Get the money at all costs and nothing else matters is what many are taught by the false prophet, and even by the rapper. Many tout money as the solution to what ails the world. I recently heard a prominent rapper speaking to a group of black youth explaining that enriching their communities, by financial gain, is essentially the solution to all that afflicts their communities.
Nothing was mentioned in relation to transforming or changing the moral behavior that is the primary contributor to the violence that plagues those communities. Neither was there a mention of the negative impact the poisonous gangster rap music has on the community, which he says he seeks to change. But most of the rappers who are reaping major financial rewards from the music they are peddling, normally, wilfully, overlook the impact that music is having on their communities.
They instead, falsely claim, that the music plays no part at all in the demise of their communities while suggesting that the music is simply a reflection of the reality of their environments while they themselves live lavishly in multi-million dollar homes far removed from the reality of the communities they claim to represent.
While the music continues to glorify getting the bag no matter what the cost. While promoting and glorifying violence at the same time. If there is to be any real change the music must evolve into a method that promotes positivity with beats and lyrics. Positive change will NEVER come by infusing destructive messages by way of lyrics into the minds of the youth.
Many claim that job creation alone is the solution. But that is ridiculous reasoning. It may have a slight impact but if the moral condition of those communities is not addressed it will be minimal at best. And the destructive music that’s being ingested by the youth will undermine those minimal gains.
The messages that they broadcast to many, unfortunately, are comprised of children from broken homes, and in many cases from one-parent homes. And many of these wayward kids have no positive influences and therefore view the gangster rappers as idols who should be followed and emulated and whose destructive lyrics should be acted upon.
The truth of the matter is money funneled to individuals like that without first working to transform the moral environment will only exacerbate the problem. God’s word tells us that the solution is to first ensure our souls prosper and then the financial blessings will come. Which means changing the moral behavior to reflect how the Bible defines proper moral behavior.
God says that is the way he will bless financially because he knows financially feeding a corrupted person, who is hell-bent on living unlawfully, and who refuses to address and cast out his many demons and change his way of thinking and acting, will only make the situation worse. And not all financial blessings come from God. Satan has the power to bless financially also. That needs to be emphasized and understood. The spiritual condition which influences the moral actions of the individual must first be addressed, and corrected, before any widespread positive change can ever be realized.
I’m not suggesting that no financial assistance should be given to these communities when America has been partly responsible for the present conditions as result of years of discrimination and racism. But only that widespread positive change can only come from addressing the abysmal moral condition that exists in many of these communities.
And you certainly won’t get there by following false ministers, who teach false doctrines, that encourage hypocrisy in the form of rebellion against God’s commandments and word. They will only add to the problem. Let’s examine God’s word and see how he feels about putting money above everything else, without acknowledging the importance of spiritual growth, and moral change, first.
And how he explains to us that acquiring money, without any spiritual growth, or moral change, will only result in destruction. And that wealth or riches will not save us in the day of his wrath but only righteousness delivers from death. Today’s audio is entitled What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but yet lose his own soul? This audio was recorded on December 30, 2022. Let’s start by going to.