The radical liberal left is now using children as pawns to advance the insane man-made climate change agenda. In one segment of the first video above Kamala Harris is seen speaking about the dangers red meat poses to the climate.
But later seen at a function where other Democratic presidential candidates, who support the man-made climate change hoax, are seen participating in a massive outdoors barbecue. Beef and Pork (both types of red meats)being the primary food staples.
There’s also a segment in the video where a young girl appears to express her outrage at climate deniers. All designed by the liberal left and powerful liberal figures to deceptively sway opinions in favor of fighting against a fake crisis.
In another segment of the video above, a homosexual man is seen dancing suggestively in a very disgusting fashion at one of the climate change rallies. This should give you some insight as to what groups are promoting the civil unrest and what the real agenda’s about.
Advancing the homosexual agenda to new and disturbing levels. Which is working to ultimately legalize pedophilia. And how seriously can you take a movement, and what is the real motive, when you have the focus on homosexual men twerking in a disgusting fashion at the event?
I mention this because this group, as I have been writing about for years, is one of the primary groups that are pushing the man-made climate change hysteria and agenda. One reason is because the mass control of citizens, that it will result in, will be advantageous for advancing the homosexual agenda to new and disturbing levels.
One aspect being the legalization of pedophilia. Which they are already working aggressively behind the scenes to accomplish.Using the legalization of homosexual marriage as the catalyst to do so.
If you don’t get this part right and work to rectify it, things will continue as they have with the promotion of mass hysteria and the insane agenda. Among other things. Shut this perverse group down in terms of dissolving the right for homosexuals and lesbians to marry.
And you will have in essence worked to dismantle the core of much of the problem. The worse thing you could have done is to give power and rights to perverts/sexual deviants. And if not righted it will prove to be your undoing.
The disturbed young man you see twerking and gyrating in a very disgusting fashion(deceived into thinking he’s a woman) are the types of individuals who are brainwashing your children. The media and others have essentially made the group look like persecuted, harmless, good, and wholesome individuals.
And in so doing deceived your sons and daughters, and others, into believing they are a group worthy of attention, acknowledgment, acceptance, admiration, and trust. When nothing could be further from the truth.
Work to ensure the perversion is outlawed and homosexual marriage dissolved. Not to mention changing or stopping the indoctrination/brainwashing of your children at the academic level.
And ensuring individuals like George Soros and Barack Obama and others, who are behind the scenes inciting the unrest, are brought to justice for their crimes. Which obviously includes other things not outlined in this article. And who are some of the primary guilty parties aggressively working behind the scenes to bring President Donald Trump down.
And you will have made a significant step in ensuring this atmosphere of civil unrest, which includes protest about supposed dire situations that don’t actually exist. Is significantly quelled at the very least.
Taking those three simple steps in faith, conviction and courage will work to ensure a much better moral, social and civil climate. Which will obviously be advantageous to the country. And God will fight for you. Humbly and respectfully speaking. I would encourage you to get to work. This is one example of what the Bible means when it says cast out the scorner and contention shall go out and strife and reproach shall cease.
Proverbs 22:10
King James Version (KJV)
10 Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.
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