‘Michael Dynamite Dokes’ The Wasted Talent. Now That’s A Heavy Weight With Hand Speed And Combination Punching Like That.

I don’t condone violence of any kind but I have always been a boxing fan. Obviously, I don’t watch it like I used to because of my beliefs I just thought it necessary to elaborate a bit on the career of Michael Dokes.

Michael Dokes lost a few of these fights but only because he was in poor condition because he failed to train properly, was using alcohol heavily, and drugs like cocaine and other drugs, and was partying with all kinds of beautiful women and not taking his career seriously.

Excessive drug and alcohol use and excessive sex for a fighter decreases your punch resistance (your ability to take a punch) and takes away your legs and stamina. Which it did to Dokes. In some cases, he was well past his prime and coming off of drug rehab like for instance when he faced Evander Holyfield,

But even while being well past his prime because of drug use primarily, he gave a prime Holyfield all he could handle. He was eventually caught and wobbled with a punch he didn’t see. Evander Holyfield who is also a great fighter, out of desperation, I would assume, proceeded to run from halfway across the ring and headbutt Dokes ( well, sort of like a punch/ headbutt hybrid) like a Ram which knocked him down and almost out.

Resulting in him losing the fight by stoppage. Holyfield was fighting a little dirty in there too hitting low and using his head a lot. Dokes was punching on the elastic line of the trunks or on the hips they may be slightly low shots but not illegal shots. That’s the difference.

The announcers in the second video of the same fight were obviously biased in favor of Holyfield refusing to point out the many times Holyfield was using his head and hitting low or how well Dokes was doing in the fight. The first video of the same fight is a more accurate representation of what was actually going on in the fight.

Michael Dynamite Dokes much like Mike Tyson was his own worst enemy. This is another example of how wealth without addressing and conquering our many demons and changing our moral behavior will compound the many unaddressed moral issues we have.

Mike Tyson and Michael Dokes were prime examples of how wealth can exacerbate our moral deficiencies if not faced head-on. If Dokes had trained properly and avoided the alcohol, drugs, and women he would have gone down in history as one of the greatest Heavy Weight boxers who ever lived.

I’m convinced of it. And a prime drug-free dedicated Dokes beats Holyfield convincingly in my opinion. Not easily, but convincingly. By the way, in the Holyfield fight, Dokes kisses an older white gentleman before they begin the first round, that was his manager and mentor, and like a father figure to him. Nothing gay was involved.