Put them on a budget if they’re going crazy with your credit cards. And I knew how to shop and cook for myself at about 15 years old. So the word for today is put them on a budget, if they spend more than you allot them they will have to figure out a way to make it work.
If you allow them free access to your credit cards without rules they will develop wasteful spending habits with your money. Give them debit cards and put a certain amount of money on the card and if they exceed that amount they will have to figure it out. It teaches them money management skills, self-discipline, and control.
And also teach them how to cook for themselves and let them take it from there. Especially if they’re 18 and up. I think it’s important because when they get out on their own they will be able to do for themselves when or if their backs are up against the wall. One other thing never put yourself in financial debt or strain trying to maintain an image. That’s absolutely foolish, always live within your means. Actually, live below your means that’s how you save your money not by foolishly splurging it to maintain an image.
Just a little friendly advice to help lighten up the mental, financial, and emotional stress, from dealing with too much. Oh, and by the way, I’m still waiting on your support, by considering purchasing my book. It’s here on the site with the title ‘ Your Support Would Be Greatly Appreciated’ It’s a very helpful how-to guide that I think you will find helpful and beneficial. Tell others about it also. Love is expressed in action, not by words alone.
And one other thing, stop trying to suggest that I’m a dog. I told you, I have been celibate for decades I don’t play with God and I take my relationship with him very, very, seriously. You’re falling for the mental manipulation some women engage in by saying and doing things that would appear to suggest I have been with them.
But it’s just simply not the truth. If I have been with them they should be able to provide photos and videos to prove it. But they can’t. So let me just reiterate, I have been celibate for decades and I haven’t had sex with any woman in that time. And obviously, men have never and will never ever be a part of the equation in terms of sex.
Women only. You must decide who you are going to believe. You must first learn to trust before any real trust can be established. You give liars power when you believe their lies. Stop believing liars and they won’t have any power. The power of the liar lies in their deceit/deception and ability to manipulate, when you refuse to believe their lies you take that power from them. By the way, I meant to tell you I love your voice.