By Donald Bohanon added 1/22/24
Basically what he is asking you to do is to put your absolute trust and faith in men and women who have been educated in said fields. And to even dismiss your own basic common sense when things don’t look right and you smell something fishy and things just aren’t adding up in such cases.
The problem with this is, human beings are fallible. Which means they are subject to the many pulls of the flesh and temptations and societal issues that corrupt men and women and their ethics, morals, sense of judgment, etc.
When a persons ethics, and morals (as God defines morals) are corrupted they can no longer be relied on to do what’s in the best interest of the citizens of a country but only what’s in their own selfish best interests, and what appeals to their own lusts, greed, and selfish desires.
For example, if you have an organization that’s established to oversee environmental issues that’s run by individuals who are addicted to perverted sex that warps the spiritual and mental state of the individual and they see an opportunity to use the power that has been vested in them to advance an agenda that involves using the levers of power of that organization to force citizens as a whole to conform to a set of rules that forces all other citizens to engage in the same perverse, corrupting, destructive, behavior that they themselves are addicted to, that is what they will do.
Because their perverted lust, and consuming, overwhelming, desire for perverted sexual gratification that controls them will be in the drivers seat. And because of that, Satan will be in the drivers seat. They are already using that leverage to try to corrupt and pervert young impressionable innocent children in elementary schools you don’t think they will use it to try and control and pervert adults as well and all other citizens and members of the world community? They are already trying to force other nations to conform to it through economic intimidation!
The same applies to those who are led and governed by greed, etc. There are organizations on all levels unfortunately whose own selfish interests take precedence over the interest of the people. And when you have corrupt governmental agencies who are giving that kind of power and control to corrupt businesses and institutions this unfortunately makes it even worse.
And that is unfortunately where we are in society today. The legalization of perverted ungodly behavior has laid the foundation for those kinds of levers of control to be implemented. All under the fake guise of doing it in the best interest of children and U.S. citizens.
We see the beginning stages of this now with how the Department Of Education is trying to force children in elementary schools to conform to a set of rules and practices that encourage and cultivate, perverted, corrupting, destructive, sexual behavior in minors.
While suggesting they are highly educated in these fields and because of it they know what’s best for your children when in reality greed, perverted lust, and satisfying that perverted lust, is their primary motivation. And most are being compensated financially to push these ungodly agendas. In other words, they want you to believe that you are dumb and they are smart so you don’t get to question what they do with your children or otherwise. They are the epitome of self righteous hypocrites. And Satan always comes as a wolf in sheeps clothing.
That mindset is actually called intellectual vanity and it is a very dangerous, destructive, corrupting, form of pride that completely blinds and corrupts you. It’s actually a type of grandiose narcissism. God says they profess themselves to be wise because of their flawed knowledge and perverse behavior and because of it they have become fools Romans 1:22-32. So they are really the blind, clueless, ones. But they just don’t know it yet. But hopefully they will figure it out in this lifetime.
Because that twisted mindset makes you reject the matchless authority, wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence, of God and exalt yourself above God. It makes you think you are wiser and more knowledgeable than God himself and that you don’t have to submit to or answer to him. Which is a result of being heavily influenced by Satan himself and it can and will produce the very evil, destructive, corrupting, mind and behavior of Satan. History has proven that. And although they may claim they believe, respect, and obey Gods word it’s not reflected in their behavior or actions.
And the pushing of the fake man-made climate change agenda is a another form of that control on a much bigger scale. And if they are ever allowed to implement it fully you will understand that. Education or authority doesn’t equal godly character or make you righteous or holy or dictate that you will have the best interests of others in mind when necessary.
Neither does your expertise in one field make you an expert in all fields and certainly not in spiritual matters. And you will never have the knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, love, and character, etc, that is remotely comparable to God’s because yours is only finite/ limited and his is infinite/ unlimited.
Some of the most highly educated people at the highest levels of government and authority in history have been some of the most evil, destructive, diabolical, people in human history, because they didn’t fear God and they lived by no set of moral rules or guidelines. And because of it they were fertile ground for Satan to plant all of his evil seeds of violence, pride, greed, deception, sexual perversion, lies, and dishonesty, treachery, hate, disloyalty, murder, etc, etc, etc.
When there are no moral guidelines to govern the behavior of men and women, governments and societies are corrupted, and collapse, and men and women are eventually reduced to the level of wild animals and beasts. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it’s a gradual process. History has been a stark and dark reminder of this.
No organization or individual should ever be granted sweeping powers to advance an agenda that can and will lead to the upheaval of societies and the collapse of nations and the physical and spiritual deaths of billions no matter what their educational background. And in such cases that should be grounds for immediate termination.
In fact, a highly educated person with no morals (as God defines morals) and with an evil agenda is a very, very, very, dangerous person. Never whole heartedly follow any individual who is touting education as the primary rule for putting your absolute trust and faith in them without any mention of the necessity of Godly Bible based character.
In fact, I would put my trust in an individual who emphasizes the necessity of Godly character, and lives it, with education as a requirement for leadership, before I would ever put my trust in an individual who emphasizes education alone as a requirement for leadership.
Godly character and morals and a strong, solid, unwavering, sense of what’s right and wrong as God and the Bible define it is the foundation for strong constructive, productive, leadership. This is what even the founding fathers believed in deeply and understood. That Bible based character was the foundation for a stronger union and it worked, imperfect? yes, but it worked so well that it resulted in the creation of the richest most powerful nation on earth.
And the primary reason is because God was with them and prospering them because of their obedience ( for the most part) to Bible based morality. The truth of the matter is the founding fathers would be appalled, disgusted, and sickened by what they call freedom, and liberty, today because they understood those types behaviors corrupt, enslave, and destroy, individuals and societies.
And the only way to prevent the very things that destroy and undermine societies is to live by a set of rules that condemn and counter those corrupting and destructive elements in society that destroy strong unions from within. A more perfect union can never be achieved by promoting elements in society that are the antithesis of a more perfect union. Destructive, corrupting, immoral behavior, will never produce a more perfect union but quite the opposite.
When you are striving to live by a set of rules and guidelines that govern moral behavior you are more likely to achieve those goals as opposed to a person who thinks it’s a lost cause and not even worth the effort. Without that, even the education and knowledge becomes dangerous, flawed, corrupted, and destructive, as you now see in elementary schools under the leadership of the Department Of Education and even in organizations like Walt Disney and many other radical liberal left businesses for example. The last and second videos prove my point.
By the way, the host of the show never gave the guest a chance to even explain why she was doing what she was doing but cut her off everytime it was about to get graphic, and the reason is because she didn’t want the public to hear the truth about what they are actually teaching children as young as 4 years old in elementary schools.
This is one of the points I was making earlier and that is in their eyes you don’t have the right to question anything they do and they don’t need to answer your questions when you pose them. Because in their eyes you are intellectually inferior to them and because of it don’t have the right to question anything they say or do which in reality is a totalitarian and or authoritarian mindset. Which is the controlling, oppressive, governmental system they have been working to establish all along. With the sole purpose of advancing specific evil agendas.