Question: Do A Woman Have To Agree With Everything You Teach For You To Be Interested In Her?
Donald Bohanon: People who reject clear, obvious, and proven truth, I have little tolerance for because it shows me who they really are. A person who rejects the truth loves lies and that person will promote lies and deception and can only be regarded as a liar and deceiver themselves because of it.
And liars and deceivers obviously can’t be trusted. So, when I reveal the truth about an issue whether its religious, or social, etc, that is totally supported by scripture and even by science and history in many cases and can’t be disputed, and a woman who claims to have an interest in me rejects it then I reject that person because they have shown me they can’t be trusted because they will believe lies over the truth.
So, that essentially, in many respects, makes them liars and deceivers themselves. And I will never allow myself to be emotionally involved with or fall in love with a liar and a deceiver. That’s tantamount to me throwing my heart on the ground for you to walk all over it. So obviously that will never happen.
Because a liar and deceiver will always follow their own lust and desires over your feelings and wishes and to your detriment because they have shown their unwillingness to accept the truth, lies and deception, are obviously, and or will eventually become their North Star. So instead and in an effort to try to justify certain behaviors they will then label it love and tolerance when it has nothing to do with either.
And that will only cause confusion, pain and suffering, and end disastrously for them. Their lusts and desires will take precedence over love for the truth. Because they reject the truth to follow lies because they desire to follow their lusts and greed instead. This is what it really boils down to.
So, if I show a person, for example, through God’s word, the offensive nature of a certain behavior and that person embraces the behavior and associates with individuals who practice it when God expressly says never to do that, but yet she still expresses an interest in me my question is why, what do we have in common?
You have rejected the truth to embrace lies and deception and it doesn’t matter if its for a specific reason it still speaks volumes about you. Because men and women of character don’t compromise the truth for selfish reasons or to accomplish or fulfill some lustful desire, etc.
Even if they have to fight, suffer, and sacrifice certain things that is what they will do. And if I am willing to do those things the woman I have an interest in or who has an interest in me must be willing to do the same, or else what are we doing?
Two people can’t walk together unless they be agreed. And a house divided cannot stand. So don’t think because you are beautiful that you will be able to sway me because I will see through it and that will only make me resent you even more.
Because you insult my intelligence, my experience, knowledge, wisdom, righteousness, and ability to discern and see through all the games and schemes. I was deeply entrenched in the world at one point in my life before God cleaned me up spiritually and brought me to him.
And the knowledge I acquired while in it I still have so don’t get it twisted. If I were still in the world I would welcome that interest because I would probably have my own selfish motives as well. She would probably be looking to accomplish something, and so would I.
Every woman that I have ever been involved with was very attractive and deeply in love with me because I understand the emotional, psychological, and sexual nature of women. I know how to appeal to the emotional and psychological nature of women and I know how to thoroughly please a woman sexually because I understand and know the female anatomy.
And I have been blessed with the knowledge, ability, and tools to explore that to her satisfaction. And I’m not talking about the perverted sex acts this generation is engaging in like anus eating and feasting, toe sucking, and oral copulation of the perverted disgusting kind. That is just disgusting and nasty. And I’m not bragging or boasting, just giving it to you straight.
All the women that I mentioned thought they were going to hook me but ended up getting hooked. I never bought any woman that I was involved with, they were in love with me and not my money. I never used money as way to get them. And if they tell you different they are lying probably because there’s still some hidden resentment and bitterness there.
A loyal woman deserves loyalty in return. A respectful woman deserves to be respected. A compassionate, loving, unselfish, giving woman deserves to be loved and showered with love and affection and gifts to be shown that she is loved because she is giving and unselfish herself and doesn’t expect it or feel entitled to it, etc.
So, don’t think you can just change my mind because you are gorgeous with a body and have money. It has never worked before and it certainly wont work now. My focus and commitment is to God and the woman who I give my heart to, her focus and commitment must be to God also.
And that can never happen unless she loves and follows the truth. So, no, I wouldn’t have an interest in her if she is not willing to follow God and his truths. Because although we may have somethings in common we don’t have the most important component in common which is God and Christ. And if that is not there, nothing else really matters as far as ensuring the relationship will be stable and survive..
And her focus and commitment certainly can’t be on God by rejecting the truths outlined in his word. I wouldn’t lead a women like that on I would let her know relatively quickly that we would simply be wasting each others time. Unless she’s willing to change of course.