying’ parents on ‘transgender’ guidelines
Edmonton Archbishop Smith does not mince words with dissident Catholic trustees who he says are betraying parents’ trust. By Pete Baklinski
Canada: Winnipeg, Manitoba school district now allows 11-year-olds to ‘change gender’ behind parents’ back
Ontario gvmt to parents: Kids will see porn in our schools, so be glad for sex ed
6-year-old claims he saw lesbian porn in Catholic school, parents demand answers By Pete Baklinski
Catholic teacher takes class to see gay-themed ‘Kinky Boots’ for lesson in ‘diversity and acceptance’
By Pete Baklinski
EXCLUSIVE: Ontario Liberals paid $4 million for TV ads pushing graphic sex-ed curriculum https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/exclusive-ontario-liberals-paid-4-million-for-tv-ads-pushing-graphic-sex-ed?utm_source=LifeSiteNews.com+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=b804d5623e-LifeSiteNews_com_Canada_Headlines_06_19_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0caba610ac-b804d5623e-399675213
Lesbian ex-nun sues Chile in international court for right to teach Catholic religion classes
According to Chilean law, the Catholic Church has the right to decide who is fit to teach students the Catholic faith. By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
The key to children’s intelligence and success in school – See more at:
Collateral Damage: Same-Sex Marriage, Private Religious Schools, and Parental Rights by Nathan Swanson
The Accelerating War on Children Linda Harvey, WND.com
Coming to your child’s school: The new indoctrination of “Transgender Awareness Month”.
Update: School District Suspends Coach Kennedy
Crybullies Aren’t Just for College: On Corporations and LGBTQ Political Correctness — D.B. Holliday, Public Discourse
Parent Successfully Fights Transgender Education in Public School — Liberty Counsel
The Case Against Common Core with Dr. Duke Pesta
Fired daycare worker: ‘My obligation to protect child’
Diversity in the Christian University – Within a Christian university, the legitimate goods of diversity must be balanced against a notion of unity, an idea of the particular “constitution” of a place—its heritage, its tradition, and the constituency it serves. by Elizabeth Corey
AZ: College Student Takes a Stand Against Campus Free Speech Policy, Sues School
A Conservative Student’s Take on the Recent College Protests
Rights Through Obligations: The Case of Free Speech by Christopher O. Tollefsen
I AM BACK TO LIFE – Prof. R. O. Lopez
Conservative Prof May Lose Tenure After LGBT Pressure
Public University Joins LGBT Radicals in Targeting Professor Who Thinks Kids Should Have Mom and Dad
California professor faces discipline over optional conference on family matters
Bisexual prof. raised by lesbians who supports traditional marriage faces loss of tenure By Dustin Siggins By John Jalsevac
Whose Bias? Cal State Northridge professor says university is targeting him for his stance against gay adoption. But his students question why he’s encouraged an English class to attend an event on family issues at the Reagan Library.
Sexual Revolutionaries Target Cal State Professor for Defending Families – A tenured professor of English is threatened with dismissal because he challenged one of the sexual revolution’s core assumptions. By Jennifer Roback Morse
The War on Speech Continues: Mizzou Tells Students to Report ‘Hateful’ and ‘Hurtful’ Speech to Authorities
Religious order founded by St. John Bosco pushes masturbation and condoms in sex ed program
DC: Planned Parenthood spearheads new initiative to propagandize students on homosexuality
Sex education promoting ‘positive representations of LGBT-related topics’ may be coming to a school near you. By Dustin Siggins
Countdown: District Has 30 Days to Change Transgender Student Locker Room Policy or Lose Federal Funds
This School District Is Standing Up to the Federal Government’s Bullying Over Transgender Students and Locker Rooms by Katrina Trinko
Questions for Schools on Transgender Policies and Practices – Written By Laurie Higgins
District 200
District 211 Children: Chum for Feds Written By Laurie Higgins
Kansas University Student Senate Votes to Ban ‘His/Her’ from Governing Document Because They’re ‘Microaggressions’ — Katherine Timpf, National Review
School Bans Religious Drawings After Parent Complains About “Draw Muhammad” Assignment – Stoyan Zaimov, Christian Post
Vanderbilt Professor Facing Protests Tells Students to ‘Grow Up’
It Begins: Massachusetts Court Tells Catholic School It Must Hire Homosexuals! Written by: Onan Coca
Why Massachusetts Gave Up on Common Core
NJ: New policy would force Princeton schools not to tell parents if kids identify as ‘transgender’
NY: Fordham changes restroom signs as part of ‘gender inclusive’ campaign
The changes to signs were pushed by The Positive, a student activist group led by a student identifying as a transgender male.
Tennessee School Bans Distribution of Bibles, Other Religious Material — Walter Todd Huston, Breitbart.com
WA: High School Coach Joe Kennedy Suspended for Praying… in America! Written by: Michael Ware
Obama admin to schools: let boys use girls’ bathrooms, or we pull funding – The White House is explicitly threatening to pull federal funding from an Illinois school district and backing a transgender girl’s appeal to use boys’ facilities in Virginia. By Dustin Siggins
Ask Not Who’s Running For President, Ask Who’s Running For School Board — Stella Morabito, The Federalist
Diversity in the Christian University by Elizabeth Corey
America’s Education Disaster
The ‘LGBT’ House of Horrors For Kids
They’re Creating “Gays” By Corrupting Our Children Linda Harvey, WND.com
The godfather of gay rights – Alfred Kinsey was an agenda-driven reformer with a dark background. By Alan Branch
Behind Australia’s safe schools campaign Do parents really know what their children will be taught about the LGBT universe? http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2015/12/15720/?utm_source=The+Witherspoon+Institute&utm_campaign=42193f6935-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_15ce6af37b-42193f6935-84155061
Big win for Trinity Western: BC judge says ban on Christian law school infringes religious freedom
By Steve Weatherbe
Toronto school officials say sex-ed partly to blame for dropping enrollment By Lianne Laurence
Don’t believe the Wynne sex-ed program is as bad as many warn? These videos are mandatory viewing.
Ontario Conservative House leader says Cardinal Collins asked him to not oppose radical Wynne sex ed https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/toronto-cardinal-claim-that-i-told-tories-to-back-off-sex-ed-fight-is-gross?utm_source=LifeSiteNews.com+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=8ed588bc43-LifeSiteNews_com_Canada_Headlines_06_19_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0caba610ac-8ed588bc43-326182298
‘Betrayed,’ ‘stunned’: Family leaders on claim that Cardinal asked Ontario PCs to ‘back off’ sex-ed fight
By Pete Baklinski
Catholic school hosts abortion activist for sex ed talk, tells teens it’s OK to send naked photos By Pete Baklinski
Why do Newfoundland kids need more sex ed? Just because, says Planned Parenthood
‘It should just be done.’
New Irish law forces Catholic schools to employ open homosexuals
Norway’s child welfare seizes family’s five kids for alleged ‘Christian indoctrination’ By Lianne Laurence
Homeschool boy in government custody 7 YEARS – Sweden: Parents fight officials in ‘last hope’ to see own son, now 14
Modern sex-ed is sexually abusive to our kids: Fathers, defend your children
San Francisco Elementary School Creates ‘Gender-Neutral’ Bathrooms
Canada’s Girl Scouts opens doors to ‘transgender’ girls with radical new guidelines By Steve Weatherbe
We Got “Transgender” Trouble Right Here in District 211 Written By Laurie Higgins
A Brief Word About the Incoherence of Transgender Locker Room Policy Written By Laurie Higgins
MassResistance testifies at “transgender non-discrimination bill” hearing in Mass. Legislature. Confronts politicians’ acceptance of absurd concept!
U. of Missouri Implements Mandatory ‘Diversity and Inclusion Training’
Princeton Law Professor on Classical School’s Endorsement of “Transgenderism”
Troy City, OH: ‘She’s got girl parts’: Parents outraged after school allows girl to use boys’ bathroom
Alberta Catholic school board prepares to pass extreme transgender policy, defying archbishop’s recommendations
U of T college forced to cut gender-neutral bathrooms after ‘peeping’ incidents
10 Things parents need to know about the new sex ed
Ontario Sex Ed – News Stories:
Sex-ed critics blast Premier Wynne for accusing them of being motivated by ‘homophobia’
Thorncliffe school extends sex-ed strike 30 more days as dozens of schools across Ontario join
Town bans parents from using public park to protest radical sex ed – but they’re using it anyway https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/town-bans-parents-from-using-public-park-to-protest-radical-sex-ed-but-they?utm_source=LifeSiteNews.com+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=2fe2d34130-LifeSiteNews_com_Canada_Headlines_06_19_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0caba610ac-2fe2d34130-326182298
CBC’s ‘expert’ on Wynne’s sex ed is so radical he brought down an annual teen sex conference https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/cbcs-expert-on-wynnes-sex-ed-is-so-radical-he-brought-down-an-annual-teen-s?utm_source=LifeSiteNews.com+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=3b0e894686-LifeSiteNews_com_Canada_Headlines_06_19_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0caba610ac-3b0e894686-326182298
‘Ridiculous’: Toronto schools claim parents have no right to pull kids from gay classe
Rock, meet wall: irreconcilable cultural forces collide in Ontario sex-ed battle
Education Minister gives school boards permission to take away parental opt-out rights
September 9, 2015
Ontario’s Radical Sex Ed Curriculum
Gender identity and expression are fully embraced by Ontario teachers
All three provincial parties vote for gender free Ontario
Ontario MPPs appear ready to push the province even closer to the gender-free misutopia promised in its radical new sex education curriculum.
Quebec begins mandatory sex ed teaching 5-year-olds about masturbation, genitalia, and homosexuality By Pete Baklinski
BREAKING: Christian bus driver fired after refusing to drive Calgary ‘Gay Pride bus’
All three provincial parties vote for gender free Ontario
Ontario MPPs appear ready to push the province even closer to the gender-free misutopia promised in its radical new sex education curriculum.
Ottawa trustees lash out at leading psychiatrist for criticizing ‘gender identity’ policy By Steve Weatherbe
Right to form Christian law school on the line in British Columbia courtroom this week
Trinity Western University School of Law
VIDEO: How DO you to talk to kids about sex? US sex-ed critic gives practical tips
Videos: US psychiatrist tells parents “stand firm” against dangerous sex-ed
How many kids will leave? Parents ready to abandon Ontario public schools as sex-ed comes https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/how-many-kids-will-leave-parents-ready-to-abandon-ontario-public-schools-as?utm_source=LifeSiteNews.com+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=97e335a56d-LifeSiteNews_com_Canada_Headlines_06_19_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0caba610ac-97e335a56d-326182298
Radical Ottawa school board ‘transgender’ draft policy blasted as ‘frightening,’ ‘totalitarian’ https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/radical-ottawa-school-boards-transgender-draft-policy-blasted-as-frightenin?utm_source=LifeSiteNews.com+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=1943f6fc25-LifeSiteNews_com_Canada_Headlines_06_19_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0caba610ac-1943f6fc25-326182298
Wynne reveals hostility to homeschooling while slamming Tory MPP
Latest sex ed insanity has schoolchildren writing a porn movie
Explicit sex-ed at Toronto sports camp has parents mad, kids upset and city saying sorry
IRS Makes Pledge To Religious Colleges That Nix Gay Marriage
Christian schools caving in line after Supreme Court decision
Boy Scouts’ Corruption of Truth: What’s Next?
KY: First Catholic diocese rejects openly gay Boy Scout leader
NC: Christians at Duke U refuse to read lesbian porn novel assignment https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/christians-at-duke-u-refuse-to-read-porn-primer?utm_source=LifeSiteNews.com+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=7e24920e75-LifeSiteNews_com_Canada_Headlines_06_19_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0caba610ac-7e24920e75-326182298
MI: Does This School’s Transgender Bathroom Policy Violate Student Privacy? Kate Scanlon
Elton John bashes Venice mayor for withdrawing preschool books promoting homosexuality https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/elton-john-bashes-mayor-for-withdrawing-preschool-books-promoting-the-homos?utm_source=LifeSiteNews.com+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=465c725329-LifeSiteNews_com_Canada_Headlines_06_19_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0caba610ac-465c725329-326182298
Exclusive: Matt Barber is broken-hearted 1 school already caved on sexual conduct
Homosexuals mentoring boys? What could go wrong?
What the Gay-Marriage Ruling Means for Education
The glaring omission from sex education – Most teens would like to marry one day – but receive no guidance on how
Christian private school rejects Wynne’s sex ed as ‘perverse’
The sexually graphic curriculum is a ‘dismantl[ing] of the biblical perspective on human sexuality’ by an ‘aggressive agenda of the LGBT [movement].’
‘The tipping point’: Why Ontario’s graphic sex-ed curriculum provoked mass protests
Catholic school boards’ decision to delay sex-ed brings some hope
Boys Scouts of American Urge Change in Policy to Allow Openly Gay Adult Leaders
Public School LGBT Programs Don’t Just Trample Parental Rights. They Also Put Kids at Risk.
Call it ‘gender fluidity’: Schools to teach kids there’s no such thing as boys or girls
Home school numbers skyrocket in Canada: parents ‘dissatisfied’ with public education, says expert https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/home-school-numbers-skyrocket-in-canada-parents-dissatisfied-with-public-ed?utm_source=LifeSiteNews.com+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=6eb4c91196-LifeSiteNews_com_Canada_Headlines_06_19_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0caba610ac-6eb4c91196-326185878
Toronto councillor tells young kids to become gay activists at Pride flag raising
Ontario’s education minister needs to answer to parents on sex-ed: Tory MPP
Wynne and lesbian spouse planned ‘homophobia’ smear on McNaughton
Wynne Liberals spend $1.8 million on ‘deceptive’ ads whitewashing sex-ed
‘What’s so deeply offensive is the deceit of it, to pretend that it’s not controversial,’ says REAL Women’s Gwen Landolt.
Ontario sex-ed architect gets 3 years in jail on child-porn charges
Why Kathleen Wynne’s claim that parents can ‘opt out’ of sex ed is an utter farce
Union hosts teacher training day about pushing homosexuality in elementary schools
Libraries fight parents over gay penguin children’s book: While the American Library Association (ALA) argues for the book’s ‘diverse’ content, parents question the ‘homosexual agenda’ in it and critics call out the ALA’s credibility. By Katie Yoder
‘Day of Pink’ teaches school kids to accept homosexuality, critic warns By Pete Baklinski
Progressive Educators’ Dreams for Other People’s Children Written By Laurie Higgins
Des Moines, IA: Students protest after Catholic high school won’t hire a gay teacher ‘engaged’ to another man: ‘Remember when we were told that somebody’s ‘gay marriage’ wasn’t going to impact the rest of us at all? Yet increasingly the question we must ask ourselves is ‘when doesn’t it?”
Laureen Harper sparks controversy after backing gay ‘Day of Pink’: Both social conservatives and homosexual activists are criticizing Mrs. Harper’s role as ambassador for the event.
Enshrining ‘absurdity’: Alberta poised to impose acceptance of ‘gender fluidity’
Alberta’s decision to force gay clubs on schools would make the Bolsheviks proud https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/threats-to-liberty-begin-with-education-policy?utm_source=LifeSiteNews.com+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=4f3fa86e0a-LifeSiteNews_com_Canada_Headlines_06_19_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0caba610ac-4f3fa86e0a-326185878
‘A source of lasting shame’: Crown asks court for 3.5-year sentence in sex-ed architect’s child sex case
Ontario education minister: New sex ed curriculum teaches 6-year-olds about sexual abuse (video) By Pete Baklinski
Ontario regional health authority wants to offer more contraceptives to high schoolers By Thaddeus Baklinski
5,000 parents rally in Toronto against sex ed: ‘We will not co-parent with Kathleen Wynne’
Psychiatric witness tells court he’s concerned about sexual ‘grooming’ by Ontario’s sex-ed architect By Lianne Laurence
Ottawa 11-year-olds awarded for starting Canada’s first gay club in a Catholic elementary school
Is it sex-ed — or grooming? See what’s really in Ontario’s new curriculum
Ezra Levant – Rebel Media
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8lSUHx0F54 . Also, visit www.ProtectKids.ca
Ontario Sex Education Curriculum Plans – What You Can Do – 100huntley
NUTty: Sex ed courses must make ‘positive’ portrayal of gay sex ‘compulsory,’ National Union of Teachers says
The UK’s National Union of Teachers (NUT) made the resolution at its annual conference on Sunday. By Thaddeus Baklinski
Keep Your Children Home on the Day of Silence, Friday, April 17
The Day of Silence: The Rest of the Story
Open Sexual Deviant: I’ve Been Indoctrinating America’s Kids to Be Sodomites – I Lied about It & Am Not Sorry
LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM? Housing for 15 alternative sexualities is OK, but men-only fraternities are not, Wesleyan University says
School sex ed: how yesterday’s extremists shaped the agenda An STD epidemic after World War I launched public sex education in America.
Physicians Warns of Threat to Youth From “50 Shades of Grey.” The American College of Pediatricians is urging parents to “immunize” their children against the “increasingly toxic glorification of violence and sex in the media” and cites the soon-to-be-released movie, “50 Shades of Grey,” which glorifies sadomasochism as a prime example of this threat. Read the press release http://www.acpeds.org/fifty-shades-of-wrong-media-influences-children-2. Read their analysis of the threat https://www.acpeds.org/fifty-shades-of-wrong-media-influences-children.
Hooked up and tied down: the neurological consequences of sadomasochism An examination of the phenomenon of BDSM from the perspective of a psychiatrist. – See more at: http://www.mercatornet.com/articles/view/hooked_up_and_tied_down_the_neurological_consequences_of_sadomasochism#sthash.wstjKiK7.dpuf
More States Push Back Against Common Core
Lawmakers pressure San Francisco archbishop to back off effort to uphold Catholic teaching in schools
I’m a woman but 30 years ago I wore a tux to a high school dance. Imagine how bad off I’d be today
Students Shamed in Classroom for Opposing LGBT Agenda.
Connecticut board recommends homeschooled special needs children be monitored
Gardasil linked to deaths and disabilities after young girls vaccinated: Toronto Star investigation
Concern over serious side effects and deaths following HPV inoculations has grown enough for Canada’s largest newspaper to mount a lengthy investigation.
John Carpay: Imposing moral beliefs on children through a ‘one-size-fits-all’ curriculum
Gay activist: Of course our goal is to ‘indoctrinate children into LGBTQ agenda’
Alberta unanimously passes bill forcing faith-based schools to allow gay clubs
Younger children are easier to teach’: Sex radical wants B.C. to ape Ontario’s early sex ed
The heartbreaking sex-ed Premier Wynne gave her own children
Psychiatrists: Wynne’s early sex ed program is ‘sexual abuse’
Ontario’s new sex ed curriculum teaches young children too much, too soon
A grade-by-grade breakdown of Kathleen Wynne’s graphic new sex-ed program
Ontario’s Lesbian Premier Grooms Youngsters for Sex
Monte McNaughton: ‘We need to be an army of parents to defeat’ Wynne’s sex-ed agenda (VIDEO)
Ontario sex ed consultation is over, program will be online ‘within weeks’: Premier Wynn
Ontario sex-ed architect convicted on child porn charges: courtroom hears graphic details
Ben Levin case casts shadow over new sex ed curriculum
Ontario’s sex ed architect admits he asked a mom to ‘sexually assault her child for him’: leaked letter
Ontario Catholic teacher who oversees gay club claims Catechism doesn’t teach homosexuality is a sin
Rob Ford backs McNaughton to lead Ontario PCs: the only one who ‘stood up and said no’ to Wynne sex ed plans
School plan to change gender stereotypes causes storm in Italy
It’s Fairly Common in America, But What This Swedish Family Was Doing Had Them Terrified They’d Be Arrested
Force primary schools to teach sex education, say MPs
UK Faith Schools Closed by Government for Failing to Promote Homosexuality
Major corporations funding “gay” indoctrination in elementary schools across America. See video example.
“Sex Education in America: How Yesterday’s Extremists Shaped Today’s Sex Ed”
The Left and Absolute Sexual Freedom
Back door sex education
Parents Voice Concern About California Public School Sex-Ed Program and Instructors.
Mississippi School District to Require Parental Permission for Homosexual Activist Club in High School.
Catholic Higher Education in Ruins
Trinity Western University School of Law (TWU) received a strongly favourable court ruling in Nova Scotia on Jan. 28, 2015
Ruling protects religious freedom – Ezra Levant
Fifty shades of GG? No thanks
50 things you should probably know about 50 Shades of Grey
Canada’s best kids book is an anti-Christian novel about a sex-obsessed trans teen? So say the Governor General’s judges
Nova Scotia schools jump on ‘trans’ bandwagon
Human rights complaint against Ontario school board filed by atheist
Ontario school board aims to eliminate non-inclusive terms—like ‘husband and wife,’ ‘mother and father’
Why Pornography Use Becomes a Habit
Age of consent, anyone?: Wynne teams up with 13-year-old girls to promote early sex-ed in Ontario
Premier Kathleen Wynne wants Ontario students to learn about sexual consent early
Schools should start teaching pupils how to read facial expressions and emotions as early as Grade 1
Most Ontario parents left out of new sex-ed consult, laments public school board chair
The EFC’s Rick Hiemstra appeared on 100 Huntley Street (watch video) to discuss the forthcoming Ontario Physical Education curriculum and its controversial changes to sexual education, which could likely be emulated by other provinces. He recommends a helpful EFC resource called Hands Up: Identifying Parents Rights. The EFC also recently sent the Ontario minister of education a letter at http://www.evangelicalfellowship.ca/ef.ca/re/ontario-sex-ed-curriculum?erid=4533958&trid=2948edb9-2aa0-45bc-a0db-40e02d2813a9 on the issue.
EFC President Bruce Clemenger sent a letter today to Ontario’s minister of education about the forthcoming Ontario physical education curriculum. The sexual education part of the curriculum is expected to be similar to one released and then recalled in 2010 due to parent concerns. The EFC is calling for the 2015 draft to be released to the public and for a more meaningful consultation process to be established with parents. The EFC offers a helpful resource on this issue called Hands Up: Identifying Parents Rights at theEFC.ca/HandsUp.
Man who oversaw Ontario’s new sex curriculum will plead guilty to child sex charges
13-year-old girls urge Ontario premier to promote ‘consent culture’ in sex ed
Public Schools to 13-Year-Olds: You Can Have Sex & Choose Your Gender
Education Minister: Catholic schools will be required to teach new sex ed program
Lesbian premier orders Ontario’s sex-ed update to teach kids about giving sexual ‘consent’ from ‘the very earliest stages’
Ontario’s Radical Sex Ed Curriculum
Ontario Tories’ education critic: I backed Wynne’s sex-ed plans because unions told me they’re ‘necessary’
Saskatchewan won’t mandate gay-straight alliances for now
LGBT School Planned in Manchester, England
UK gvmt to faith schools: promote homosexuality and other religions or face closure
Two schools say they face closure by Easter after surprise government inspections found they failed to comply with new ‘equality’ guidelines.
UK Christian School Students Given Homosexual Quiz
German parents attacked as they protest early sexualization of children
‘We go to the street because we care about our children,’ said one of the parents.
Sweden’s court hearts case for religious freedom, again
Catholic university employees told to file harassment complaints against coworkers who oppose same-sex ‘marriage’
No Thanks, Public Schools. I Don’t Need You To Teach My Kids About Sex.
AZ: Sex ed controversies in Gilbert, Tempe an anomaly
U. of Georgia sex club takes field trip to cross-dressers’ support group, sex toy shop, and Planned Parenthood
The club, called ‘SHAG,’ promotes ‘safer’ recreational sex.
IL: Shocking Sex-Ed Material in 5th Grade – Laurie Higgins
IL: Chicago public schools to teach 5th graders how to ‘increase sexual pleasure’
Proposed Minnesota policy would allow student athletes to choose teams based on ‘gender identity’
Missouri: Homeschool parents sue cops after they are tasered, pepper-sprayed, and have their kids taken away
OR: More Scandalous Sex Ed – Written By Laurie Higgins
Washington, D.C.: Georgetown Univ. celebrates ‘LGBTQ History Month’ with ‘OUTober’
WI: Student banned from criticizing gay ‘marriage’ in class at Jesuit college
‘In this class, homophobic comments … will not be tolerated,’ he was told.
Notre Dame’s ‘Gay in Christ’ Conference aims for fidelity, but speakers embrace ‘gay identity’
Students Hold ‘Sh*t-In,’ ‘Gender-Inclusive Bathroom’ Protests
Jennifer Lopez draws criticism after mock striptease at We Day youth event
Three views: Do the Common Core education standards endanger religious freedom?
The Rage of Leftist Book-Banners
Alberta gvmt delays bill removing parental right to protect kids from gay lessons after liberals complain it doesn’t go far enough
Ontario premier’s former adviser opts for speedy trial on child sex charges
Ottawa 11-year-olds plan gay club at Catholic elementary school
Ottawa girls meet with gay activist after Catholic school board approved ‘gay rights’ project
Ottawa Catholic School Board allows grade 6 project on ‘gay rights’ amidst media pressure
New Toronto Catholic board chair: Catholic schools can’t just ‘take marching orders from the state’
Toronto lawyers sue British Columbia gvmt over its approval of Christian law school
British Columbia Law Society rescinds approval of Christian law school
Parents’ role should not be ignored in school-based sex education – Research shows parents more influential than curriculum
Ontario’s prepping to impose a new explicit sex ed program: where are all the angry parents?
The innocence of children is very clearly threatened as the new sex-education program teaches children explicit details of sex that they shouldn’t have to know for years, if ever.
‘What are you trying to hide?’: Tory leadership hopeful slams Ontario gvmt for withholding new sex ed program
Ontario Liberal gvmt resurrects controversial sex-ed curriculum
Toronto schools hosting ‘LGBTQ’ conference for students as young as 11
‘Playful’ Irish LGBT-positive play teaches 7-year-olds to bend gender
New British sex-ed program gives the ‘green light’ to sex between 13-year-olds
“It’s wrong…it’s harmful, it’s dangerous,” a Labor MP said.
All schools must back same-sex marriage, say humanists
Compulsory sex education won’t reduce rates of teenage pregnancy
Compulsory sex-ed is back on the UK government’s agenda, but there’s no evidence that it works.
UK girl, 13, raped by classmate after sex ed lesson
Another Look at Abstinence and Declines in Teen Sexual Activity
Do Librarians Really Care About Book-Banning?
Protecting Children from Becoming ‘Allies’ to the ‘LGBT’ Agenda by Linda Harvey
Exclusive: Matt Barber taught his children to love their friends with the truth
The Gender Agenda – Coming to a School Near You!
Written By Julie Roys
People born male allowed in girls’ locker rooms in Kentucky
MASS: Christian College Forms Board to Review Policy Prohibiting Homosexual Behavior
NB: School district issues handouts urging teachers to stop calling kids ‘boys and girls’
British Columbia lawyers to vote on Christian law school this month
Toronto school board attempts to silence trustee over ‘transphobic’ tweets
Irish mother of six jailed for homeschooling
Stonewall boss wants pro-homosexual books in all preschools
Planned Parenthood tells young girl to watch “educational porno”
“Back to School: When Mr. Reuter Becomes ‘Ms. Reuter’,” The Federalist
Free the Children manager resigns after report on his work as gay stripper
So, a gay stripper walks into a top children’s charity and asks for a job…
If it sounds like the beginning of a tasteless joke, it isn’t. I wish it was. By Anthony Esolen
“California Sex Ed Gone Mad,” Accuracy in Academia
Hawaii used kids as guinea pig for sex ed: state rep
Outraged parents in Hawaii continue to fight valiantly to get an explicit sex instruction program coauthored by Planned Parenthood out of their middle schools. By Rita Diller
Introducing kids to adult/youth “gay clubs” in communities, outside of schools. A dangerous intro to “gay sex.”
Ottawa Pride honors teen for writing, directing homosexual musical at Catholic school
Ontario Catholic teachers union promotes radical leftist, pro-gay Peoples Social Forum
German homeschoolers regain custody of children, vow to stay and fight for freedom
Catholic Italian Scouts demand Church abandon teaching on sex, divorce, abortion
The Scouting organization has distanced itself from the document, and leaders have pledged to make better efforts to impart Catholic teaching to youth.
Porn is ‘pervasive’ in our lives, sex-ed pressures us into promiscuity: teens in UK poll
Seven out of 10 said that ‘accessing pornography was seen as typical’ while they were at school.
Global “Gay” Children & Gender-Free Restrooms
“LGBT” Teachers Conference in Boston – Part III
Goal of “gay” programs in schools: Persuade kids to “come out” early as homosexuals. Here’s how they do it.
“Is the gay bullying plague in schools a myth?,” MercatorNet
University to offer ‘gender-open’ restrooms
Vancouver Schools’ New LGBTTQ Policy Includes Gender-Free Pronouns Xe, Xem , and Xyr. The Vancouver, British Columbia Board of Education approved the policy to accommodate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit, queer, questioning and “all sexual and gender identities.” The policy also encompasses making restroom and sports programs available to all transgender students regardless of their biological sex.
S*x education is all about values
ENDA Hurts Children
Sexual Sabotage Goes Global
Feelings, Nothing More Than Feelings – Conflict and Confusion over Identity
After denying promotion to conservative prof, UNC must pay his $700k legal tab
Hawaii to make middle school sex ed class opt-in
‘Gay’ Teacher Had Sex With Student, Exposed Him To AIDS (Video)
P-Fox’s blog
Montgomery Co. Public Schools changes sexual orientation curriculum
Boy Scouts to Shamefully March Kids in N.Y. ‘Gay Pride’ Parade
Two More States Block Common Core
School district votes to allow teachers to give condoms to students without parental consent
More Common Core Pushback: Tennessee Quits Common Core Aligned Test
Undercover video exposes Planned Parenthood’s ‘dangerous sex advice for kids’
Planned Parenthood sanitizes BDSM websites
Mad mom: School awards ceremony featured swearing, sex toys
British Columbia lawyers ask Law Society to overturn approval of Trinity Western law school
Canada: Trans kids referred to as ‘xe’ instead of ‘he’ or ‘she’
Vancouver School Board’s new ‘gender identity’ policy ignores parents: critics
Catholic teachers march in gay pride against objections of cardinal and parents
Ban the Kinsey Institute from the UN – Dr Judith Reisman – Kinsey Evidence PDFResolution in English (Word)
New Boy Scouts president: Gay scout leaders acceptable
Get ‘Em While They’re Young: ‘Gay’ Clubs for Kids in Middle Schools
How Not to Talk to Your Kids About Sexuality and Sexual Orientation
Former abortion clinic owner: We pushed sex ed on kids to create a market for abortion
Condoms Out, Drugs In: America’s New Message to Youth
Lesbian Admits Faking Anti-’Gay’ ‘Hate Crime’ To Avoid Homework
Buffalo Catholic school refuses to run same-sex ‘marriage’ announcement after bishop intervenes
Concerns About Common Core (Part 2)
“Common Core’s Lack of Transparency,” The Christian Post
“Common Core: The Day After,” EducationNext
“Common Core’s Rotten Core,” Crisis Magazine
WATCH: George Will Demolishes Arguments for Common Core in Under Two Minutes
New paper exposes hidden agenda of the Sex Ed Establishment
Facing the Implications of Education that Rejects Reality and Truth as Political Impediments
“GLBT” teachers conference in Boston reveals latest plans to push homosexuality even further into schools. Well organized, fueled with taxpayer dollars.
Exclusive report from MassResistance. Coming to your school soon.
Pedophilia, Incest, and Graphic Sex: Excerpts from a Common Core Reading List Book for 11th-Graders That Will Make You Blush
AZ school district latest to cave on either-sex bathroom policy
INDIANA: Notre Dame refuses to recognize pro-marriage student group
Woman removed from job at Kansas Catholic parish after publicizing her gay ‘marriage’
Kentucky school to allow ‘transgender’ students access to opposite sex restrooms
Ky. school principal’s bathroom decision ignores student privacy rights
Louisiana bars abortionists from handing out sex ed literature in public schools
MASS: Conference unveils strategies to use students to promote gay agenda in public schools
NC: Same-sex military spouses get in-state UNC tuition
NH: Bold 14-Year-Old Girl Confronts School Board After Watching Her Dad Get Arrested for Violating Two-Minute Rule: ‘I Don’t Trust You’
Cleveland diocese strengthens contract to require teachers not to support abortion, gay ‘marriage’
Oklahoma Lawmakers Repeal Common Core
VA: Pro-gay marriage professor under fire from gay marriage speech police
WA: Judge refuses to toss suit against Catholic school that fired teacher for ‘marrying’ gay partner
ADF commends Wis. school for apology after showing children same-sex marriage propaganda video
Public school board defends student’s ‘pink day’ poster championing polygamy
Christian law school denied accreditation, graduates will not be allowed to practice in Ontario
U of Manitoba law profs urge province’s Law Society to blacklist Christian law school grads
Pride Toronto co-chairman charged with drugging, raping young man
Union demands Toronto school board trustee who questioned nudity at Pride Parade return donation
Toronto District School Board backs public nudity at Pride parade
Revolt: School board protests Catholic teachers union’s decision to march in Toronto World Pride
Gay-straight alliance motion defeated in Alberta Legislature
French Boys Enticed Into Dressing Like Girls by School: Protesters Accused of Being ‘Fascist’
Homosexual group gives Italian high school students ‘gay porn’ pamphlet at anti-bullying rally
Italian parents push back against ‘gender deconstruction’ project in schools
Teachers cannot opt out of teaching gay ‘marriage’ in school sex-ed classes: Scottish NHS
Christian day-care worker fired after refusing to read pro-gay books to children
Asian Nun Condemned for Telling the Truth About Homosexualism at a Catholic College Daily Stormer
Pro-gay anti-discrimination laws will one day ban teaching Christianity: Irish singer Dana Scallon
Must-Read: Frustrated Parent’s Note On Common Core Homework
Children and Christians: Pawns in the “Gay” Bullying Game
The New World of “Gay Youth”: Unfair to Kids – Book Review of “Maybe He’s Not Gay”
Janice Graham, Standard of Liberty
‘Their viewpoint kills people’: Stanford revokes funding for pro-marriage conference after backlash
Reinstate lesbian teachers caught having sex in classroom, court orders school
Parents outraged after Arizona school allows boys and girls to use whichever bathroom they choose
Arkansas: “School superintendent defends decision to censor gay student’s profile”
YHS teacher undergoes sex change
California teacher fired after gay ‘marriage,’ sues Catholic high school
Podcast for TRUTH FOR OUR TIME SHOW – 3-19-14
Topic: Bullying, Bribes, and Bad Policy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-RiW1l37fA
Interview of two experts on the issue on webcastonelive.com, Monday, March 17th.The guests are Linda Harvey whose recent article discusses the bullying bills and her newest book Maybe He’s Not Gay; and Dawn Stefanowicz who wrote the book Out from Under about her experience growing up with a homosexual parent and says the homosexual agenda is creating opportunity for State Control of our children in her recent article
Iowa: Nothing Comical about Bullying
Legal victory for conservative Christian prof at UNC | OneNewsNow
Furor at Catholic high school after nun presents Church teaching on homosexuality
NYC ‘guidelines’ for transgender students could see boys and girls forced to share hotel rooms
Catholic archdiocese expands morality clause for school employees after losing lawsuit
Gay vice principal sues Seattle archdiocese, Catholic school over alleged forced resignation
Alberta gvmt says it won’t force schools to accept gay-straight alliances
Ontario teacher exposes what parents don’t know is happening in Catholic schools
Teachers’ union calls for investigation into Toronto trustee who criticized nudity at Pride parade
In 2011, I attended Toronto Pride, but I couldn’t stomach showing you what I saw, until now
‘In-your-face sexuality is the point of the damn thing’: Toronto columnist on nudity at Pride
Ontario Catholic teachers association to march in gay WorldPride parade in Toronto
Canadian teachers fight government’s religious gag order | WORLD
Christians ordered to teach Wiccan, pagan rites | WND
Gay activists hurl feces at German parents protesting pro-gay school curriculum: report
Gay ‘diversity training’ turns schools into ‘re-education camps’: Italian cardinal
Private high school fights at Canada’s highest court for right to teach Catholic faith
Canada: “Catholic school student takes complaint of gay discrimination to human rights tribunal”
Does London’s Cardinal Nichols support compulsory sex education?
Conservative girls shunned at World Girl Scouts UN Meeting
Gay activists sign joint statement with Planned Parenthood backing Obamacare contraception mandate
Planned Parenthood Produces Video Promoting Bondage and Sadomasochism to Teens – See more at:
Common Core Name Still Won’t Smell Sweet
HHS Study: Yep, Head Start doesn’t work
Girl Scouts and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Agenda
Anti-Bullying Campaigns May Not Work
Keep Children Home From School on GLSEN’s Day of Silence April 11
‘The Romeike’s can stay!!!’: Surprise decision means German homeschooling family won’t be deported
Supreme Court denies review in home school asylum case
At least ten Catholic colleges will host Vagina Monologues in 2014
Arizona school district may violate state law to allow Planned Parenthood sex-ed class | LifeNews
CA: Elementary school children exposed to sex-themed games during UC-Berkeley visit
Transgender teen girl admits lying about sexual assault ‘hate crime’ in high school bathroom
Transgendered teen on CA softball team: ‘Mixed-up, in-your-face’ agenda
Florida: federal judge denies motion to dismiss Gay-Straight Alliance suit
‘Bullied’ transgender boy sent to restorative justice program after he was charged with assault
Boston parochial school pulls out of St. Pat’s parade to avoid “condoning homosexual lifestyle”
Seattle: Former vice principal fired for same-sex “marriage” to file lawsuit
Catholic university to host ‘rainbow prom’ promoting same-sex ‘marriage’
US Supreme Court set to review case of German homeschooling family that Obama admin wants deported
Toronto school trustees threaten to back out of Pride unless city enforces nudity laws
Gay student files human rights suit against Catholic school, alleges pattern of ‘homophobia’
Video Interviews: Dr. Neufeld on attachment, child development, bullying, et cetera
Pro-life leaders launch boycott of Girl Scouts Cookies over ‘radicalized’ agenda
Kansas school in furor over poster encouraging anal sex, grinding, ‘touching each other’s genitals’
Maine high court orders school to open girls’ restrooms to transgendered boys
Massachusetts Catholic school harassed for denying job to man in same-sex marriage
Catholic school reaffirms its Catholic identity amidst gay ‘marriage’ flap
Catholic Gonzaga University considers instituting transgender bathrooms
Ontario judge orders 13 children from Jewish community into foster care, families vow appeal
Montreal school board defends erotic novels in elementary schools after mother’s campaign
Gender ideology pushed at EU through bogus data methods: pro-family groups
Ireland: Priests tell Minister of Education to stop undermining religion in schools
The Common Coring of private schools
Catholic Schools Remove Common Core Books for First-Graders Celebrating Same-Sex Parents | The Gateway Pundit
Top secret: State reps denied request to see Planned Parenthood’s graphic sex-ed curriculum
Thanks to Planned Parenthood, a filthy new year for our young teens
Planned Parenthood Arizona Wants to Push Abortion, Sex Ed on Kids | Life News
Planned Parenthood to make sex-ed presentation to Tempe HS district | AZFamily.com
Flash Report: Co-Ed Bathroom Referendum Moves Closer to the Ballot
Signature Count Begins in Effort to Overturn Calif. Law That Lets Boys Use Girls’ Bathrooms, Play on Girls’ Sports Teams
CA: ‘Bullied’ transgender boy charged with assault for hitting girl at school
Colorado Legislator Introduces Homeschool Tax Credit Bill
Kansas Middle School: Poster Listing Sex Acts Part of ‘Health and Science’ Curriculum
Ohio Catholic school fires teacher planning gay ‘marriage’: diocese strongly backs school
PA gov backs bill to force Catholic schools to keep gay teachers, WV whistleblower under fire, more
WA: Catholic high school keeps lesbian drama coach about to ‘marry’ after dismissing gay vice-principal
WA: Catholic students protest Seattle archdiocese for firing vice principal in same-sex ‘marriage’
Canada: “Fired transgender teacher to go before human rights tribunal”
Judge denies homeschoolers custody of their four children, so they can’t flee German schools
Judge: Homeschooling a ‘concrete endangerment’ to kids
Father says ruling just like ‘what happened under communism’
Scotland: “Donald Macinnes loses Gaelic School chaplaincy over gay remarks”
Scotland: “Catholic fury over schools’ gay marriage guide”
Scottish sex ed guidance ignores traditional marriage
No More Gender: A Look into Sweden’s Social Experiment
UNCOMMON – Official Trailer Video
UNCOMMON is a feature-length dramatic film created to challenge teens to live dynamically and purposefully. It uses different Biblical stories in a creative way to produce a relevant and timely message to America’s youth.
Sons of divorce, and school shooters
Catholic Common Core Removes Books Celebrating Same-Sex Parents from First-Grade Unit Plan
‘Dangerous,’ ‘ludicrous’: PA bill would force Catholic schools to employ teachers in gay ‘marriages’
Home-Schooled Girls V. Feminists
Univ. of San Francisco features abortion, same-sex marriage advocate at winter commencement
Ohio to Consider Invasive Homeschool Bill
Judge slaps down grad student who said prof docked her grade for backing gay ‘marriage’
Notre Dame President: ‘Creation of the GLBTQ Group Is a big step forward’
This is how we break their backs: One woman’s testimony gets sexual foreplay curriculum tabled
Province approves Canada’s first Christian law school amidst attacks over sexual beliefs
Loyola Supreme Court case could jeopardize right to homeschool in Canada: HSLDA
‘A no-brainer’: Alberta Catholic School board to adopt gvmt HPV vaccine program for boys
Parent outraged over brochure in Catholic school telling students where to obtain morning-after pill
Catholic schools’ acceptance of gay anti-bullying clubs coming back to bite them: pro-family leaders
Ontario sex ed activists renew push for graphic curriculum
Ontario gov. accused of ‘egregious’ spinning of research on ‘benefits’ of full-day kindergarten
Readers react to New Zealand sex education program for 5-year-olds
The best anti-bullying policy? Parental involvement
Bullying is not on the rise and it does not lead to suicide
ENDA Hurts Kids: the Impact on Classrooms (PDF LINK)
Baylor retains ban on homosexual behavior
Colorado College lists five genders, including ‘queer,’ on applications
“Sixth Graders Polled On Gay Marriage, Abortion And Gun Control”
Undercover video: Young teen girls can’t buy Sudafed, but Plan B ok
High school: Girls should avoid restroom if they’re bothered by transgender boy in the stalls
Surrey school board ramps up ‘anti-homophobia’ policy
Did the Hamilton Diocese support giving the HPV vaccine in its Catholic schools?
Newfoundland gvmt will put forward transgender ‘bathroom bill’
Montreal school board drops ‘mother’ and ‘father’ from school forms
PEI guide for parents on sexuality criticized, ‘healthy’ for kids to masturbate, touch genitals of ‘familiar adults’
Italian teachers must receive ‘gender equality’ training: government
Italian Catholicism Teacher Comes Under Fire for Asking Students to Rank Sinful Behavior on List That Includes Homosexuality | Christian Post
‘Sexuality education’ for 5-year-olds is ‘not about sex at all’, NZ Planned Parenthood partner says
Home-schooling group warns of effects of U.N. treaty – See more at:
Anti-bullying programs lead to more bullying: Study
5-year-olds need sex ed because of explicit media, Planned Parenthood affiliate says
Sex Education Part 2: The Practical Implications of Explicit Sex Ed Absent Morality
Common Core Standards Leave Parents Out of Education Equation
More evidence that Planned Parenthood deliberately leads kids to sexual ruin for their own profit
Sweetening the pill: a young liberal feminist has a falling out with hormonal contraception
“Seized German Homeschool Kids Returned Home, With Conditions,” The Heartland Institute
““Tebow Bills” and Access to Public School Sports,” Crosswalk
Second group warns about indoctrination during ‘LGBT History Month’
‘Righty or lefty?’: Quiz grills 7th graders about political/social preferences, not hand dominance
‘Transgender’ boy accused of harassing girls in the restroom at Colorado school: school denies
‘Transgender’ man kicked out of social club after disturbing females in the restroom
Massachusetts mother pushes back against homosexual activism in son’s high school
Gay Sex Pundit Paid $24K To Talk Fisting, Gorilla-Suit Fetishes With Students
Parents group urges Va.: Don’t fund gay-transvestite student centers with taxpayer dollars
Nearly one quarter of college students in Britain will get an STD freshman year, a new study finds
Controversial ‘tell all’ teen sex exhibit headed to Kitchener
Catholic schools: Ontario court weighs religion exemption
Halton Catholic school board will vote on HPV vaccine Nov 5th
Quebec gov. considers even more religious restrictions in its values charter: claims public support
Quebec human rights commission condemns ‘radical’ charter of values
Bishop obeys govt order to remove Catholic school teaching on sinfulness of homosexual acts
Japan withdraws support of controversial HPV vaccine over safety concerns
Exclusive: Mexican archbishop defends school that refused admission to child with ‘two fathers’
Scotland: School allows boy to dress as a girl – against mum’s wishes
MASS: Angry mother files bill in Mass. Legislature after son was referred to outside “gay” club by school. Gives powerful testimony at public hearing, with support from MassResistance.
Are Anti-Bullying Programs Having An Opposite Effect?
Homeschoolers ask Supreme Court to defend German homeschoolers from Obama administration
Public Schools “Celebrating” LGBT History Month
Transforming America’s Schools into Authoritarian Instruments of Compliance | John Whitehead at Rutherford Institute
Girl Scouts and reproductive rights: it’s no laughing matter
State universities dole out medically inaccurate, biased advice on homosexuality: Investigation
CA: Jerry Brown targets ‘every kid in public school with gender-bending brainwashing’ Parents appalled with AB 1266 erasing gender distinctions in public schools – See more at: http://savecalifornia.com/8-12-13-parents-appalled-with-public-school-gender-bending-bill-signed-by-jerry-brown.html#sthash.TpFADI3M.dpuf
DC: Diversity officer sues university over suspension for signing marriage petition
Fighting the Teaching of Obscenity in Schools – Written By David E. Smith
Indiana Catholic diocese faces legal setback in case of teacher fired for undergoing IVF
MD: Take Action: Parent Physically Thrown Out of Meeting for Questioning Common Core
SCOTUS declines appeal by Christian university administrator fired for homosexuality column
RI: Catholic Providence College withdraws speaking invitation for same-sex ‘marriage’ advocate
Government-approved middle school books contain nudity, rape, and bestiality in Argentina
British Columbia pro-family group exposes gay agenda behind Surrey ‘Safe Schools’ program
Parents outraged at Halton Catholic Board’s attempt to ‘ram through’ HPV vaccine
‘We need the pedophile’: Child-love sympathizer to keynote conference at University of Toronto
Nova Scotia, Canada: Why an “inclusive” Mother’s Day is exclusionary
Philippines politician introduces trio of bills supporting homosexuality, sex-ed
Scotland: “Call for right to remove kids from gay marriage lessons”
WHO sex-ed guidelines promote masturbation, abortion, homosexuality to children: parents outraged
U. Arizona seeks to boost transgender studies program
Coalition forms in California to overturn ‘bathroom bill’ via referendum
CA: Governor Brown Signs Another Law That Will Harm Innocent Children
Parents support 11-year-old gender confused daughter to go back to school as a boy
Sex education for kindergarteners has only one agenda
MN: 2nd “gay teacher” leaves Totino-Grace Catholic School
NY: Ministerial Exception Defense Rejected In Suit By “Transgender Catholic School Teacher”
Rutherford County Schools Say NO to Posters that Note “Safe Places ” for Homosexual Students – Community Group Says “YES” (With Audio)
Australia: Homosexuality is no longer an abomination, says Penrith Christian School
Opposition Tories demand Manitoba define ‘bullying’ in new bill
Frosh Week insanity: students chant praises of ‘non-consensual’ sex with ‘underage’ girls
‘We are empty’: Police storm German homeschooling family’s house, seize children
Left guilty of ‘arrogant bullying’ of homophobia law opponents, Italian law prof says
Scotland: School children to be fed ‘gay’-promoting lessons
Swedish family hit with huge fine for homeschooling their child
Catholic school: Teacher’s gay ‘marriage’ is ‘directly contrary to church teachings’
USC Mislabels Sexual Assault To Keep Crime Numbers Low, Clery Complaint Says
Cal. gov. signs bill allowing ‘transgender’ students to use opposite sex bathrooms, locker rooms
California School District Settles with DOJ: Transgender Student Can Use Boys’ Bathroom | CNS
Anthony Esolen on “Bullying Prevention” in Public Schools
MI: A Pulpit for Bullies
Gay principal at Ontario Catholic school loses license over partner’s sexual abuse of students
Toronto School Board refuses to say why it reinstated teacher who posted graphic gay sex brochures
German homeschooling family closer to deportation: Would illegal status have been better option?
Scottish man fined $62,000 for ‘homophobic’ Twitter message
A brief history of sex ed: How we reached today’s madness
Why You Can’t Teach Just Abstinence
“Sixth Circuit Denies Romeike Rehearing, HSLDA Promises to go to Supreme Court,” Home School Legal Defense Association
“What Public Schools Should Learn from Homeschool Economics,” The Acton Institute
Public Schools Impacted by Supreme Court Marriage Decisions | Christian Post
The Rainbow Assault on America’s Children – Linda Harvey
Family groups: Misuse of ‘Bert and Ernie’ akin to child endangerment
This is ‘civil rights’? Pro-family leaders react to California school’s transgender settlement
CA: Open lesbian still teaching at Pleasanton parish
Judge rules in favor of student thrown out of class for saying he doesn’t support gay lifestyle
After a seventeen year legal battle, Illinois’s parental consent law will go into effect | Live Action News
ACLU seeks ban on Gideon Bibles in KY schools | Jeremy Tedesco on KKLA with Frank Sontag
“Ohio lawmaker wants property tax break for homeschool families,” Fox 19
Texas school district backtracks on benefits for same-sex partners | One News Now
DOJ ripped for making transgender restroom use new front in civil rights battle
No Free Speech for University Employees? | Caffeinated Thoughts
“College Employee Fired for Opposing Comparison of Gay Rights With Black Civil Rights Movement?” | Christian Post
Manitoba students face ‘consequences’ for defying pro-gay ‘code of conduct’
Ontario Ed. Minister says she would sign controversial sex-ed curriculum without reading it
Deputy Ed. minister accused of child porn opposed criminal checks for adults working with children
Ontario Premier denies accused child-porn maker had role in explicit sex-ed curriculum
Accused child-porn maker marched with Trudeau and Wynne in Toronto Pride 2013
Top Ontario official arrested for child porn said sex-charged equity program was a ‘priority’
Ontario Tory leader questions premier over accused child porn maker’s role in radical sex-ed program
Top Ontario education official and premier’s appointee charged with making child porn
Gay columnist wishes Ontario’s Premier was ‘more up front from the outset about her gay activism’
Victory in Quebec (re Home Education)
‘Not flexible’: Yukon Education Minister resolute on barring Catholic teaching on homosexuality
Eastern European Countries: Bans on Homosexual Propaganda Advance Despite Western Outrage
German homeschool family denied asylum in the U.S. appeals to Supreme Court
Vladimir Putin signs bill protecting children from homosexual propaganda
UNICEF Claims Children Have Right to Confidential Sex Services
Vatican blasts UN Security Council call for ‘sexual and reproductive health’
Obama admin. seeks to take unconstitutional college speech codes nationwide
President Obama introduced at Gay Pride event by third graders
Common Core Education Standards Generate Catholic Concerns
Home School Enrollment Increases Nationwide, According to Report
ADF attorney: Universities heeding our call to protect religious rights | One News Now
An Unlikely Convert: A Former Lesbian Professor’s Journey to Faith
Queering education: it’s worse than you think
6-year-old ‘transgender’ boy must be allowed to use girls’ bathroom: Colorado officials
Classroom bullying? Check out this professor
At Tenn. community college, ‘diversity’ for me but not for thee?
Christian College Expels Lesbian Student, Asks for Tuition
Inclusivity Week: different sexual orientations celebrated at Ontario Catholic school
Toronto District School Board opens its first co-ed washroom
Sex ed in New Zealand ‘seriously flawed,’ dangerous: report
Obama’s FDA approves over-the-counter abortifacient for 15-year-olds
“HHS Website For Girls, 10 to 16, Informs Youth About Birth Control, Gay Sex, ‘Mutual Masturbation’”
Re: Asylum for Homeschoolers | Benjamin Brophy at American Spectator
Catholic Bishop criticizes Boy Scouts’ membership decision
Faith-Based Organizations React, Cut Ties with Boy Scouts of America
Boy Scouts as pederastic cotton candy
Exclusive: Judith Reisman predicts dire consequences of ‘eroticizing the campsite’
Boy Scout Backers Launch Effort for New Youth Program
Girl Scouts versus right and wrong
Girl Scouts Join Planned Parenthood at Huge Pro-Abortion Conference
School forces girls to ask for lesbian kiss
“Engaging Gay Activists on Campus: A Primer,” Intercollegiate Review
“Federal Student Loan Decisions To Include Gay Families”
BLOG: An Invite From the Gender-Studies Folks – Glenn Stanton
California Students Learn About STD Website in School
MASS: Smith College Says No to Trans Students
OH: Court awards lesbian $170,000 after being fired from Catholic school for using IVF
Catholic teachers’ union backs diocese in firing of homosexual teacher
OR: Abstinence impossible, abortion a right: ‘pissed feminist’ to teens at Planned Parenthood-led event
Teens teach porn class, and other madness: inside a Planned Parenthood-sponsored conference
PA: School District Not Liable in Student Bullying, 3rd Circuit Court Rules
ACLU Warns High School Principal Who Removed Transgender Pennsylvania Student From Prom King Ballot
TX: ‘Erotic dream’ leads to teacher sex with girl
Woman even takes teen shopping for sex toy
WI: Parents erupt over school’s official Cross-Dressing Day
Manitoba Teachers’ Society votes to infuse ‘LGBTQ’ issues throughout provincial curricula
Pro-gay rapper, dissenters to headline Ontario Catholic Teachers Assoc ‘social justice’ conference
Coalition asks Ontario gvmt to bring back radical sex ed agenda
Ontario Catholic school survey says being ‘against homosexuality’ is ‘extremely homophobic’
Police investigate teacher who posted graphic gay sex brochures in 7-8 Toronto classroom
School board reinstates teacher who posted graphic gay sex brochures in 7/8 classroom
Toronto Catholic teacher: Joining gay club is ‘embodiment of a perfectly-formed Catholic conscience’
Toronto’s Catholic trustees reject ban on homosexual activist clubs
‘Femi-lobby’ designed and approved ‘Gender Studies’ course hits Ontario high schools this fall
Columbus Bishop risks jail defending Catholic school that fired teacher for coming out as lesbian
Victory: Croatian court quashes Kinsey-based national sex-ed curriculum
European Parliament member promotes pedophilia as part of the sexual revolution
Schools are not “romping shops”: Jamaican Ed. Minister says no to condoms in schools
Swedish School Opens Gender-neutral Changing Room
Catholic elementary school has leading UK gay lobby group educate students on “homophobic bullying
London, UK: Lower the age of consent to 13? Why stop there?
Teach students ‘how to view porn’, gvmt-approved group tells UK teachers
Pressure builds from both sides as Boy Scouts weigh gay policy”
Boy Scouts propose motion to allow gay scouts, maintain adult ban
Calif. pro-LGBT bill targets youth orgs, threatens tax-exempt status | One News Now
Day of Silence: How Should Christians Respond?
“Day of Silence” — annual homosexual assault on children in schools — taking place this Friday, April 19. Parents can fight back!
Also: “Day of Silence” organizers produce absurd video to attack pro-family activist Linda Harvey
Friday’s Day of Silence: Partisan Abuse of Public Resources
Written By Laurie Higgins
The SPLC’s Newest Ideas for Public Schools
ACLU Hails Introduction of Key House Bill to Stop Discrimination and Improve Lives of LGBT Students
Florida: “Tweak in state bill could thwart proposed gay-straight middle school group”
Illinois House committee OKs state recognition of National Day of Silence
“Comprehensive” Sex Education Passes Illinois House
IN: “Shut Up for Gay Rights, Says Dean of Students”
OH: “Backers rally for fired gay teacher: She says Catholic school was told of her female partner”
Austin schools to offer insurance benefits to domestic partners | Austin American Statesman via InsuranceNews.net
Utah’s Snow College Changes Policies to Restore Students’ Religious Freedom
Take Action: Home School Group Urges Government to Protect German Family
Home School Group Gets 100,000 Signatures to Keep German Family in the U.S.
Boy or Girl? “Hey! Make it Up as You Go Along Children”. Transgender Gestapo Enforce Anti-Bullying Laws.
Equality’s Next Victims: Transgendering Our Children
Keep Your Kids Home on Homosexuality-Affirming ‘Day of Silence’
Cross-dressing student sues Baptist university after being expelled for lying about his sex
California Dept. of Education adds dozens of gay, transgender titles to recommended reading list
“Dispute on Transgender Rights Unfolds at a Colorado School” | NYT
“GLAD Files Appeal on Behalf of Maine Transgender Student”
MASS: Lesbian Mary, mother of God!
‘Sex Week’ interruptus after taxpayer revolt
Whoa! Now schools teach kids to pleasure THIS …
Homosexual activists in Minnesota move to ban unsupportive speech in schools
ACLU threatens to sue after Pennsylvania school board blocks Gay-Straight Alliance club
PA: ACLU gives Chambersburg until Wednesday to permit Gay-Straight Alliance at high school; no board meeting scheduled
“Boy Scout leaders face controversy over gay leaders: Leaders meet to discuss the issue”
2nd VIEW: Scouts could face ‘flood of litigation’ if policy changes | Baptist Press
Evangelicals: Manitoba’s ‘anti-bullying’ Bill 18 violates religious freedom
“Federal minister: bill mandating gay clubs in Manitoba schools is ‘unconstitutional’”
Yukon Education Minister orders Catholic bishop to remove policy on same-sex attracted students
State-funded Irish charity promoted sexual “threesomes” for teens as “a bit of fun”
Ireland: New laws to ‘protect’ gay and lesbian teachers
Scotland: Attempt to ‘edge out’ school chaplains over ‘gay marriage’
UK budget to deny tax breaks for stay-at-home-moms intended to drive kids into state care: critics
Public schools: sexual perversion, “good,” Christian T-shirt, “inappropriate”
BLOG: Sky Fall: Gender Ideology Comes to the Schoolhouse
Activists Try to Promote Gay Ideology During Reading Event
Planned Parenthood brings sexualizing message to 11-year-olds
Students Who Refuse to Affirm Transgender Classmates Face Punishment
Homosexual Faux-Marriage and Public Education
A lesbian non-relative has parental rights, sex ed soon to become harder to avoid, and more
Take Action: Florida Lawmakers Introduce Marriage Education Bills
Chicago Proposes Sex Ed For Kindergartners
Massachusetts forces schools to let ‘transgender’ boys use girls’ restrooms, lockers
MD: school district pulls bullying curriculum with ‘ex-gay’ references http://www.washingtonblade.com/2013/02/08/md-school-district-pulls-bullying-curriculum-with-ex-gay-references/
NC: NARAL Denies Abortion Increases Pre-Term Birth Risk, Opposes NC Sex Ed Law
PA: Susquehanna Valley United Way ‘pauses’ Boy Scout contribution until homosexual policy settled
ACLU demands PA school remove sex site Internet filters
British Columbia teachers plan to use ‘Day of Pink’ to teach homosexual indoctrination
B.C. parents outraged after activist group hands out graphic ‘cartoon porn’ in school
Five campus truth assault and civil disobedience is over
Manitoba anti-bullying Bill 18 may force gay-straight alliance clubs on independent religious school
University of Regina joins growing ranks of schools installing ‘gender neutral’ restrooms
New Education Minister a longtime supporter of gay-straight alliances
Croatia: 6th-grade porn teachers exposed: Social civil war erupts over government’s advocacy for Kinsey ‘myths’
U.S. government fighting to deny asylum to German homeschool family
German Homeschool Case May Impact U.S. Homeschool Freedom
UK: “Primary teacher job threat over gay marriage storybook”
New evidence challenges UN Commissioner’s call for comprehensive sex education
LGBTQIA: the expanding gender agenda
GWU Adding Sexual Orientation Question to Law School Application
Surprise investigations aimed at homeschoolers
Connecticut Bill Would Mandate Homeschooler Assessments
Boy Scouts stand strong, delay potential policy reversal
RI: Brown University to pay for students’ sex change procedures
TX: Gay activists celebrate Our Lady of the Lake University’s new policy on homosexuals, transgenders
Ontario Catholic School board to fight lawsuit seeking to exempt student from religious activities
Hamilton schools bullying policy ‘targets traditional…families for re-education ‘: Critic
Hamilton school board to launch anti-bullying app for students, with focus on LGBT
Quebec school to appeal to Canadian Supreme Court for right to teach Catholic religion course
To the Boy Scouts: Social Justice Demands Protection of Children
by Greg Quinlan, president of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX)
Boy Scouts shouldn’t abandon morality: Column
USA TODAY Robert Knight…4:15p.m. EST January 30, 2013
Allowing gay leaders would destroy the Boy Scouts, a bastion of traditional values.
Here’s why Scouts are rethinking ‘gay’ policy
Morally Straight? The Transformation of the Boy Scouts of America | Albert Mohler
AFTAH Joins Call for Resignation of Pro-Homosexual Boy Scouts Board Members Jim Turley and Randall Stephenson
Boy Scouts take “poll” FOR or AGAINST proposed policy allowing homosexuality in BSA
2nd Circuit Upholds Middle School’s Exclusion of Religious Blessing From Student’s Speech At School Ceremony
Parent power makes itself felt in California school system
HSLDA Defends Homeschooling Family in Nebraska Supreme Court
New Hampshire Sex Ed Bill Supports Family Values
North Dakota boots Planned Parenthood sex ed program
TX: More school choice would save state billions
Ontario’s new lesbian Premier promises to bring back explicit lower grades sex-ed curriculum
‘Stop partnership scandals’, outraged parents tell Ottawa Catholic School Board in meeting
OH University fires Christian who opposed comparisons between “gays” and blacks in civil rights struggle
Homosexual activist prof. at University of Regina charged with child porn possession
University of Toronto Newman Centre under fire for opening doors to Courage ministry
Vancouver Archbishop defends proposed Protestant law school against attacks by gay activists
Proposed B.C. Christian law school attacked by pro-gay activists over voluntary morality pledge
Italian teacher under fire after speaking out against homosexual agenda
Teachers will be sacked and children will be indoctrinated if gay ‘marriage’ bill goes through
New research offers clue on how to improve education outcomes for Canadian kids: Two parents
Homeschooler’s neighbor sparks social services case: Investigator did ‘drive-by,’ said family was planning to flee
Boy Scouts Win Big
Eliminating feminist teacher bias erases boys’ falling grades, study finds
BLOG: School Safety, Climate Hinge on Communication
Holyoke School Committee shuns Cesar Lopez’ attempt to change how school assemblies are held as Gay Straight Alliance event set
California Parent Questions State Law Promoting Gay Agenda
“Gay program at St. Francis Parish, Sacramento”
NH: Non-religious ‘opt-out’ for sex education proposed
Washington, D.C.: University reinstates diversity officer suspended over gay ‘marriage’ stance
Canadian law prof. wants provinces to force ‘queering’ of Catholic schools
BC: Gay teacher suspended after showing fourth graders homosexually-charged Christmas video
ON: Catholic chaplains/principals promote summer camp run by dissidents, gay activists: parents protest
University of Toronto sex party isn’t an orgy – it’s strictly consensual, say organizers
Quebec bishops slam court decision forcing private school to teach ‘neutral’ religion/morality class
French government warns Catholic schools to stay ‘neutral’ on homosexual ‘marriage’
Most homosexuals don’t want to ‘marry’ or adopt, French homosexual leader admits
South African Christian college under attack over ex-gay therapy
Sweden pursues homeschoolers … again
Judge finally rules on ‘Mark of the Beast’
5 Things You Should Know About Religious Freedom On Campus
“Married lesbian named Academic Dean at UC Hastings”
50-year-old transsexual ‘woman’ makes college basketball debut: video
Jesuit university blog cheers gay “marriage,” offers tax advice
Notre Dame introduces gay-straight allies group
University Pays Up For Expelling Christian: Female student booted for not promoting homosexuality | WND
Forcing Catholic school to teach “secular” religion course is ‘totalitarian,’ critics say
Quebec court forces Catholic school to teach ‘neutral’ course on religion and morality
University of Saskatchewan issues campus safety alert over ‘truth about homosexuality’ pamphlets
German officials threaten homeschoolers: ‘We’ll be back’
Sweden: Court terminates parental rights in homeschool case
MD: Public school superintendent makes anti-gay slurs with school board’s approval (not really)
MI: Teacher plays pro-gay ‘marriage’ song for 8th grade class
Alberta School Boards Association rejects ‘sexual orientation’ policy
Homeschooling: freedom’s last stand
Alberta homeschool group slams CBC program as ‘anti-home education and anti-religious’
The letter the Calgary Herald rejected: Alberta homeschool group responds to politician
CBC trashes homeschooling mothers as incompetent, uneducated, and sexually irresponsible
Calgary Catholic schools to offer HPV vaccine despite bishop’s opposition
Parents are the solution to bullying, not government legislation: thinktank
Nova Scotia would be ‘worst place in Canada’ for homeschoolers if gvmt heeds new report
Costa Rica archbishop: parents should keep kids out of public school sex ed classes
Ban children’s books depicting traditional families: ‘gender stereotyping’ says EU report
Kenya to outlaw homeschooling?
I was bullied out of Oxford for being a Conservative
Video: Rick Santorum, Sen. Mike Lee, homeschool leader blast invasive UN treaty
Planned Parenthood and the UNFPA: two peas in a pod
Planned Parenthood expands promiscuity-pushing sex-ed program thanks to Obamacare funding
Want fewer bullies? Expert calls for actively engaged parents – Why bullying legislation is on the wrong track
Pope’s emissary in US: Dissident Catholic profs are ‘grave’ threat to religious liberty
Majority of Catholic colleges host pro-homosexual groups: survey
ACLU sues to force elementary libraries to display lesbian advocacy book
UPS Delivers Blow to Boy Scouts: Ends Donations under New Pro-Gay Philanthropy Policy
‘Transgender’ man may continue using girls’ locker room, says college
“ADF: Transgender Issue Putting Youngsters At Risk” | One News Now
School contraceptive jabs to 13 year-olds without parental consent – a dangerous strategy
MN: “Petition seeks ouster of anti-gay activist from Anoka-Hennepin task force on bullying”
State Denies Tuition Benefits for Toddler With Special Needs
Montana has decided not to provide these funds if children attend faith-based schools.
WA: BLOG: Why This School is O.K. with a Man Exposing Himself to Young Girls
Alberta School Boards Association rejects ‘sexual orientation’ policy
Alberta trustee under fire for suggesting gay teens should be less open
Alberta School Board Association wants compulsory kindergarten, ‘LGBTT-inclusive policies’
Pro-abortion, anti-family Justin Trudeau invited to speak at Ottawa Catholic school
Judge: Parents have no right to know what homosexual activist taught their children in school
Nova Scotia would be ‘worst place in Canada’ for homeschoolers if gvmt heeds new report
Kenya: Homeschool Movement Ignored by Parliament
Sweden: Johansson Family Back in Court
Sweden and Germany: Parents shed tears over homeschool-crackdown horrors
Will teachers be fired for not teaching gay ‘marriage’?: UK education minister won’t rule it out
UNFPA promotes contraception as human right, promiscuity as healthy
Private Religious Colleges and Free Speech | Greg Lukianoff of FIRE at the Volokh Conspiracy
Exclusive: Matt Barber on how advocated techniques mirror those of pedophiles
‘Obama is telling kids, f— your parents’
Sex Ed: Is Your School Respecting Your Family’s Values
BLOG: Sex Ed: How Do I Find Out What’s Happening in the Classroom
“Abstinence education gets an ‘A’ from parents,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
“Who supports abstinence education? Parents,” The Washington Examiner
“Airbrushing Abstinence,” ChristianityToday.com
‘Catholic’ university hosts pro-abortion theologian who compares Mass to gay sex
NSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli says the government is committed to stamping out homophobic bullying in schools, but his department won’t approve teaching material aimed at stamping out “heterosexism”.
Alberta homeschoolers ‘thank God’ after proposed Education Act significantly revised
German politician blasts ‘state education monopoly,’ speaks out for homeschooling
Will Your Child Attend LGBT ‘mixer’ At School?
The Phony GLSEN School Climate Survey
Of Supreme Court Justices and Gay Manifestos in Public School
Gay teens will die, but who is to blame?
The next big thing in sex-ed: the evil of heterosexism
HPV vaccine gets behaviour tick
CA: School holds surprise ‘Gay’ Day for kindergartners
Parents outraged at public elementary’s secretive ‘coming out’ event
ID: Notre Dame debate to feature ‘the gay moralist’
IOWA: Law prof denied job because of pro-life, pro-family activism: lawsuit
“Gallaudet asks same-sex marriage opponents to pull ad”
“Gay Rights May Get Its Brown v. Board of Education” | Harvard L. Prof. Michael J. Klarman at NYT
BLOG: Video-Game Style Sex-Ed — Texas School Introduces Controversial Curriculum
Texas AG Intervenes in Christian Banner Dispute
WASHINGTON, D.C.: University ‘diversity’ administrator placed on leave after signing marriage petition
Children to be taught ‘heterosexuality not the norm’ in Australian schools project
NDP LGBTT critic admits ‘national anti-bullying’ motion really about ‘sexism,’ ‘homophobia’
Gov’t Minister to Catholics: Teach pro-life as long as you accept woman’s right to choose
Ontario Bishop Mulhall: We won’t let the government define Catholic teaching
Laurel Broten: Canada’s Number One Bully
Thousands call on Ontario minister to resign over ‘no pro-life in Catholic schools’ comment
Petition: Ed. Minister must resign over ‘no pro-life in Catholic schools’ order
Ontario’s government’s Broten and Bill 13 must go
School trustee demands Education Minister retract ‘anti-Catholic’ statements
Official transcript confirms: Ontario minister says Catholic schools can’t teach pro-life views
Cardinal rebukes McGuinty gvmt: Catholic schools’ pro-life activities guaranteed in Constitution
Swedish Appeals Court Permits Home Schooling Of Chabad Children
National Survey Reveals Bipartisan Support for Sexual Risk Avoidance
WARNING: October could taint your child for life: Kids to drink ‘gay’ Kool-Aid – Exclusive: Scott Lively outlines pederastic roots of celebrated LGBT history
TRR REPORTS: Is Gay Group Bullying a Small Town?
“Question and Answers for Kids about Homosexuality,” http://missionamerica.com/articletext.php?artnum=283
The outrageous HRC article slamming Mission For America’s flyer: Extremist Christian Group Publishes Hateful, Anti-Gay Pamphlet…for Kids
Wear radio chip or be expelled, school tells students
Government tells Catholic school to teach Islam? Michael Carl
Closure could be penalty for noncompliance
Atheist teens ”coming out”
Judge OKs social workers’ invasion of homeschoolers
Failed Policy? Contraceptive-based Sex Ed, “Morning After” Pill
Shock claim: ‘Every dead gay kid a victory’
Schools respond to ‘Mix It Up’ day, SPLC exposed
IL: Chicago Librarian Says Kids Should Read Anything They Want
“Notre Dame staff seek gay, lesbian protection”
Catholic League: Homosexuality Implicated in Boy Scout Child Molestation Files
Gender confusion in Toronto school washrooms
Toronto school board poster promotes polygamy
School Board advises children to sexually experiment by inserting vegetables up each other’s rear end.
School boards are setting guidelines that allow all staff and students to use washrooms of the opposite sex if they feel their gender identity is of the opposite gender.
Click Here to see the TDSB Guidelines for Accomodation of Transgender Staff and Students
School boards have put out curriculum that encourages children to question their gender by telling them they may not be the same gender as their body.
Click Here to see the “Equitable & Inclusive Schools” Policy
School boards are putting up posters that will confuse children by showing boys cross-dressing, and telling kids need to “question their assumptions”.
School boards are targeting kindergarten children with six gender teaching.
Click here to see the “Both/And” curriculum
German parents lose custody of their children for homeschooling
Scottish children called ‘Nazis’ for opposing ‘gay marriage’, says bishops’ official
Tasmanian same-sex marriage supporters lost in Parliament, but they win in the schools
Wales considers forced registration for home schoolers
Questions & Answers for Kids about Homosexuality: New online flyer from Mission America
Christian organizations’ ‘Yardstick’ evaluates anti-bullying policies for pro-LGBT bias
GLSEN National School Climate Survey 2011 of LGBT Students’ Experiences | Huffington Post
Bishop stands firm against STD vaccine in Catholic schools despite lawsuit threat
ACLU sues Cal. school for abstinence in sex ed on behalf of American Academy of Pediatrics
Parents Liable for Not Vaccinating Children?
Schools warned of major ‘intimidation’ by ACLU
Franciscan University defends deviant behavior course – The within-the-bubble attack
UPDATED: Franciscan U of Steubenville under investigation for teaching homosexuality as deviant
A Tale of Two Ivies: How Our Nation’s Most Elite Universities Lost Their Way and Sold Their Souls to Porn Stars, Sadomasochists, and Sexual Obsession
GA: Seminary professor fired for beliefs on homosexuality: complaint
Washington Bishops: Gay “Marriage” Threat to Catholic Education
These are not the government’s kids – George Jonas
Nurturing children: Why “early learning” doesn’t help
Ontario: Christian dad fighting for parental rights smeared in local press
Ontario dad sues school board over no opt out classes on sex
Ontario being selective about religious accommodation – Christina Blizzard
‘You’ve lost the battle’: Gay activist Catholic teacher taunts parental rights supporters
Education Minister supports school boards in refusing parents’ right to pull kids from sex classes
TDSB fee hike raises rent for church group 800% By Joe Warmington ,Toronto Sun
Case against Gideon Bibles in schools to be heard by Ontario Human Rights Tribunal
UK: Cameron: church schools should not say homosexuality is a sin
Could British teachers be sacked for opposing gay marriage? Probably, says QC
Christian organizations’ ‘Yardstick’ evaluates anti-bullying policies for pro-LGBT bias
ADF’s “Anti-Bullying Policy Yardstick” is available here (5 pages).
Planned Parenthood targets gay youth with ‘LGBTTIQQ2S’ resource explaining gay/lesbian sex
Cal. public charter school uses drama to promote marriage redefinition
Cal. suit challenges school abstinence only message
PA Christian school claims teaching hiring decision over homosexuality doctrine, not disability
Campbell Brown: Teachers Unions Go to Bat for Sexual Predators
The system to review misconduct is rigged so even abusive teachers can stay on the job.
Sex education has little impact on teen pregnancy
Nurturing children: Why “early learning” doesn’t help: Children should start attending school later, not earlier, Canadian development psychologist Dr. Gordon Neufeld reveals. Early learning programs for young children have no benefits for kids, he adds. So why are governments running down the opposite track?
Students ‘tracked like cattle’ by radio chips
Disturbing Narrative Demeaning Parents’ Ability To Choose Best School For Their Child Continues
Conservative Christian Scholar Says Seminaries Discriminated Against Him Because of His Beliefs
Ontario Catholic school board (Windsor) becomes first to announce it will allow GSAs
Liberty Counsel Sending Religious Freedom Handbook to Every Public School in America
New Obama anti-bullying campaign targets parents
ACLU: Federal judge orders Ocala, Florida school to allow gay straight alliance
PA: Catholic college denies petition for homosexual club
UK roundup: Oxford says male students can wear skirts to exams, others
Oxford University changes dress code to meet needs of transgender students
Source of school bullying ID’d – it’s the teachers union!
New Rules for Homeschooling in Saskatchewan
Swedish high school student fails bio class for saying homosexuality ‘abnormal’
Federal Legislators Promote Abstinence Education
MassResistance: Graphic homosexual sex flier given to kids at state-supported “youth pride” event – What the homosexual movement’s claim to teach kids “tolerance” is really about.
CAUTION: THE MATERIAL BELOW is gross and disgusting. We are publishing it “as is” to show what is being given to kids as young as middle-school age at state-supported events.
OH: School District admits no wrongdoing agrees to pay ACLU $35,000 in “gay bullying” case
Homeschool organization warns about imminent U.S. passage of UN treaty
Grooming Kids in a “Gay” Identity: Aren’t we setting them up for pedophilia? By Linda Harvey, World Net Daily
Boy Scouts reaffirm ban on homosexuals
Is our obsession with bullying limiting freedom of speech? If every offensive remark is called bullying, we begin to surrender the right to express even legitimate opinions.
Tory MPP: Way ‘anti-bullying’ bill was passed showed ‘blatant disrespect’ for democracy
Ontario bishops’ response to Bill 13 passage not exactly a trumpet blast
Catholic parents’ group: trustees obliged to refuse to implement Gay-Straight Alliances
ACLU: Ignore parents, give kids THIS (Lesbian book) at school
Gay Sensitivity-Training Bill Advances in California
How SB 48 will Impact your Children
OnebyOne Luncheon: Linda Harvey shares concerns for America’s children
Illinois: GLSEN kicked out of elementary school classrooms
ACLU threatens Utah parents’ right to protect children from same-sex propaganda
School retreats spotlight ‘kinky sex,’ plastic genitals: Board member: ‘No one held a gun to anybody’s head. It was no big deal’
Lesbian teen faked anti-gay notes that sparked college’s ‘Solidarity Rally’
Ontario gvmt sets “dangerous precedent” of bypassing Catholic boards in teacher contract deal
Parent group urges Ontario Catholic school trustees to defy law supporting gay clubs
Ontario high school selects ‘transgender’ man as prom queen
Toronto school board promotes curriculum encouraging students to cross-dress
Home educators to meet in Berlin
Illinois school district ejects homosexual activist curriculum
McGuinty’s Education Minister named ‘grand marshal’ of Toronto Gay Pride
Justin Trudeau at secondary school: Catholic opposition to gay-straight alliances ‘repulsive’
Good News In Swedish Home School Case. Parents And Child To Be Reunited At Long Last
Illinois School Board Chooses Parents Over GLSEN School Curriculum – CitizenLink Staff, Focus on the Family – GLSEN’s “Ready, Set, Respect” is deeply disrespectful
Mass Resistance Attacked by Renegade Judge and “Gay” Activist
Trying to silence critics who expose harm to kids – Mass Resistance report
ACLU wants Utah school district to reconsider restrictions on lesbian couple book
Washington Parents Deem Sex-Ed Lesson Too Racy
Bulgarian Officials Persecute Pastor over Homeschooling
Do anti-bullying laws work?
Why we need to reconsider the rush to legislate By Peter Jon Mitchell | June 8, 2012
Christian group demands Ontario school board use Bill 13 to protect students from ‘Christophobia’ by Peter Baklinski Wed Jun 13, 2012 15:56 EST
Catholic schools will follow Ontario’s gay-straight club requirement
Ontario school trustee resigns over McGuinty gov’t gay-straight alliance mandate
Gay-straight alliances starting up in Ontario elementary schools
Gay activists threaten to challenge Catholic doctrine in court if schools don’t follow Bill 13
Ontario ‘human rights’ chief suggests Bill 13 may be applied to private schools
McGuinty ‘anti-bullying’ gay rights Bill 13 passes 65-36
Nightmare soon to end?: Court vindicates Swedish homeschooling parents in state kidnapping case
101 books Gen Ys must read before they die: Looking for controversy? Here it is: the must-read list for people who hate to read.
We’re here! We’re un-queer! Get used to it! Demand: School’s ‘prejudice, slurs, hate’ aimed at ex-homosexuals must end
“Anti-Bullying Laws are Pro Gay: Christian Groups”
The trouble with the anti-bullying crusade
VIDEO: teen recounts pro-gay teacher fuming at him for Catholic stance
Profs at Jesuit universities lash out at bishops for opposing HHS mandate, gay ‘marriage’
10 reasons to walk out on ‘Day of Silence’ – Exclusive: Linda Harvey urges rejection of sin-affirming pro-homosexuality event
Here’s the next assault on the Boy Scouts …
Lesbian removed from leadership post coordinates campaign against private group
Lesbian ousted as Scout den mother: Ohio troop runs afoul of bylaws
The case of the lesbian Den Mother: Moral reasoning exposed
THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE & CogWatch: 93 ACADEMIA’S PURGE CONTINUES-WHO IS NEXT TO FALL BEFORE THE LEFT?http://englishmanif.blogspot.ca/2017/05/the-truth-shall-set-you-free.html?m=1
Dems kill crackdown on teacher-student sex
‘Another reason for conscientious parents to flee government school system’
Increasing Number of Kids Are Growing Up Addicted to Porn, UK Panel
(Includes lengthy report to Parliament)
How internet porn turned my beautiful boy into a hollow, self-hating shell
Teacher gets class pedophile pen pal
50 forbidden words in school get 2nd look
Birthdays, evolution, politics among terms thought too offensive
THE GAYING OF AMERICA: 10 reasons to walk out on ‘Day of Silence’
Exclusive: Linda Harvey urges rejection of sin-affirming pro-homosexuality event
Early puberty—or is it?
Abstinence education reduces teen sex rates, study shows
War on U.S. homeschoolers escalates: State can snatch kids thanks to Supreme Court
Incoming UC Students May Be Asked To Declare Their Sexual Orientation
Idaho: Supreme Court Turns Down Charter School Case
Legal group takes aim at U. of Idaho student group policy
Illinois: The New Bullying Amendment Exposed – HB 5290
Iowa bishop reverses decision, allows LGBT scholarship award at Catholic high school
Wheaton President: Wheaton College upholds Christian values despite new law
MI: Howell student’s video about classroom incident gets national attention
Missouri: GOP lawmaker came out as gay during speech
OH: Catholic School Teacher May Challenge Her Firing For Using Artificial Insemination
OH: “Transgender student claims Miami University shows bias in housing”
TN: “Gay Posting in High School Yearbook Causes Outrage”
TX: Prof Charges Religious Discrimination After Discipline For Refusing To Attend Show On “Gay Rights”
Ottawa’s award-winning way of killing off childhood
Ottawa (sex) exhibition modified after complaints
Canadian gvmt calls for LifeSite readers to complain against tax-funded ‘tell-all’ sex exhibit
Canadian sexpert calls for sex ed to teach teens about ‘pleasurable moaning’
Toronto Catholic school hosts ‘transgendered’ Miss Universe contestant
Ontario Catholic Teachers Association hosts conference promoting gay agenda
Orthodox leaders urge Ontario gvmt to scrap gay rights bill
Parents: school board duplicity on anti-gay bullying vs. Christophobia, other bullying
Ontario gay ‘rights’ bill heads to committee after 66-33 vote
McGuinty Liberals fast track anti-bullying Bill 13, final vote in late May
Catholic school board criticized from both sides over equity booklet debacle
Canada: Ontario – Gvmt minister rebukes bishops on Catholic sexual teaching: ‘You’re not allowed to do that anymore!’
Ontario, Canada: Waterloo Catholic trustee proposes then drops motion to allow gay-straight alliances
Protests erupt across Ontario against Liberal gvmt ‘anti-bullying’ Bill 13
Gloves are off: Gay activist ‘Marc Hall coalition’ reunites to demand GSAs in Catholic schools
Ontario faces ‘years of litigation’ if McGuinty’s anti-bullying bill passes: Evangelicals
Video: Ontario Bill 13 rally outrage over government imposing gay agenda in all schools
Spirited, diverse crowd at Ontario Legislature demands Bill 13 defeat
Lesbian with kids in Catholic school demands removal of Catechism quote on homosexuality
As parents up in arms, complaint filed against gay public school teacher who bashed Christianity
‘Victory in Alberta!’: Controversial Education Act ‘dies on the books’ over election call
Trojan horse in the Brazilian Congress alters Constitution to establish compulsory institutionalization of young children
Russian Parliament considers national law against gay propaganda aimed at minors
Saudi Arabia Bans Gays and Lesbians from School
Homeschool Heartbeat Radio: Hope for Sweden
UK Catholic Schools Warned of Breaking Law in Opposing Gay Marriage
UK: “Govt minister: gay marriage cost Tories at local election”
Pro-Abortion and Pro-Homosexual Youth Lobby Sent Home Empty-Handed from UN
UN considers recognizing sexual rights for ten-year-old children
U.N. Chief Calls for Universal Access to Abortion and Contraception for Teen Girls
Catholic schools must give ‘balanced perspective’ on gay ‘marriage’: Welsh education minister
Vatican to the UN: all parents have the right to homeschool
Daycare must focus on child, not adult needs, says new report
Changing the way teens think
Does ‘No Name-Calling Week’ Include Christians? How pro-‘gay’ lessons are creating more slurs and name-calling, not less
Vanderbilt University Won’t Back Off Discrimination Policy
Susan G. Komen reverses Planned Parenthood decision: Too little, too late?
CitizenLink Report: National Sex Ed Standards?
Students challenge Yale’s infamously raunchy ‘Sex Week’ with ‘True Love Week’
Grad Student Scores Victory in Gay Counseling Case | CBN
Virginia School District Considers Cross-dressing Ban For Students
WA: School Bullying Victim Receives $100,000 in Damages
WI: Atty Says School Threatened, Punished Boy Who Opposed Gay Adoption
Hate Slurs at VSB must cease! Culture Guard News Release – Vancouver, British Columbia
Newfoundland teams up with homosexual activist group to promote gay-straight alliances
Pro-family think tank blasts McGuinty’s pro-homosexual ‘Equity’ plan
Catholic principal accused of professional misconduct after denying gay-straight alliance
Showdown: Ontario gvmt tells Catholic schools gay clubs policy is non-negotiable
Evangelicals calls for ‘necessary amendments’ to McGuinty’s gay-focused bullying bill
Diversity, equity and bullying in Ontario schools – A new report sorts through the rhetoric
Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy reviewed
Parents! Teachers! Trustees! Respecting difference – By Fr. Alphonse de Valk
Who will protect Ontario’s school children?
Scotland’s opposition parties back same-sex ‘marriage’
Spain’s new government to eliminate homosexualist indoctrination course
Sweden’s New Home Schooling Limits Being Tested By Chabad Rabbi
ADF: New ruling increases pressure to return Swedish child to parents
UK: Girls, 13, given contraceptive implants at school without parental knowledge
Sexual Promiscuity Costing UK Billions of Pounds
Many would prefer religious schools, can’t afford them
“Major Victory for Homeschool Graduates Enlisting in the Military,” William A. Estrada, Esq., Home School Legal Defense Association
Begin Sex Ed in Kindergarten, Says New ‘National Standards’ Report
GLSEN’s Outrageous Elementary School Toolkit
School: Opposition to Gay Adoption is “Bullying”
GSUSA helping ‘groom’ future abortion clients
NEA, Liberal Groups Release National Sex-Ed Standards
BLOG: National ‘Sexuality Standards’ vs. Parental Rights?
CA: Proposed Bill Aims to Accommodate ‘Gender Identity’ in School
California educators normalizing deviancy?
Here’s what’s passed off as behavior that’s perfectly OK
Sex education standards encourage teaching of sexual identity, anti-bullying in schools
BLOG: Homosexual Activist Group Brings Gender Confusion into Elementary Schools
NYC Kicks Religious Groups Out of Schools
In Canadian Province, Catholic Schools Hit By Complaints Under Parental Rights Law
“Ontario government thanks Catholic leaders for support of gay anti-bullying bill”
Bullying in the name of anti-bullying
Ontario MPP: McGuinty anti-bullying bill is deceptive, ‘utopian,’ ‘foolhardy,’ stupid
Quebecers launch first group to help people with unwanted same-sex attraction
Home School Families in Sweden Brace for New Government Assault | The New American
Politician: Take homeschool kids from parents | WorldNetDaily
Explicit ‘Sex Relationship and Education’ in UK Schools
Exposing Kinsey sex atrocities goes global
Seminars held in Rome, Ireland, London; book translated into Chinese
The dwindling NEA
Attorney: ‘Gender liberation’ to spread
Local St. Louis Schools Use Bracelets to Monitor Children at School …And at Home
Teachers as Brain-Changers: Neuroscience and Learning By Wendi Pillars
Family of ‘state-napped’ child beats social services | WND
“Gender-free” Children: The Newest Fad in Public Education LEE DUIGON
Managing editor of Vancouver Xtra homosexual magazine says “we will teach your kids new norms”
New poll suggests Canadians oppose McGuinty’s radical sex ed curriculum
All Ontario teachers will be forced to undergo ‘diversity’ training by 2013: minister
Don Hutchinson: Yes to tolerance. No to mandatory gay-straight clubs
McGuinty: Catholic schools will use the word ‘gay’
Ontario Catholic school boards back gay clubs bill while Catholic League pans it
Catholic schools must remove those practising same-sex relationships
School Choice New Civil Rights Issue
Vatican paper article backs parents over schools as educators in sexual matters
Alan E. Sears: Supreme Court gives schools the OK to boot churches
Review finds number of pro-homosexual clubs rising at U.S. Catholic universities
MI: Student sues school over punishment for stating religious objection to gay lifestyle
MI: Parents’ fury after teacher strips word ‘gay’ from Christmas carol Deck The Halls
Philadelphia Catholic college revises code after firing homosexual prof.
“Hiring [a Lecturer] Stridently Opposed to Gay Rights Goes Against the [University’s] Ethic of Nondiscrimination”
WV: “State school board approves anti-bullying policy to include gay, lesbian students”
Teachers union threatens Catholic rights by backing gay relationships
Australia: Bishop ‘appalled’ that Catholic school denied admission to child of homosexual couple
Swiss bishops dueling over sex ed in schools
‘More Than a Monologue’ preaches homosexuality at Catholic universities
Sex-Ed Classes and the Rape of Our Children’s Innocence (Part 1) – Michael Brown
Sex-Ed Classes and the Rape of Our Children’s Innocence (Part 2) – Michael Brown
A little boy is dead. Another is in prison for the next 21 years.
Because of social engineering in Southern California schools.
New York Times on Sex Education – Laurie Higgins
Complaint against ‘discriminatory’ single-sex dorms at Catholic U. tossed out
Gay activist admits: bullying hysteria may cause suicides, not prevent them
Taking the “Bull” Out Of Anti-Bullying Programs
Homosexual activists ‘increasingly aggressive’: Family Research Council
CT: So long, Sex Week at Yale?
GA: Case of counseling student forced to undergo pro-homosexual ‘sensitivity training’ goes to court
NE: Homeschool Families Face Criminal Charges
The Rhetoric of Chastity: Making Abstinence Sexy
Canada: Anti-bullying bill a front for ‘sex education’ agenda, group says
Ontario gvmt to mandate gay-straight alliances
Toronto schools will not ‘condone’ exemptions from pro-homosexual classes: board chair
Toronto school board threatens Tories over criticism of ‘no opt-out’ policy on homosexual classes
Ontario Premier readies to expel students over gay bullying
Major Canadian paper demands gay-straight clubs in Catholic schools
New Director of education for Toronto Catholic Board – By Catholic Insight Staff – Issue: December 2011
Homosexual flag hoisted over Oxford University college
So this is what they mean by “comprehensive sex education”?
PFOX Fall 2011 Newsletter
Warning: Obama Ed aims at U.S. takeover
All schools – even parents at home – may be forced to teach gov’t agenda
Sex Ed Groups Lobby for Money
“Anti-bullying” bills — a front for more homosexual activism in public schools.
Parents want help — not more pro-gay propaganda!
“Concern over ‘act less gay’ anti-bullying advice” | BBC
BC: Teacher Bully – Click here for video
‘Gay’ activists given free reign in public schools
Study: Sexting Teens More Depressed
More US teenagers are delaying sex
By Lee Duigon – November 3, 2011- NewsWithViews.com
Calif. colleges becoming ‘LGBT’ ‘boot camps’
USCCB marriage advisor resigns after suggesting devil plays role in homosexuality
“They actually broke the law”
Appellate briefs filed in San Jose woman’s challenge to “Rainbow Day” at child’s middle school
CT: Notorious ‘sex week’ at Yale faces the axe
FL: “Endangered Species? FAU adds protected status to gay and lesbian students, faculty”
KS: Topeka schools adopt gender preference policies recommended by U.S. Dept. of Ed
‘Adult bullies’ oppose lesbian homecoming court
MI Dems oppose religious exemptions in anti-bullying bill
Ex-Penn St. coach Sandusky arrested
TX State Board of Education GOP member acknowledges he’s “gay”
FPC of WV president to provide testimony on non-existent ‘bullying’ legislation
Burnaby, B.C. Parents’ Voice urges supporters to vote in support of parental authority
BC Parents: A Powerful Video on the Corren Agreement and Parental Rights
Burnaby parents fight back against homophobia policy, nominate five school trustees
Toronto school board threatens Tories over criticism of ‘no opt-out’ policy on homosexual classes
Germany: Authorities to Homeschool Parents: Take Your Kids to School or Else We Will!
Russian ban on homosexual propagand to minors protested
Sweden Tries to End Homeschool Parents’ Rights | Baptist Press
British LGBT Students Face Inconsistent Treatment In Schools: Study
Unesco gives Palestinians full membership
Bullying add-ons make No Child reform less certain
Public Schools are not Public
The sad thing is, they told us exactly what their goals were, but we were too complacent to realize that they played for keeps. By offering the minds of our children to the Humanists we have paved the way for the moral wasteland called America that used to be a “beacon of liberty” to the world……
http://www.newswithviews.com/Daubenmire/dave258.htm by Coach Dave Daubenmire
“School filtering gay, transgender sites goes to court”
Transgender Girl Scout Controversy Sheds Light on Organization’s ‘Inclusive’ Policies
Pedophiles want same rights as homosexuals: Claim unfair to be stigmatized for sexual orientation
CDC Director Arrested for Child Molestation and Bestiality
No more American children as guinea pigs
Drug Companies Are Sexualizing Our Kids!
Discomfort with sexuality in general, and homophobia in particular, have played an insidious role in delaying needed HPV vaccine recommendations for boys, writes Dr. Ilan H. Meyer of The Williams Institute.
Bad idea: Gardasil for boys
‘My headache’s about to explode’: U.S. girls just dropping dead
Bioethical company studying possible aborted fetal cell vaccine/autism link
Parental rights come before sex-ed goals, says Robert P George
Does Sex Ed Undermine Parental Rights? PROF. ROBERT P. GEORGE and MELISSA MOSCHELLA
BLOG: Parental Rights Vs. Government-School Hijack
LGBT studies: first legislate then work out how to teach
Promoting homosexuality to students
See where “Queer Studies” is being promoted across the US
Highschoolers horrified at gay male kiss in school play, while officials praise exposure
Gay Play Creates Parental Uproar in Connecticut
Christian teacher under investigation for opposing homosexuality
ADF: Activist group duped Idaho school district into bypassing parents
“Christian Group Defends NJ Teacher’s Anti-Gay Comments”
Recommended New York sex ed site offers middleschoolers tips on eating feces, bestiality, fetishes
Mandatory Sex Ed Details May Be Too Racy for Parents: Report
NYC Defends Graphic Middle School Sex Ed
ACLU: East TN school district complies with demand for gay-straight alliance support
‘Government persecution does target homeschoolers’
Ontario Catholic school board defends ‘equity’ talk by same-sex ‘marriage’ advocate
Canada: “Teaching gay acceptance in schools urged” by anti-bullying experts
Quebec pledges $7 million to combat ‘negative attitudes’ against homosexuality
Korea: Homosexuality at school: Homoeroticism is hard topic for underage students
TEACHING IDIOCY – Lee Duigon – October 6, 2011 – NewsWithViews.com
California’s school-choice law
CA: “We did not collect enough signatures”
Opponents of ‘gay history’ bill fail to get repeal measure on ballot
Opponents of California’s ‘gay history’ bill have announced they were unsuccessful in gathering sufficient petition signatures to put the issue before voters in November.
Co-ed dorm rooms — an unfortunate cultural standard
California Lowers Age of Consent for Gardasil
CA: Catholics Oppose New Law Allowing Kids’ Vaccines Without Parental Permission
Musical About Homosexuality And Prejudice Stirs Range Of Student Reactions
Michigan Seeks to Protect Counselors’ Rights
GLSEN program under the radar in NY
NYC Councilman Pushes for Gay School Curriculum
Texas School District Fully Vindicates Christian Student After Wrongful Suspension
Indoctrination: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America
“Most colleges not ready to ask about LGBT status” – CBS News
Court Considers Case of Student Expelled from Counseling Program
Ontario, Canada: ‘It’s the law’: Grandfather worries pro-homosexual curriculum will confuse granddaughter in JK
Unsolicited information is invasive – BARBARA KAY – Unsolicited information is invasive
National Post | Saturday, October 8, 2011
Bad porn, bad judgment: Was Tremblay the only teacher who could set standard for sexual propriety?
Sweden Seeks to Terminate Parenthood over Homeschooling
Dr Judith Reisman TV news interview with Michael Coren on Kinsey fraud, pedophile conference, etc., introducing Lila Rose at the end!
Culture Guard news release: For immediate release – October 5, 2011
‘Out In Schools’ update: unanswered questions, boy using girls’ washroom
Culture Guard Letter to Ross Johnstone, Out On Films
Culture Guard Video Update, 5 October 2011: Out In Schools
Contact: Kari Simpson – cultureguard@gmail.com
School trustee balks as gay anti-bullying material exposes children to gay porn videos
1. Charles Adler interview Christina Blizzard![]()
2. Bryan Lilley interviews Rev. Dominic Tse |
3. Michael Coren interviews Teresa Pierre, Ontario Catholic Parents Association
Finally,the next video is from a September 29 joint press conference on parental rights in education. Jeff Gunnarson from Campaign Life Coalition spoke as one of the panellists from the multi-faith, multi-ethnic joint statement.
The Above VIDEOS provided by Campaign Life Coalition
3-Year-Olds Branded “Racist,” “Homophobic” Put In Government Database
Kids’ future careers jeopardized by committing hate crime of saying the word “gay”
Rod Dreher: “‘Anti-bullying’ as a pro-gay wedge”
Preventing bullying … or promoting porn?
The Empty Threat of “Banned Books Week”
Sound and fury, signifying nothing. By Linda Harvey
CA: Cross-Dressing Elementary School Employee Puts Parents in Awkward Spot
Grassroots Activists Move to Stop Homosexuality Promotion in Classrooms
Idaho says no to religious books in the classroom
LA Schools To Teach LGBT Curriculum In Anti-Bullying Effort
Baltimore archbishop praises home schooling families
“Religious freedom group backs Missouri school district over blocked gay, lesbian and transgender online content”
Liberty Counsel: Student Punished for Christian Beliefs About Homosexuality Pushes Back
Texas high school student suspended for saying homosexuality is wrong
Sex survey now a standardized test for youngsters
Reading, Writing, Science … and Sex
Homeschooling gives students an ‘academic edge’: ‘non-partisan’ study
ACLU Sues MO Over Internet Filters for School Children
Lambda Legal objects to Idaho School Districts parental consent requirement for “Gay-Straight Alliances”
Ottawa Catholic university ‘investigating’ new student-run Gay Pride centre
New legal defense fund supports parents’ fight against gay agenda, moral relativism in schools
Lies, seduction, and criminal activity: pro-family group exposes homosexual ‘Out in Schools’ program
Planner for elementary students celebrates ‘sex workers,’ transgenderism, ‘LGBTTQQI2S’ agenda
McVety: Ontario election is ‘a referendum on teaching our children sexually explicit material’
Canada: “McGuinty Liberals won’t back down from imposing gay agenda in classrooms: lesbian minister”
Rod Dreher: Entrepreneurial homeschooling co-ops
Court Drops Charges Against Homeschoolers in Spain
Big Brother: UK gov’t collects database of ‘homophobic,’ ‘racist’ 3-year-olds
UK teacher given slap on wrist for gay porn career, U.S. teacher fired for same offense
Snuffing Out Children’s Innocence – ACLU agenda aims to taint children
ACLU: Public School Children Are Fair Game For Homosexuals
The real agenda behind gay anti-bullying clubs in your school
Someone’s ‘values’ always win out in sex-ed class
Cal. Gardasil bill an assault on parental rights, Catholic official says
Children herded like cattle into Maryland courthouse for forced vaccinations as armed police and attack dogs stand guard
Australia: Non-government schools under attack
Canada: Is home-schooling a better option than public school?
Evangelicals disappointed Toronto Catholic trustees didn’t stand up for faith
Polish university backs out of hosting homosexual reparative therapy conference
UN Peacekeeper ‘sex for food’ scandal just the beginning without Christian morals warns chaplain
“30 Signs That America Has Become A Horrible Place For Children”
Only 4 Percent of NEA Dues Dollars Dedicated to Improve Teaching
Are kids in Christian classes coming out less Christian?
Study finds parochial, private, home education have startling effects on faith
How to defend your children against pro-gay lessons in the classroom
Sexualizing Our Schools
ACLU campaign against web filters would make schools ‘porn-portals’: pro-family advocates
Ideological Battles Taking Place Over Textbooks in Two States
Cardus Releases Largest Ever Study About Christian Education in North America
Financial roadblocks for pro-‘gay’ program
Not gay? Not included
Appeal filed in case of parent who wanted “LGBT Rainbow Day” at child’s school to be more inclusive
Teacher suspended for criticizing gay ‘marriage’ reinstated
AL: “Hoover High School reverses decision to ban pro-gay T-shirt”
‘Gender identity’ a protected class?
Hawaii: ACLU Wants Mandatory Public School Sex Ed
Homosexual students automatically eligible for scholarship: Elmhurst college
LGBT Self-Identification: New Affirmative Action Category for Colleges?
Heathens at the gate: homosexual advocacy group protests Christian college in Kansas
MA: District backs off secret sex surveys for students
‘Parents should decide whether children should be questioned about personal beliefs’
North Carolina University Puts Out List of ‘Gay Friendly’ Churches
Outraged parents oust gay sex books from New Jersey school reading list
‘Useless’ and ‘harmful:’ New York’s sex education for children decried by Vatican newspaper
BLOG: NYC’s Mandated Violation of Innocence
American girls abandoning Girl Scouts
‘Smoking gun’ e-mail: B.C. school board stonewalling ‘gender identity’ information request
B.C.’s Catholic Civil Rights League defends parental authority
Ottawa school board joins homosexual ‘pride’ parade
Toronto equity policy a ‘direct attack’ on ‘an entire religion’: Recent Catholic school grad
Toronto Catholic trustees reject effort to ensure homosexual clubs are faithful to Church teaching
High-ranking trustee with Catholic school board denies role in gay activist group
Protect Catholic teaching on homosexuality in schools, trustee urges colleagues as vote looms
Canada’s Evangelicals urge Toronto schools to uphold Catholic identity
Canada: Pro-homosexual ‘equity’ policies amount to ‘ethical cleansing’
Text of Test: Homosexuality test in Ontario Catholic school religion class
Coptics renew threat to remove 4,000 families from Catholic schools over ‘equity’ policy
‘Sex box’ for Swiss kindergarteners has genitalia toys: will teach sexuality is pleasurable
The Classroom Is Obsolete: It’s Time for Something New By Prakash Nair
Jesuit University punishes campus group for dismissing homosexual officer
Marquette Christian Fellowship Dismisses Active Homosexual Officer, Group Might Face Suspension
Major ‘anti-gay bullying’ group tied to Obama admin awarded five-year government grant
Outrage! GLSEN awarded $285,000 annual grant from feds to endanger kids
Taxpayer Money Will Help Homosexual Activists Establish ‘Safe Spaces’ in Public Schools
CNSNews.com , Patrick Ryan
Taxpayer-funded ‘gay’ spaces anything but ‘safe’
Drawing attention to NEA’s ‘gay’ support
New York to implement mandatory sex ed in all public middle schools, bishops encourage opt-out
Advocacy groups face off over Gwinnett schools filtering LGBT websites
Parent Sues School District Over Homosexual-Themed Event
Catholic college prof blogging for abortion, live sex demonstrations
School voucher bills flood GOP-led statehouses
Largest Ontario Catholic parents group opposes homosexual clubs in schools
“Showdown: 4,000 families threaten to leave Toronto Catholic schools over gay equity policy”
Legal opinion: Ontario “equity” strategy will be used to persecute Catholics
Homosexuality test in Ontario Catholic school religion class
Canada’s public and Catholic schools under siege
By Catholic Insight staff and contributors
Issue: July/August 2011
“Different children, different educations,” Krissy Proctor, Knoxville News-Sentinel
“Many options for parents who want to homeschool kids,” Monica James, The Lighthouse
Hope and change 2011: Now homo and change
Look how federal government is targeting 4 million students
Families toss wrench in ‘gay’ indoctrination plan
File paperwork for referendum on controversial law to require homosexual role models
California referendum launched to halt mandatory ‘gay history’ law
Teachers’ union chief: Let’s ignore ‘science’ of homosexuality
‘I’m not really interested in engaging in that debate right now’
Students Chant for Genderless Society
School gender policies and parental rights
Expert Attorney: No Sex Discrimination in Single-Sex Dorms at Catholic University
Georgetown U. board member has funneled millions to pro-abort, pro-homosexual cause
Maine: New resource looks to end erosion of parents’ rights
UTSA embroiled in ad controversy
Showdown: 4,000 families threaten to leave Toronto Catholic schools over gay equity policy
Toronto student: my school’s gay-straight alliance helped me change gender
Public Protest at Toronto District School Board: Monday July 25, 2011 5:30 pm
Obama education secretary pushes gay groups in public schools
NEA has Obama’s back
Obama’s controversial, pro-gay ‘Safe Schools Czar’ resigns, department demoted
New state law requires LGBT history in textbooks
California Gov. signs law mandating pro-gay curriculum
California lawmakers demand schools push homosexuality
Plan requires ‘particular emphasis on role in contemporary society’
“Gay History Bill Likely to Reach Beyond California”
CA: Anti-bullying law expanded to social networking sites
California bill gives minors access to STD immunization without parental consent
“Transgender” Students at U. South Fla. Will Have Option to Room With Either Sex
Brooklyn Catholic school rejects donation from politician who voted for gay ‘marriage’
Gay student’s slaying carefully planned, prosecutor tells jurors [Updated]
Pro-’gay,’ anti-bullying training ‘not needed’
Single-sex dorms = racial segregation?
Catholic schools’ approach to homosexuality at odds with bishops’ statement: concerned parents
Ontario Premier: Catholic schools have no choice but to accept gay clubs
Gay activist 16-yr-old says Ontario Bishops’ approval of gay clubs encouraged her activism
Toronto Catholic school board superintendent under fire for comments on homosexuality
Leading education expert urges Toronto Catholic board to protect Church teaching
Promoted by many Catholic Schools in Canada: Kielburger’s Free the Children board chairman a leading homosexual activist
Graphic sex-ed program for kids can stay in compulsory science classes: UK official
New IPPF Sex Guides Issued For Youth
Planned Parenthood releases new sex, abortion guides for youth ahead of UN meeting
New Exposé: Planned Parenthood’s Alleged Misdeeds
UN Agencies Increase Funding to Embattled Planned Parenthood
Blog: Gay Activists Demand Repeal of School’s Neutrality Policy
Indoctrinating children in the name of tolerance
Wrong diagnosis, wrong cure for ‘gay’ youth
CDC jumps to pro-‘gay’ conclusions on teen survey data BY Linda Harvey, World Net Daily
Welcome to entitlement sex By Linda Harvey
Do Gay-Straight Alliances cause cancer?
Blog: Taxpayer Money Awarded to GLSEN—for the next five years
Good News: School Board Resists ‘Coming Out’ Video for Middle Schoolers
Teen sex linked to higher divorce rates
Christian group says school policies reminiscent of attacks under totalitarian regimes
Parents see political slant in 3rd-grade textbook
California bishops urge opposition to pro-gay textbook law
NY Same-Sex Marriage Law: “It Does Not Protect Our Children”
Good News: School Board Resists ‘Coming Out’ Video for Middle Schoolers
Law professor threatens lawsuit against ‘discriminatory’ single-sex dorms at Catholic U.
A plea to U.S. Bishops: Please love enough to speak of the dangers of homosexuality
Report exposes ‘hook-up culture’ on Catholic campuses
Controversial “anti-homophobia” policy approved
Burnaby School Board passes anti-family ‘homophobia’ policy
The battle over Ontario’s Catholic schools
Christian group says school policies reminiscent of attacks under totalitarian regimes
Catholic schools must hold true to teachings by Michael Coren
Bishop Lacey, Michael Coren speak out on Ontario ‘equity’ strategy
Best quotes from the Canadian bishops’ document on same-sex attraction and youth
Don’t trust public school board on religious accommodation, advises parent (Time to Respond)
‘Catholic Students for GSAs’ takes campaign to Toronto Pride parade
Expert panel discusses ‘infiltration of homosexuality in our schools’ at Toronto forum
‘No opt-out’ policy at Toronto school board invites court challenge: Evangelical leader
Toronto Catholic Board Passes 4 out of 8 parent demanded equity policy amendments – for now
Toronto Catholic student trustee invokes bishops to defend ‘giftedness of sexual orientation’
Teacher to trustees: Ontario equity strategy ‘rejects Catholic teaching on same-sex attractions’
the EFC appeared in the Supreme Court of Canada on a case involving Quebec’s mandated curriculum on religion and ethics — and their refusal to allow parents to request exemptions for their children
Are Anti-Discrimination Policies Bullying Christian Schools and Families?
Study raises questions on full-day kindergarten
There is no “Nordic model” of childcare
Worshipping Christians ‘will no longer get priority’ at Church of England schools in admissions shake-up
UN Agency Youth Program Calling for Access to Abortion
UN agency’s Youth Program calls for access to abortion, prostitution
Children Will Soon Be Able to Haul Their Parents Before a UN Tribunal
School wants to know how new entrants were born. No kidding.
It Doesn’t Get Better VIDEO by DefendChristians.org
Gwyneth Paltrow: what’s wrong with second graders learning about homosexuality?
Teachers union funds ‘gender identity’ curriculum
Dear Education Dept: Can We Have Some Balance, Please?
ACLU: Department of Education Reinforces Students’ Right to Form Gay-Straight Alliances
Department of Education SWAT teams in action
Please Change Your Faith – To Suit Me
Departing Safe Schools Czar Met with PFOX to Discuss Ex-Gays
ChristianGovernance Report – June 8, 2011
Which Christians champion the protection of sexual victims?
Obama Proclaims June ‘Gender Confusion’ Month
AKA: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month by Mark Alexander
Top gay rights leader: kids of religious families are ‘target demographic’ of anti-‘gay bullying’ ad
Catholic U. president: it’s time to ditch coed dorms
Home-schoolers sometimes at odds with dioceses
Some see home schooling as a threat to Catholic schools, while others recognize it as valid option
CA: GSA Network gets federal grant to launch “Safe & Healthy LGBT Youth Project”
“ACLU Asks Gwinnett Schools to Unblock Gay Websites”
Denver bishop: Girl scouts could make girls more open to pro-abortion agenda
Teen boys in high schools in Florida and Virginia named prom queen
Whitehead: Explicit survey needs parents’ consent
Gay Youth Pride Day in Boston—a day of adult-led depravity with vulnerable kids – Mass Resistance
Cross-dressing and transgenderism a major push this year
If you think that the escalation of homosexuality in the US military is bad, wait till you see what the homosexual movement is doing with public school children. And make no mistake: What’s happening here will soon be across the country.
MN: Anoka-Hennepin School District GLBT policy criticized
Court: NYC Schools Allowed to Ban Worship Services – CBN
PA: Gregory S. Baylor: Pressure on Messiah College to Abandon Biblical Sexual Ethics
TN: ‘Don’t say gay’ bill clears Senate panel
TX: Home schooling hit by Austin diocese and in article by renowned priest
Brian Raum: The Hidden Risk in Anti-Bullying Proposals
Homosexual Activist Kevin Jennings Leaving Obama Administration
http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/homosexual-activist-kevin-jennings-leave and http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=302685
Transgender Clownfish Controversy
Class lessons sure to cause controversy
Brazil: Following outcry, Brazilian president cancels homosexual indoctrination kit in nation’s schools
AB, Canada: Edmonton School Board accepting input on ‘gender identity’ policy
Burnaby School Board passes anti-family ‘homophobia’ policy
BC, Canada: Burnaby school district revises LGBTQ policy after parents complain
BC School Board trustee-candidate conducts ‘homophobia’ presentations without parental notification
Vancouver School Board promotes homosexuality for teens
Hamilton school board ‘religious accommodation’ policy would exclude moral beliefs
Toronto Catholic group: ‘Reclaim the rainbow!’
Toronto school board: Parents can’t opt kids out of pro-homosexual curriculum
Toronto bishop emeritus supports parental opposition to gay equity policy
Part VI: Retired Catholic Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto speaks out By Catholic Insight Staff
Toronto Catholic Auxiliary Bishop Pearse Lacey supports parental opposition to McGuinty’s “gay equity policy.” It clears the air for those who thought that the silence of the bishops indicates they all approve McGuinty’s scheming.
Part V: Ontario’s school battle, continued By Catholic Insight Staff
In Part V, we retrace a few steps to June 2010 and January 2011 to recall the overall thrust of the Liberal government in pushing its pro-homosexual Equity and Equality project. We add a few samples of current activities
Part IV: School battle continued By Catholic Insight Staff
Section A brings three news events which demonstrate how urgent it is for trustees to pass amendments safe-guarding Catholic rights and culture. Section B summarizes the proposed amendments.
Part III: Two Reports on May 19th Meeting By Catholic Insight Staff
Issue The following commentaries explain what happened at the May 19th TCDSB meeting.
Part II: Have Catholics lost Ontario’s school battle? By Catholic Insight Has the Ontario school battle been lost? This section starts with the Catholic Register’s latest article whose headline indicates that Board and Trustees of the TCDSB have surrendered to McGuinty. Is it over then?
Part I: The Ontario School Battle By Catholic Insight Magazine
Catholic Insight intends to publish a series of short news briefs over the next three weeks about the Equity, and Inclusive Education (EIE) strategy of Ontario’s government. No. 1 covers lawyer Geoffrey Cauchi’s analysis
Ontario parents conclude 50-day prayer campaign for bishops to reject McGuinty ‘equity’ mandate
“Walk with us” concerned parents beseech Catholic Bishops in Ontario
Quebec parents attack ‘godless’ daycare
Charles Lewis: Quebec’s fight against Biblical teaching is to the detriment of a common culture
Quebec: Moral relativism in the classroom
Quebec: Home-school hurdles
France: Confusing teens about their gender: the radical new French high school curriculum
UK: “The Scouts look to recruit more gay leaders and members”
UN report calls for comprehensive sex ed for ten-year-olds to fight AIDS
Graduation Continued With Prayer in Louisiana
ADF: All students deserve to be protected from bullying
Anti-bullying policy for all
ADF Sends Pro-Family Anti-Bullying Language to U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
First Amendment and Proposed Restrictions on Bullying (and Cyber-Bullying) of K-12 Students
Gay Teen Suicide Study Misses the Forest for the Trees by Peter Sprigg, Family Research Council blog
Giants to make anti-suicide video – Calgary Herald
Be the Change Announces New President and CEO, Assistant Deputy Secretary of Education Kevin Jennings to Succeed Be the Change Founder Alan Khazei
See their Jennings press release here.
White House “safe schools” czar Kevin Jennings: How he pushed the homosexual agenda to kids in America’s schools
Curriculum proposal slams ex-‘gays’ (OneNewsNow.com)
Kids can do abstinence, data shows
Two ex-Girl Scouts challenge organization’s ties to Planned Parenthood
Bullying the Boy Scouts: Liable for Doing the Right Thing By CHUCK COLSON
The Tricky Chemistry of Attraction: Taking Birth-Control Pills May Mask the Signals That Draw the Sexes Together, Research Shows
Gay columnist: let’s face it, we want to indoctrinate children
Also, see QueerTy’s article here: http://www.queerty.com/can-we-please-just-start-admitting-that-we-do-actually-want-to-indoctrinate-kids-20110512/WARNING: OBSCENE LANGUAGE
ACLU: “Web-Filter Company Updates Software in Response to ACLU Complaints about Illegal Censorship of LGBT Content at Public Schools”
CA: “Boy, girl or both?” Oakland elementary school teaches pupils there are more than two genders
VIDEO: Protect your children from Harvey Milk Day in California schools – www.SaveCalifornia.com
Predator or hero? California observes second annual Harvey Milk Day
“Widely admired as a moderate judge”: Justice who favored same-sex marriage picked to give commencement address at Santa Clara University School of Law
Mass. bishops urge state to stop funding lewd sex-ed site: governor defends
MI House approves penalty for colleges that offer partner benefits
ACLU Threatens N.J. High School With Legal Action Over Graduation at Christian-Owned Site
“Gay student claims harassment at Christian college”
Tennessee Senate OKs Bill to Ban Teaching of Homosexuality
Argentina distributes millions of copies of UN, gay-affirmative sex-ed doc
Debate over BC schools ‘homophobia’ policy heats up
Legal Opinion: Ontario Catholic boards have legal right to refuse gay clubs in schools
School Board lawyer bullies faithful Catholic trustees on equity policy stance
London, Ontario, Canada: Stamping out homophobia – London PRIDE at Thames Valley District School Board – May 17, 2011
Film “for the BIBLE tells me so,” panel probes faith and homosexuality
Ontario bishops’ anti-bullying clubs just gay-straight alliances with a ‘Catholic name’: OECTA head
A gay-straight alliance by any other name … – The London Free Press – May 18, 2011
Gay alliance formed at local high school – The Sault Star – May 18, 2011
Isolation under attack – The Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal – May 18, 2011
Head of Courage opposes Ontario’s ‘anti-bullying’ gay clubs
Pro-abort Stephen Lewis to keynote Ontario Catholic teachers conference
Anti-homophobia ads garner praise – Calgary Herald – May 18, 2011
Homophobia still exists in schools – The Lethbridge Herald – May 18, 2011
Christian Legal Fellowship to Make Oral Submissions Before Supreme Court in Parental Freedom Case
http://www.christianlegalfellowship.org/legal_issues/interventions.htm AND http://www.arpacanada.ca/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1263&Itemid=126
Christian Legal Fellowship Interventions
EFC Appeared Before Supreme Court Today – Video
Supreme Court hears case of compulsory Quebec relativistic ethics course
Quebec parents challenge ethics and religious culture course
Quebec’s massively-funded daycare program ‘very low’ quality: expert
Quebec judge orders three-year-old into daycare for ‘socialization’
Battle over condoms enters Philippine Congress
UK: Creationism ‘banned from free schools’
UN Wants Billions for STD Vaccination Scheme
Student debt nears $1 trillion, surpassing credit card debt
The Evidence Is In: School Vouchers Work
In a first, women surpass men in advanced degrees
Gay activists bullying the Boy Scouts
Poll: Americans want ‘gay’ lessons banished
Explicit sadomasochist exhibit welcomed and funded by U. of Chicago
“Gay penguin book for kids tops US complaints chart”
Bipartisan lawmakers call for defunding of ‘disgusting’ Massachusetts sex-ed site
Study Shows Link Between Family Breakdown and Bullying
Judge’s request for identities of all homeschoolers shot down
Illinois Senate Refuses to Give the State Control over Sex Ed
MN: ACLU seeks stop to Northfield school’s censoring of LGBT web content
Roommate charged with hate crime in NJ suicide for filming same sex encounter
NM: ACLU wants Clovis schools to approve Gay-Straight club
NH Senate rejects changes to anti-bullying law
NM: Clovis schools approve gay-straight alliance after ACLU threat
Students Sue NY School District for Rejecting Christian Club
OH: ACLU Urges Superintendents to Adopt Bullying Prevention Plan
Oregon School Heeds PJI Warning, Allows Student Speech on “Day of Silence”
SC: “Gay students at university protest SBC president’s honorary degree”
Tennessee Considers Banning Teaching Homosexuality in Elementary Schools
Colleges fund LGBT centers: Texas bill would require equal time for “traditional values”
New Utah CCHD head supported gay ‘marriage,’ promoting contraception in schools
Washington State Mom Files Complaint Over Graphic Sex-Ed Book
BC public school parents angered at ‘homophobia/heterosexism’ policy
Head of Ontario Catholic trustees defends ‘anti-bullying’ gay club plan
Parents revolt against Toronto Catholic school board equity policy
Bishops’ decision on gay clubs spells ‘end of the Catholic school system in Ontario’: priest
Ontario Bishops ask all Catholic high schools to implement gay anti-bullying clubs
Symposium on ‘equity’ policy in Catholic schools leaves parents feeling frustrated, marginalized
Catholic parents launch prayer campaign for bishops to reject McGuinty ‘equity’ mandate
Swedish school slammed after ‘homo sin’ claim
UK: Abstinence ed measure moves forward in House of Commons
Clint Bolick: “An outstanding week of success for school choice”, including new education savings accounts!
“Day of Silence” Walk Out
Christian Youth Encouraged to Dialogue during Day of Silence
Parents and Students Protest “Day of Silence” Agenda
“In-your-face sexual indoctrination”
Pro-family group urges parents to keep kids out of school tomorrow because of ‘Day of Silence’
School not the place for politics
ACLU targets 4 more states for filtering “LGBT” websites
Dems ‘flush public schools farther down the toilet’
Family group warns of consequences of ‘sexual brainwashing’ bill
Catholic colleges have ties to Planned Parenthood
“Bill targets EMU after dismissal of student Julea Ward over refusal to counsel gay client”
PORN IN THE USA: Facebook kids campaign links to ‘full frontal nudity’
You won’t believe what children have access to via social media
Shock blogger Perez Hilton to pen kids’ book
Dumbing down for the Day of Silence
US Supreme Court hands parents education victory
We Don’t Need Know Education by PROF. MIKE ADAMS
Significant rise in oral contraceptive use among teens: study
CA: Concerned Parents United – SB 48 – Blog
CA: SB 48: The worst school sexual indoctrination ever
Kids don’t need homosexual-bisexual-transsexual role models
CA Senate bill mandates gay history in schools
Bill to Include “Gay Rights” Movement Info in California Textbooks Clears Hurdle
Minnesota High School: no status for pro-life club, but diversity, environmental clubs ok
Judge demands names and addresses of all homeschoolers in Mississippi
U of North Carolina student lied about anti-gay assault
Priest-author of Gay-oriented Plays: Now Celebrating at Most Holy Redeemer
NJ: Catholic Seton Hall to continue offering gay ‘marriage’ course
RI: Catholic school kids used as “Human Shields” for treaty activists
RI: Gay rights activists at Brown University attack traditional marriage group, Youtube censors video
Diocese declines to host immigration event due to pro-abortion, pro-homosexual speaker
After 20,000 complaints Jesuit university still promoting Planned Parenthood
Australia: Catholic school St Columban’s College bans gay ‘cure’ seminar
Fired ‘trans’ activist rejects settlement from Catholic school board
BC public school board considering ‘homophobia/heterosexism’ policy
Ontario Catholic schools becoming a tool of the gay lobby: grade 12 activist
Ontario’s big brother is watching you
45,000 Catholic teachers forced by union to pay $60 each for defeat of Conservative candidates
Opinion: OECTA extorts money from teachers and contradicts Church
Toronto Catholic equity symposium with same-sex ‘marriage’ proponent set for Monday
Parents urge Ontario bishops to re-evaluate support for gov’t equity policy
Catholic religious education: Why it is not succeeding in Ontario
Campaign Life Coalition: Halton and Toronto Votes
Mandated gay clubs in Catholic schools can’t help students overcome homosexuality: Ontario gvmt
Pope warns of sex-ed and ‘false ideologies’ in attacks on Latin American families
Calls for academic to resign after saying Roman Empire fell due to homosexuality
No prescription and no parental notice for Welsh teens to get free morning after pill
UK Catholic bishop ‘welcomes’ Scout sex-ed program
UK sex-ed mania hits the Scouts
Jeff Shafer: “We hate you. Now give us your kids so that we can turn them against you.”
Blog: Homosexual-Activist Group Targets School Sports Programs
What went wrong with Gardasil sales?
Justice Dept. goes after schools that exclude applicants with HIV/AIDS
Good News: Federal Court Allows Student to Hand Out Christian Fliers
“Students do not shed their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse gate.”
Stay-at-Home Mom Knows Best?
Arizona Legislature Passes Bill Protecting Religious Expression and Religious Groups At Colleges
Cal. “Lawmakers May Force Schools to Spend Scarce Funds on Gay-Friendly Instruction”
Illinois High School Allows Display Celebrating Homosexual ‘Civil Unions’ Law
Indoctrination 101: From the Battlefield to the Ball Field
GLSEN promotes two bullying bills in Congress
Democrats advance ‘lesbians-as-role models’ plan
‘Costly state mandate targets children for sexual brainwashing’
Priest accused of ‘anti-gay indoctrination’ for teaching Catholic view of homosexuality in class
Jesuit-run Gonzaga U. welcomes ‘Vagina Monologues’ after 9-year ban
LA: Girl can wear tuxedo to prom
ACLU: Louisiana school orders student to remove “pro-gay” shirt
MASS: Sex ed wrong rite of spring
Joe Infranco on the Rich Buhler: NH homeschooler ordered to public school
PA: Dickinson College adding unisex restrooms
PA: Catholic College reaches settlement with fired homosexual ‘priest’ professor
Video: Julea Ward on being forced out of counseling program for her Christian views
Australia: Religious teaching in govt schools challenged
Catholic school workshop with gay ‘marriage’ advocate postponed after parent backlash
Student vows to bring gay-straight alliance into Ontario Catholic school
Praying to the god of anti-homophobia at Catholic school board
Croatia: Lesbians Attempt to Silence Catholic Teacher
Croatian Catholics Protest Christianophobia: Religion Teacher Sued for Comments on Homosexuality
Croatian Christians rise up in support of teacher accused of ‘homophobia’
European Court Affirms Crucifixes May be Displayed in Public Schools
Incarcerated parents’ treatment ‘appalling’
Germany Jails Christian Parents Over Sex Education Row
Paris gives all high school girls free, taxpayer-funded ‘contraception passes’
Appeals seek to stop 2nd prison term for (German) father who kept kids out of sex-ed
LaBarbera: Schools Can Stop Bullying without Promoting Homosexuality or Gender Confusion
LaBarbera: Schools Can Stop Bullying without Promoting Homosexuality or Gender Confusion
Obama ‘bullying summit’ invites leader Dan Savage who blamed Christians for gay bullying
Blog: Behind the Scenes at the White House Anti-Bullying Summit
Dig Deeper: What’s Behind the Scenes at the White House Anti-Bullying Summit
PDF – Word
A Pattern of Cultural Pollution By Lee Duigon
Parents Under Siege in Global Battle Against State Control of Children
“The Little Black Book – Queer in the 21st Century” (Warning: this GLBT-prepared book for school children is disgusting, obscene and pornographic.)
U.S. teachers tell U.N. sex is a ‘spectrum’
Advocate mandatory classes to free students from ‘religion’
Sexual abstinence — numbers up, but funding down
Abstinence message could save millions from AIDS in Africa
Abstinence more widespread than commonly believed: Get the Facts at FamilyFacts.org
California’s latest threat to children: Listen this timely radio show about SB 48 and California government schools … HEAR IT NOW: Randy Thomasson exposes new perverse “education”
CA: Randy Thomson on Schools: Listen now to this enlightening radio interview,
California wants lesbians as mandatory ‘role’ models
Family advocates call plan ‘worst school sexual indoctrination ever’
7th Circuit Upholds Injunction Permitting “Be Happy, Not Gay” Slogan on Student Clothing
Equal access for Christian student groups
Evangelical Belmont University approves gay student group
On evangelical campuses, rumblings of gay acceptance
Texas school bans gay-straight alliance
BYU right to suspend basketball star Brandon Davies
Gay Students Allowed to Pick Roommates at Rutgers University
Christian college blocks pro-‘gay’ website–KTHV-TV, Little Rock
Homosexual students set up forum to discuss sexual experiences, feelings
Prosecute ‘Planned Promiscuity’! by Judith Reisman
Citizens fight back against depraved anti-Semitic, homosexual musical play at high school.
Prof apologizes for, then defends live classroom sex demo
Updated: Northwestern University Copes With Fallout Attention From Sex-Toy Demo
Northwestern University Defends Sex-Toy Demonstration
U.S. appeals court: schools cannot ‘stifle criticism of homosexuality’
Court OK with ‘Be Happy, Not Gay’
Gender issues fuel mixed rooming trend
‘Clashes Pit Parents vs. Gay-Friendly Curriculums in Schools”
Amendments Proposed To Kentucky Anti-Bullying Bill Intended to Protect Religious Freedom
Day of Silence Walkout 2011
Virginity Rate Rises Among Teens, Young Adults
Friday Five: Candi Cushman on the Day of Dialogue
Homosexual supporters in Britain call for killing of newspaper writer who criticized homosexual lessons targeting 4-year-olds! Will that happen here next?
Report unmasks extremely explicit sex education materials for children in UK
‘Sexual orientation’ battle returns to UN Human Rights Council
“Schools need to teach about orgasms” says US teachers union to UN
http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/schools-need-to-teach-about-orgasms-says-us-teachers-union-to-un?utm_source=LifeSiteNews.com+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=55459c33c5-LifeSiteNews_com_Canada_Headlines03_03_2011&utm_medium=email and http://www.c-fam.org/publications/id.1798/pub_detail.asp
Making the Connection: UNICEF and UNFPA
Christian group opposes explicit sex education resources for primary schools
Nintendo Wii sex game gets approval for kids: Angry parents say it promotes orgies, lesbianism to children as young as 12
ALERT!! Parents urged to pull kids to protest BCTF’s‘Day of Silence’ & ‘Anti-homophobia Week’
Toronto Catholic school board has ‘hidden agenda’ on equity policy, charges pro-life leader
New Halton Catholic equity policy criticized by pro-family and gay activists
ADF moves to have mother released from jail for keeping children from permissive German ‘sex education’ programs
German Mother Jailed over Children Skipping Sex Ed Class
German mother in prison over sex ed issue
Deputies seek protection after threatening family
Claim ‘immunity’ for telling parents their children would be confiscated
Montana Parents Sue Over Sex Ed, as House Votes to Empower Parents
“Ridiculously absurd” UC-Davis rescinds policy on religious discrimination that defined Christians as oppressors
Ex Director: Planned Parenthood Has History of OKing Sex Trafficking
Gay-straight alliances: Promoting “safe schools” or homosexual activism?
‘Que(e)rying Religion’ – Ontario panel tackles ‘LGBT’ opposition in schools
Mother of twelve jailed in Germany for refusing to enroll children in sex ed classes
“American Bar Association Adopts Inclusive Anti-Bullying Resolution”
Controversial Document Guides Plans for UN Youth Conference
Teen Star Program Challenges UN Sex Ed Approach
Pharma company seeks over-the-counter Plan B access for minors
No end to ‘V-Monologues’ on Catholic campuses in 2011: watchdog group
Marie Stopes advocates anal sex for teens in explicit ‘safe sex’ music video
“ACLU Brief Argues That School Counselors Cannot Refuse To Counsel Gay And Lesbian Clients”
CA: School responds, will revisit policy on religious discrimination
U of C: School yanks religious discrimination definition
Big Brother Comes to School Big Time
California wants lesbians as mandatory ‘role’ models
Family advocates call plan ‘worst school sexual indoctrination ever’
Homeschool bills introduced in Illinois and New Hampshire
No vote on Illinois homeschooling bill after thousands protest
Iowa wrestling standout refuses to wrestle girl
Montana Bill Would Give Parents Control of Sex Ed
Catholic university hosts ‘queer week’ to promote equality of sexual ‘expressions’
Show axed after criticism of ‘gay’ curriculum
‘Family friendly’ network cites alleged ethics violations
UBC agency ‘data-mining’ families through kindergarten students
Canadian professors’ union backs off ‘investigating’ Christian schools
Canadian professors’ union ‘bullying’ Christian universities, says petition
Ontario RC bishops’ curriculum advisor appears to accept gay positive school texts
Singapore archbishop issues message to Catholic schools on sex-ed programs
UK doctor suggests pushing more condoms at school children
Compulsory sex-ed bill in UK House of Commons on Friday
Michelle Malkin – Cash for Education Clunkers
President Obama Ignores Social Issues; Education Reform Gets Boost from Boehner
“No Name-Calling Week”: More Indoctrination from GLSEN
AZ: Gov. Brewer launches website supporting school choice
Boston Catholic schools to accept kids of same-sex “parents”
“SPLC and rights groups urge MN school district to restore LGBT students’ rights”
AP: “Lesbian students enter to cheers at Minn. school”
ND: Questions raised over abstinence sex education bill
Monroe County, NY wants condoms in high schools
Jesuit Georgetown U gives platform to gay political advocacy group
NSW, Australia: New program to tackle “homophobia” in schools
‘Gay lessons’ in maths, geography and science: Children are to be taught about homosexuality in maths, geography and science lessons as part of a Government-backed drive to “celebrate the gay community”.
New plan will insert gay themes throughout British curriculum
Ontario party: Human rights commission moving to ‘take over’ education, could threaten homeschooling
Catholic ‘safe schools’ policy recommends homosexual youth hotline
Talk by Canada’s leading Catholic-basher /OHRC to bully opponents of homosexual lifestyle in schools
Re: Freedoms of Conscience and Religion of Ontario Parents and Students
An open letter to Ontario’s Public and Catholic School Boards, January 21, 2011
Evangelicals disappointed at lack of Catholic leadership on homosexuality push in Ontario schools
Ontario party: Human rights commission moving to ‘take over’ education, could threaten homeschooling (See FCP Press Release PDF)
Ontario Education Services Corporation & Ontario Ministry of Education Symposium January 26 & 27, 2011: Deepening the Understanding… Widening the Response
Equity and Inclusive Education Part II (See PDF)
Canada: School board passes “anti-homophobia” policy
Canadian Catholic school board ‘bullied’ into scrapping pro-family policy
“Openly gay” students and Halton Catholic School Board by Fr. Alphonse de Valk
Innovative Program Brings Values and Virtues to Sex Education
Romania: Pro-family group puts pressure on European Court over notorious homeschooling case
Gardasil Exposed – Deadly vaccine pushed on millions of young boys and girls worldwide
“Catholic Marquette U welcomes pro-abort, pro-gay former Sen. Feingold as visiting prof”
Boston and Denver Archbishops differ on permitting children of gay couples in Catholic schools
Minneapolis school board passes stringent anti–gay bullying, pro-LGBT curriculum
Comic Relief From Canada
Study: 98% of parents want to be primary sex educators
Catholic school board votes to abandon Catholic teaching on homosexuality
Catholic teachers union vs. Ontario bishops: who will win on gay clubs?
New European Union school calendar omits Christian holidays
Justice Department Forces Hairstyling School to Admit HIV-Positive Student
Bullied at School for Being Gay? The U.S. Justice Department ‘Won’t Stand for It,’ High School Students Told
Parents should give babies sense of sexuality from birth: Planned Parenthood
“Despite claiming abstinence, young adults test positive for STDs,” Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN
Gay activist Catholic trustee vows not to push gay agenda on board
NH high school bans safe-sex kits over contents
Vt. high school dance canceled; some upset by ban
NH man, ex-wife in home schooling legal battle
Colleges Nationwide Recruit Homeschool Grads
Homeschooling Community Grows Beyond 2 Million
Sweden: Psych studies ordered for jailed homeschooling dad
Planned Parenthood launches “social change initiative” to educate children about sex, homosexuality, and masturbation
Indian law school to launch course on “gay rights”
University of Virginia reforms speech code
Effort to abolish Catholic schools in Alberta
The lies surrounding the murder of Matthew Shepard By Michael Coren
Parents of Rutgers Suicide Teen May Sue School
The Parents of Tyler Clementi, Who Killed Himself over Online Videos of Him in Tryst with Man, May Sue His School, Rutgers
Kansas education board argues over HIV/AIDS conference
Discrimination afoot among hiring committee?
Saint Xavier University professor comments on Dr. Howell controversy
U-I Catholic Studies professor reinstated after firing
Canada: “Catholic” teachers’ union supports “gay” lobby group
Cut full-day kindergarten altogether
Quebec’s new sex ed program threatens parental rights: pro-family leader
Quebec parent furious over explicit oral sex info given to 8th graders
Quebec to curtail religion in public daycares
Totalitarianism and education in Norway
Revisionist history, for the sake of humanity
The bipartisan National Commission on Responsibility and Reform no longer includes a call for the elimination of the office of “safe schools” czar Kevin Jennings in the US Dept of Education and all its federal programs — as it had done in its draft report posted last month.
Sexuality survey ‘indoctrination in high gear’
Christian Belmont U. under fire for dismissing lesbian coach
That ‘Catholic’ gay debate at Georgetown: the unanswered question
Dump Christian beliefs on homosexuality, or else: University goes to astonishing lengths to have female student ‘re-educated’
D.C. Archdiocese shoots down rumor Cardinal Ok’d event with ‘Catholic’ gay group
Homosexual-Themed Bill Goes Too Far–Even for the ACLU
Parents challenged by cyberbullying
“Parents need to be more involved”
Danger lurks in new communications technologies being used by young people
Panel studying Catholic education may change the look of schools
Are British children being sexualized by media? Govt’ to ‘review’
UK: Religious education “could be marginalized in schools”
Ontario school board votes in favor of distributing bibles
Sweden “trying to justify” wrong homeschooling decision
Homeschooling father of state-abducted child jailed in Sweden
UK: Report says it’s wrong to exclude God from the classroom
‘Clue: Two women who love each other’ ‘Answer: Lesbian’
When a woman claims to be a man, should the university and the press play along?
Graphic sex ed programs for schools grooming children to have sex: children’s advocate
New Jersey lawmakers whisk through far-reaching ‘gay bullying’ legislation
“Gay lobby” propagandizes for “school bullying” legislation
Pro-LGBT school film called demeaning to Black families
Government report calls for end to homosexualist ‘safe school czar’s’ office
Abortion, STDs and teen pregnancies climbing despite tax-funded sex-ed: Scottish government report
Swedish Parents jailed for spanking; children seized
Do Irish teachers have religious freedom?
“Ireland’s denominational schools may breach children’s human rights”
Vanderbilt considering mixed-gender dormitories
Dallas ISD adopts anti-bullying policy that includes protections for “gay” students
‘Transgender’ student attacks Genocide Awareness Project
CA: Morongo District sales pitch includes veiled threat to homeschoolers
IL: “Same-sex ‘wedding’ announcement costs woman job at Catholic college”
Michigan school district halts Bible distribution
Missouri first to allow homeschool parents to issue work certificates
“Transgender” people find their voice at NC school
New Jersey Anti-Bullying Act Is Bull
NM school board committee affirms contraception distribution policy
“PA legislators have chance to make an impact on anti-gay bullying”
In Efforts to End Bullying, Some See Agenda
Two Utah cities pass gender identity measures
Teacher Suspended for Kicking Out Student Over Anti-Gay Speech
Howell schools: Teacher ignited controversial exchange (with student statements)
Student Witness Accounts
Prof resigns from Catholic college after announcing gay ‘marriage,’ complains she was ‘fired’
Catholic school paper deletes student editorials on Catholic DVD, “gay” teens
Award for gay kids’ books
SD: ACLU showing LGBT promo at Siouxland Libraries
‘Gay’ safe-schools czar on way out?
Deficit reduction proposal simply cancels $1.8 billion for office
Chicago High School Uses ‘Straight Pride’ Shirts for Rights Education
Sexual orientation outreach program gets new sponsor
Does the school board need to know Johnny’s sexual orientation?
Focus on the Family Picks Up ‘Day of Truth’
Internationalist Curriculum Infiltrates U.S. Schools
Ontario urges acceptance of kindergartners’ ‘sexual orientation,’ ‘gender identity’
Canada: Catholic school board praised for pro-family approach to controversial ‘equity’ policy
UK councilor objects to Ian McKellan in-school gay talks, gets suspended
UK: West Yorkshire teacher had lesbian affair with 15-year-old student
UK: School highlights achievements of world’s leading “gay” figures
“Who’s the Bully? FCC to Impose Anti-Bullying Mandates on Schools,” James Gattuso, The Heritage Foundation
“U.S. Teens Lose in Obama Administration’s Sex Education Agenda,” Rachel Sheffield, The Heritage Foundation
“Obama administration launches a sex-ed program,” Rob Stein, The Washington Post
“Homeschooling Group Discusses Parental Rights, Independence,” Hal Young, Carolina Journal
“Homeschooling: Toddler can be part of lessons,” Heather Duncan, Knoxville News-Sentinel
Sex columns “revolutionize” college media?
Support for United Federation of Teachers eroding as once-mighty union forced to make concessions
Supreme Court Weighs Tax Credits for Arizona School Choice Program
SC: Nonprofit sets up in school to provide sex ed, birth control
University of Virginia eliminates all speech codes, earning FIRE’s “green light” rating
BLOG: Politics, Pseudo-Science and Sex Ed
Heritage Foundation: Federal overreach into American higher education
Education Dept. Tells Schools Homosexual Students May Be Protected by Federal Law Barring ‘Sex’ Discrimination
Obama admin’s bullying agenda
MS: $81K in legal fees awarded in lesbian prom case
Canada: Ottawa-Carleton School Board to Ask Students their Sexual Orientation
Catholic schools cannot refuse to hire “gay” teachers, says European Commission
UK: Teach Christian history in our schools, says bishop
UK: Concern as Durex sponsors school sex education survey
UN Agency Promotes Sex Ed From Birth
UN Super-Lobbyist Works Behind the Scenes to Pressure Governments
Countries slam attempts to create new “right” to sexual education at UN
UN General Assembly Debate radical report on sexual rights
Ella and the Teen Years
‘Transgenderism’ up in public schools
Purple Homosexualist ‘Spirit Day’ Saturates U.S. Schools, Media, Stock Exchange
Catholics Urge Ontario Bishops to Reconsider Approval of Gay-Neutral Education Policy
Quebec Relativism Course Going to Supreme Court
Condom Ads Pushing Young People into “Risk-Taking” Sexual Activity: SPUC
BLOG: Parents Upset About Sexual Survey Given to 7th Graders
ALA’s Ironic “Banned Books Week”
Sex, lies and videotape
Beware the Gay Suicide Card
GA: “Richmond schools: We use abstinence curriculum”
NY Gov. Candidate Paladino Blasts Gay Propaganda in Schools
“UW-Eau Claire professor sends anti-gay e-mail”
Gov’t schools hoodwink Christian parents
Exclusive: Dr. Karen Gushta challenges believers who submit kids to moral relativism
Russian Orthodox Patriarch Condemns Gay Propaganda in Spain’s Schools
Warning: the content of these videos taken at this year’s Freshman Orientation at the ELCA’s Gustavus Adolphus College is graphic and, in my opinion, vulgar, appalling, disturbing, tasteless, degrading, and completely unbefitting the sacred trust given to a Christian college and an institution of the ELCA. Sadly what is seen on these videos is not likely limited to GA. You are an adult — you can decide whether to watch these or not, but I hope you will understand why I felt it important for you to know what is happening on even one ELCA Church College campus.
More details and the videos can be viewed at the following links:
Warning: Content is Disturbing – Gustavus Adolphus College Promotes Perversion to Freshmen
Student teacher ousted by Beaverton for gay marriage comments
St. Mary’s College of California to present controversial “homosexual-friendly” play on campus
Christian College Teaches Dorm ‘Sex Etiquette’ During Freshmen Orientation
“Exodus International pulls support from anti-LGBT school program ‘Day of Truth’”
IL: District, students reach partial agreement in “be happy, not gay” suit
Liberty Counsel Opens Public School Talent Show to Religious Content
School must oblige transgender 6th-grader
Homeschoolers leave Sweden under pressure and protest
Homeschooling family fears own government; won’t return to home
Is ‘gay’ agenda to blame for teen suicides?
The Truth About GLSEN’s School Climate Report
Library Association Pushes Anti-Family Agenda through ‘Banned Books Week’
National Education Association a Left-Wing ‘Lobbying Group.’ You’d Never Know it Watching Networks
Even when President Obama parts ways with NEA on education issues, media won’t mention liberal Democrat credentials.
Jesuit Loyola Marymount University Launches LGBT Office
MT: Revised Helena “sex ed” plan faces scrutiny
A closer look at reproductive rights in Moldova
Hamilton Trustee Candidate: Ontario Equity Policy is ‘Sexual Abuse in 1st Degree’
Ontario Catholic College Accused of “False Compassion” in Hosting Homosexual Activist
Eye-popping power grab: Licensing of U.S. colleges
Federal scheme poses ‘greatest threat to academic freedom in our lifetime’
Islamization underway in Bosnia’s higher-education sector
Catholic Schools in Singapore Forced to Present Condom-Promoting Sex-Ed Program
“Lured in with the promise of a Catholic education”
LMU establishes Office for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Student Services
Lawsuit Over Gay Marriage Speech Dismissed
Dough! Students booted for giving teachers Krispy Kremes
Legal team explains principal wants ‘Christian’ acts halted
California Teachers Union Diverts $2M in Dues to PAC
Maine Public Schools Under Pressure to Let Boys Use Girls’ Restrooms
Dept. of Ed reg. would put private colleges under gov’t control?
Governors for abstinence education
US Catholic Bishops Slam Catholic Professor-Theologians over Book on Sexuality
Less families homeschooling primarily for religious reasons
EFC: Alternatives Approaches to Public Education
School Trustees Slam “Homosexualized” Ontario “Equity Strategy”
Sexy Too Soon: The battle against the sexualization of our children
Bullying and discrimination against students on religious and other grounds banned by new NY law
School Trip to Mosque – Inside Video Captures Kids Bowing to Allah:
30 Governors Applied for Abstinence-Education Funding by Catherine Snow
CDC: One-third of sex ed omits birth control
Can a Catholic professor speak about homosexuality without risking his job?
What ‘family’ means in America now?
Focus on the Family Publishes Open Letter Response to GLSEN Board Member
Canada: How to Respond to Homosexualism in Schools: Ontario Leader Educating Parents
New era of school choice for British parents
Queering Education, American Thinker by Mary Grabar
Joseph Farah is right about the homosexualists agenda… by Matt Abbott
Blog: All Kids Should be Protected From Bullying
Obama Administration, Congress to Cut 176 Abstinence Programs Sept. 30
Parent-led, home-based education is now bordering on mainstream in the U.S.
Massachusetts Catholic Diocese Fires ‘Married’ Lesbian School Employee
“Anti-gay groups decry safe schools efforts”
TX: Catholic college rejects homosexualist group for nonprofit fair
Catholics’ Constitutional Rights No Safeguard Under Ontario Equity Strategy: CLC
Canada: Questions and (Some) Answers in Regard to Ontario’s Health and
Physical Education Curriculum (Sex Ed Component) by the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
Abstinence education: breaking into the Chinese market
Home schoolers victims of U.N. treaty
UN treaty used to threaten homeschool families in Botswana
Austria: Transsexual allowed to teach
Homeschooling: the only educational hope in a Marxist Brazil
http://www.lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com/ (August 30, 2010)
Canada: Ontario Equity Strategy Threatens to Embed Religious Discrimination: CLC
Canada: Parents Must Unite to Scrap Ontario Equity Strategy, Says Pro-Family Group
Exposing the dangers of McGuinty’s “Equity & Inclusive Education Strategy”
Charitable Status Revoked from New Zealand Homosexual Reorientation Group
15,000 Complaints Later, Pro-Abort/Gay Links Remain on Catholic College Site
Canada: Your Letters Make a Difference: BC Government Changes Plans on Part-Time Kindergarten
Canada: ARPA Submission to Ontario Government Regarding Bill 242
Key Points and Sample Letter on Early Learning Education
Who benefits from Early Childhood Education?
Unlikely Partners: Chinese Province Teaches Focus on the Family’s Abstinence Curriculum
France: ‘Vive la distinction’: the gender and schooling debate in France
UK: Dawkins calls for more interference in faith schools
UK: MP continues Labour crusade for compulsory sex indoctrination
Almost half a million UK sex infections last year
UK: Children’s grasp of the 3Rs at its worst in a decade
Britain’s Leading Gay Activist Calls for Lowering of Age of Consent to 14
Should ‘Sex Week’ worry college leaders?
Sex and the Dodd-Frank Act
Two Republican Governors Reject New Sex Ed Program, Apply for Abstinence Funds
American Academy of Pediatrics Rejects Abstinence, Tells Members to Promote ‘Safe-Sex’
Despite Bishop’s Objection, Seton Hall to Pursue Gay ‘Marriage’ Course
ADHD drugging kindergarten children
Boys ‘being held back by women teachers’ as gender stereotypes are reinforced in the classroom
Single-gender classes challenged
School speech codes revisited
“Fewer Americans Back Obama’s Education Programs,” Dakarai I. Aarons, Education Week
“Curriculum Producers Work to Reflect New Standards,” Catherine Gewertz, Education Week
Judge Denies Christian Counselling Student’s Request for Injunction
Anglican School Denies Enrollment to Child in Care of Lesbians
Idaho: Lewiston Morning Tribune editorial: Accountability and charter schools don’t mix
Louisiana charter schools: After the deluge, a new education system
Today close to 70% of New Orleans children attend charter schools.
MA: Woman forced to resign Cathedral High School post after same-sex “marriage” will not sue diocese
Minn. Governor Snubs Federal Grant for Condom-Pushing Sex Ed
WI: Federal Court Upholds First Amendment Rights of Religious Group on College Campus
Spend your semester shaping public policy through ERLC internship
Teachers and their unions
Identifying Gay Activism in Public Schools
HHS funds ‘gay’ sex education
GA: HSLDA says extra form unauthorized
Montana School Board Invites Pro-Family Expert to Speak on Sex Ed
Common Core State Standards Initiative Update: Over 30 States Adopt National Education Standards
Emmett McGroarty: Government’s campaign against parents, children goes on
Obama Administration Stonewalls Full Release of Major Abstinence Study
Professor rehired after controversy over beliefs
Gay Activists Use Federal Summit to Push for Homosexuality Teaching in Elementary Schools
ACLU Targets 2nd Mississippi School over Lesbian’s Yearbook Photo
Schools claim Lucifer as model and guardian
Politicized and Polarized by S. Michael Craven
Pro-Life Group Urges Boycott of Urban Outfitters Condom Sales
Australia: Schools urged to install free condom machines
Canada: Socialization and bullying in the government schools
Teacher Kicked out of Tory Party for Christian Views on Homosexuality Issued ‘Warning’ by School
They’re doing it: U.N. makes its move into your school
Program already operating in hundreds of U.S. locations
Deceptive ‘Anti-Bullying’ Act Introduced in U.S. Senate, Pushed by Gay Activists
School reinstates professor after firing him over Catholic teachings on sexuality
“Fired anti-gay biology prof wins settlement–but not reinstatement”
“University wins court case after counseling student refuses to help gay client”
Alan E. Sears: When even thinking Christian thoughts is “wrong” …
Illiberal education
Department of Health and Human Services “encourages LGBT-inclusive sex ed”
HHS to Use Tax Dollars to Promote Gay Sex, Abstinence-Only Education Programs
Teach my child that, and you’ll be sorry – sex indoctrination
http://www.ruthblog.org/2010/08/02/teach-my-child-that-and-you%25E2%2580%2599ll-be-sorry/?tr=y&auid=6744081 and http://www.mercatornet.com/articles/view/teach_my_child_that_and_youll_be_sorry/
One of Barack the crazed porn books for kids promoted by Barack Obama’s Safe School’s Czar Kevin Jennings was removed from a New Jersey high school this week.
The New Sexual Predator by Marjorie Campbell
Gamer sends boy porn over Xbox
Ontario Law Could See Gay Counselling for Youth Behind Parents’ Backs
Young Sex Offenders Forced to Look at Porn in B.C. Study
Gay netball coach sacked by school
No Christianity please, we’re academics
School choice vs. gov’t control
NJ: Hebrew charter school gets go-ahead from state
Small investment, big payoff
Homeschooled students outperform their peers in college, study concludes
Legal battle involving home-schooler escalates
Philippines: Parents drop sex-ed suit
UK Announces Plan to Push Radical: Sex Agenda on Developing Nations
Report on this dangerous kook working as the Safe School’s Czar. He’s promoting violent porn and prostitution books to grade school children.
Savage takes on Kinsey’s sex legacy
Author who dropped curtain on ‘researcher’ to visit with iconic radio host
Meet the real general of the sexual revolution
Lionized as prophet, Kinsey revealed as bigot, pervert, traitor in new book
Professors and Pharisees
Fired for teaching the truth
Dr. Kenneth Howell-Update
‘Lose Christianity or face expulsion’
Georgia student told to read ‘gay’ lit, attend ‘pride parade,’ change beliefs
“Remediation” required for graduate student who voices opinion on same-sex behavior
Court: Counseling student doesn’t have to “change” views on “gay” conduct, she just has to “set them aside”
Lawsuit claims school bias on Christian views
Counseling student speaks up
Catholic Education for Children of Same-Sex Couples?
Calif. Professor Fired for Homosexual Comments Wins $100K Settlement
Illinoisans Duped by “Anti-Bullying Act ”
Lesbian gets $35K settlement over canceled prom
Montana: Sex-ed program delayed, modified
TX: San Marcos school district ditches “abstinence-only”
APA Task Force on Sexual Orientation-Science, Diversity, and Ethicality
Free Speech’s Death by a Thousand Cuts
The denial of controversial UNC-Wilmington professor Michael Adams’ promotion has worrisome implications.
National education standards: Still not a conservative idea
Legislating immorality in schools
Ontario Human Rights Commission Proudly Promoting the Gay Agenda
Amnesty International Calls on Latin America to Legalize Homosexual ‘Marriage’
New Zealand school sanctioned for firing homosexual coach
Philippine Bishops on Sex-Ed/Abortion: State Must Obey Moral Law
UK Gov’t Report Shows Schools Not Talking to Parents about Sex Ed
Next Obama Takeover, Education?
Administration Pushes Adoption of National School Standards; States, Parental Control at Risk
‘Instead of petitioning their local school boards, parents would have to trek to Washington to lobby D.C. bureaucrats on their children’s education.’
NEA celebrates ‘drag queen’ teachers
Which Sex Position Will Your Kid Learn?
Helena Montana Sex Ed Curriculum for Elementary Students
Administration Ushers in ‘New Era in Sex Ed’
Retired Irmo (SC) Principal Opens Up About “Gay” Club Opposition
WISTV, Columbia, SC
“Can teacher give Catholic view on gays?”
Firing follows anonymous ‘hate speech’ complaint
Supreme Court Backs Homosexuals Against Christians, But Crucial Issue Sent Back to Lower Court
CDC Finds Most Teens are Virgins, Contrary to Planned Parenthood: ALL
Parents: Alarm Bells Are Ringing (PDF) by Fr. Alphonse de Valk, CSB Editor
U. of IL to ‘Review’ Firing of Catholic Prof.
Illinois professor fired for doing his job
MASS: Homosexual flier given to kids through Mass. GLBT Youth Commission
Here’s what homosexual activists have been giving to your children — using tax dollars appropriated by the Massachusetts Legislature!
Grade 1 Student to Learn about Gay Relationships in Montana Sex-Ed Program
Helena_Public_Schools: Health_Enhancement, K-12, Critical Competencies DRAFT
Peter Sprigg on Fox & Friends – Sex Education for Kindergardeners
Argentinean University Urges Government not to Legalize Gay ‘Marriage’
Belgian Bishops Ignored Parents on Grossly Sexually Explicit Catholic ‘Catechism’
Prestigious Israeli University Sacks Professor for Same-Sex Parenting Comments
Sweden Tightens Legal Noose on Homeschooling
Is the Christian Legal Society’s loss a loss for everyone?
UK: Labour loses vote on sex education
Fort Wayne parents challenge religious ed program
Law Review: Gay-Straight Alliances and Sanctioning Pretextual Discrimination under the Equal Access Act
ACLJ Wins 9th Circuit Appeal in Massive Fraud Case Against Planned Parenthood Affiliates in California
No condoms for grade schoolers, Mass. school says
New Jersey Assembly Restores ‘Family Planning’ Funds
Of mice and men – tell your sons NO to male contraception (italics mine)
Christian Legal Society loses right to remain Christian
Christian grad student argues her case
Equity Training for Ontario Catholic Boards: Homosexuality ‘Normal’, ‘Natural’
“Many parents are raising serious concerns about what they view as the ready willingness of far too many Catholic School Boards across Ontario to get into bed with the heavy-handed, often dangerous ideologies of the Ministry of Education’s ‘Equity and Inclusivity’ initiatives.”
Quebec Bishops Welcome Court Ruling Upholding Religious Ed
NCEE releases report evaluating charter school impacts
Study: DC Opportunity Scholarship Program benefits participants
llinois ‘Anti-Bullying’ Bill Signed into Law, Erodes Parental Rights
China: Communist Party opens door to secretive school
Teenagers and Pregnancy: Stalled Progress
Florida School Tries to Ban Bibles on Religious Freedom Day
Sweden punishes parents choosing to homeschool child
‘Rainbow’ proms growing into social phenomenon across Canada
Philadelphia Scouts Can Keep Building Despite Homosexual Ban: Federal Jury
White House vs. Boy Scouts by Chuck Norris
White House Fetes Lesbian Banned from Cross-Dressing at Prom
“Books with gay themes for young readers take off”
Catholic Alverno College Hosts Links to Pro-Abort, Homosexualist Groups
IN: Judge rules against home-school group on discrimination claim
IOWA: Parents Outraged at Planned Parenthood Class Teaching Sexual Positions
Mass. school district under fire for condom policy
MA: Provincetown to revise school condom policy
Push for “comprehensive sex ed” in North Dakota
NY Senate approves school anti-bullying bill
Planned Parenthood’s missing millions: New GAO report reveals disturbing financial discrepancies
Woman who has sex with boy honored as ‘Person of Month’
City celebrating rapist teacher to sheer horror of some locals
Argentine Bishop Says Gays Can Overcome Same-Sex Attraction, Leads Pro-Family March
Alberta bill raises censorship, parental rights concerns
‘Equity’: Ontario School Board Nixes Christian References in Policy
No To Ontario Premier McGuinty’s Sex Education
Judge rebukes ‘totalitarian’ secularism
Quebec’s totalitarian impulse
UN-Backed Sex-Ed Program in Philippines Put on Hold
Battle escalates over homeschooled child seized by Swedish government
Author and Mother of Three Excoriates U.K. Bishops for Failing to Oppose Explicit Sex-ed
Summit Board of Education Hears from Residents Regarding Sex Ed Curriculum
“DCPS Supports All Kids and All Families,” it read
YMCA Abstinence-Based Program Cut
Canada: Rainbow Prom – a first for Hamilton Public Board
The School That Equity Built
State “kidnapping” of Swedish home-schooler prompts international outcry
Italian Government to Launch Homosexualist Campaign in Schools
Philippines: “Gay group wants homosexuality to be taught kids, too”
Sharp Rise in Repeat Abortions in England and Wales: Values-Free Sex Ed Blamed
Chat students start gay-straight alliance
BAGLY and Kevin Jennings — Outrages by a Favorite GLSEN Ally
Florida Enacts Legislation Protecting Private Prayer in Schools
Marquette Settles with Jilted Lesbian Prof
North Carolina 7th Graders to Learn About IUDs, Abortifacients, Condoms
Government of Catalonia, Spain, Recommends Oral Sex and Masturbation to Teens
Judge banishes family’s custody lawyer in Swedish homeschooling case
UK: Schools failing to teach children the core beliefs of Christianity, says Ofsted
Public school bus driver calls student ‘stupid little bigot’
School refuses to take any action to protect students
Arizona Legislature Adopts Sweeping Education Reforms
University of Arizona to provide health insurance to same-sex partners
CA: Too conservative for California: State legislature likely to block use of social studies textbooks recently approved in Texas
Connecticut Schools Can’t Hold Graduation at Church
NJ: Planned Parenthood reps removed from sex-ed class
New York OKs move to double number of charter schools
PTA Says PFOX Families Not Welcome at PTA Convention
http://pfox.org/NPTA_Diversity_Inclusion_Policy.pdf and PFOX’s response letter http://pfox.org/pta-diversity.html
WI: Marquette Profs Blast President for Rescinded Job Offer to Lesbian
The Big Picture on Catholic Education for Children of Gay Parents
Williams Lake school district restricts anti-homophobia events
Ontario Gvmt to Host Symposium on “Equity” for School Trustees
Levant, Stefanowicz Trounce Imposition of Pro-Gay Policy on all Ontario Schools
Cardinal: Equating Marriage and Homosexuality in Schools is ‘Harmful to Children’
Quebec wants Montreal yeshiva closed
Filipino Bishops: Sex Education Undermines Parents’ Role
Further Sexualization Proposed For Britain’s Schoolchildren: “Let’s talk about rape.”