Question: Do You Think Russia Is Being Attacked Economically Because Of Its Stance On Homosexuality And Other Sexual Perversions?
Donald Bohanon: Absolutely. I feel strongly that is the primary reason that radical liberal countries and companies are attacking Russia economically. I recently watched a video that suggested Ukraine was deeply entrenched in the radical liberal lefts-woke movement. Which involves working to legalize child molestation and continuing to promote and support other forms of destructive sexual perversions like homosexuality, lesbianism, and transgenderism, etc.
And they may have been covertly working to indoctrinate Russian citizens in hopes of getting them to embrace this insane and destructive movement. I believe many are rightfully and justifiably offended by the thought of innocent children and civilians being targeted in Ukraine (if that is in fact really the case) but you never know because the radical liberal left media lies so much you can never take their word seriously.
Neither is this response meant to necessarily support the Russian invasion only to shed light on what I feel are different facets or perspectives that may be contributing somewhat to Russian aggression. I hear a lot about how evil a man Putin is by many. But what many fail to understand is that God has used these types of men throughout Bible history to punish other nations who were engaging in more offensive abominable behavior than even the ones God sent against them. And the promotion and practicing of sexual perversions elicit this type of response from God.
The King of Babylon is a classic example. He had some of the bloodiest hands in Bible history but God used him to conquer Judah because of their abominations. He also referred to him as his servant because he respected and fought for God’s servants. And because of this, he will be in God’s kingdom despite all the blood he shed. Favoring God’s servants in many respects transfers their righteousness to you as well as their inheritance and benefits.
The Bible says whoever receives a prophet in the name of a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward. And whoever receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man will receive a righteous man’s reward. A prophet and a righteous man’s reward is eternal life and rulership in the kingdom of God. Matthew 10:41. There are many examples of God using nations to punish other abominably sinful nations. And despite the fact that Putin may have very bloody hands God may still be using him to punish Ukraine for its stance on homosexuality and other sexual abominations.
And the fact that they may have been working to promote the practicing of the vile behavior to other nations. If God is using him he will be successful. But what I will tell him is if he acknowledges the poor, children, the sick, and elderly, and or God’s true servants in everything he does he will be spared and blessed in spite of his past transgression. Why? Because if you don’t have righteousness you will at the very least need to have been found merciful in God’s eyes to his servants or to the poor, sick, elderly, and children, etc, to receive mercy from God when you are judged. Matthew 5:7, Matthew 10;41, James 2:13. The Bible also says mercy/love will cover the multitude of sins 1 Peter 4:8 .
Mr. Putin, don’t fool yourself into believing that you are righteous in God’s eyes if you are guilty of a tenth of what you have been accused of. But if you show favor to the poor, sick, elderly and children consistently by helping them while no one is watching with your alleged substantial wealth and or if you receive a righteous man or a prophet in the name of a righteous man or prophet you will receive mercy in return, when judged, for showing mercy. And you will receive a righteous man or a prophet’s reward for showing favor to them.
Any person in Ukraine who honors God’s Sabbath which is from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday and keeps his commandments and Holy Days and his word as a whole while acknowledging Christ as their savior you would do well at the very least to seek them out and acknowledge them in these war-torn situations and show them favor/mercy/love and deliver them out of these situations.
Never harm these individuals because if you harm them God will curse and destroy you physically and spiritually. Show favor to the poor, children, the sick, and the elderly as well. If God is against you it would probably be because you are offending him as it relates to some of these issues. Unfortunately, and not necessarily, because you are engaging in war. Because if he is sending you he won’t hold that against you but he can and will be offended by you in relation to how you war and who you war against.
There are accounts in the Bible where God sent nations to conquer other nations but was offended not because he sent them against those nations but because of the level of brutality they engaged in while engaging in war against the nations, he sent them against. So he would then punish the nation and the King who he sent against those nations because he said they went overboard and took it too far in terms of their brutality while engaging in war.
I hope you can find wisdom in these words and modify your behavior and how you operate in these war situations because of this. And if God has sent you against Ukraine to punish them for their abominations nothing can prevent that and you will be successful. But if not you may not be successful. God’s will simply overrides the feelings and opinions of others. Because he understands what we don’t understand and sees what we can’t see and knows what we don’t know.
But I’m convinced the underlying reason for the stiff sanctions is Russia’s stance on homosexuality and other sexual perversions while using Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a reason to justify the stiff sanctions. They really are seeking to force Russia to capitulate to their insane radical perverse sexual engineering agenda. Among other things. And don’t think for a moment that the mad man Barrack Obama is not behind the scenes encouraging the Biden administration to impose those sanctions.
I would encourage China to exercise its influence over these liberal fascist American companies to get them to change their foolish position on this issue of promoting and advancing an insane sexually perverse agenda. Instead of supporting it force them to wholeheartedly reject it. Because they are certainly working to force their radical liberal agenda on all nations. And if not you will be next on their list for unprecedented economic sanctions. While using drummed up reasons to justify the sanctions and to deflect from the real reasons. And not only China but other nations who rightfully and justifiably have laws against these sexual perversions. Take a strong stance against it and use your influence against many of these liberal fascist American companies who support the insanity. And who use the lame ridiculous excuse that to reject it could emotionally harm those who practice it. Thereby leading to suicide.
The solution to suicidal thoughts as a result of being condemned for practicing it is to not practice something you know in your heart is wrong. Don’t practice evil and you don’t need to worry about being condemned for practicing it. It’s a fairly simple solution. Those who practice it are foolish to believe they shouldn’t be condemned for bad behavior when everyone else who engages in bad behavior is condemned for their bad behavior.
God determines what’s right and wrong and that distinction belongs only to him because he is far, far, far more intelligent, wise, and knowledgeable than man and knows where the embracing and practicing of this perverse wickedness is going. And the massive death and suffering it’s going to eventually produce. They refuse to acknowledge the truth that this twisted sexual behavior will eventually have far-reaching destructive consequences both physically and spiritually for billions.
But yet they have the audacity to complain about the emotional state of a few thousand many who have simply been molested themselves in their youth and so sexually act out on others what has happened to them. While others are being brainwashed by radical liberal perverted sexual indoctrination in schools. Just another example of how deceived, corrupted, sick, and selfish, these people are.
Their goal is to not only force this radical insanity on Russia and its citizens but on every nation that lives by sensible laws regarding morality. They not only want to advance sick perversions like homosexuality, lesbianism, and transgenderism which all lead to and result in pedophilia. Because the majority of those who practice these perversions have been molested themselves as children. So they simply go on to molest children themselves in adulthood. And because sexual perversion always produces more and worse sexual perversion over time.
And you see this clearly playing itself out in news headlines across this country as homosexual/pedophiles in important positions in companies like Facebook for instance seek to set up secret rendezvous with 13-year-old boys for sex. While others also broadly seek to change the term ‘child molester’ to ‘minor-attracted persons’ to make child molestation appear innocent and harmless. But they also seek to advance pedophilia by using the legalization of these other perversions as the springboard to do it.
They are salivating at the chance to rape and molest children in all nations. You can bet your life on it. And you can clearly see that playing itself out here in the U.S. Destroy Russia then China through economic warfare and all other nations who oppose the evil agenda, is the plan, and is next to advance this insane, sick, demonic agenda. With that being said I don’t support harming innocent children, the elderly, the poor, the sick, and feminine women, or civilians in this Ukrainian conflict.
If that is in fact really the case. Mistakes happen in war there will always be casualties of war and the radical liberal media will certainly try to exploit that to paint a false picture as it relates to what’s really happening on the ground in Ukraine. I’m not suggesting that it’s not bad but they will try to make it appear much worse than it is to advance their agenda and destroying Russia is a part of that agenda because Russia opposes what they seek to advance. It’s unfortunate that the citizens in many respects have to suffer for the sins the Governments promote and advance.
But not only does Satan seek to destroy all nations through abominable immorality by forcing them to embrace this perverse sexual insanity. But he also seeks to destroy them by the hand of God as he uses plagues and other disasters to destroy these rebellious nations. You can rest assured if you follow this insane destructive path another very costly destructive calamity from the hand of God is brewing in the shadows.