The Driver Issue Is Resolved I Will Be Posting New Content This Weekend Or Early Next Week.
It actually, wasn’t a driver issue but it is resolved now. So expect more content this weekend or early next week. Thanks.
News And Information From A Biblical Perspective. Foreknew, Predestined, Called, Ordained, And Justified, By God. Not By Man! – Jeremiah 1:5, Jeremiah 1:15, Malachi 4:5-6, St John 5:28-29, Romans 2:6-10, Romans 8:29-31, Ephesians 1:5, Ephesians 1:11.
It actually, wasn’t a driver issue but it is resolved now. So expect more content this weekend or early next week. Thanks.
Question: Why Is The Bible So Hard To Understand? Donald Bohanon: The Bible is not a typical book you read that is
Not to mention the voter appreciation it will garner. By STEPHEN M. LEPORE FOR DAILYMAIL.COM Published: 02:11 GMT, 19 February 2025 | Updated: 05:47 GMT, 19 February
Put them on a budget if they’re going crazy with your credit cards. And I knew how to shop and cook for
By JON MICHAEL RAASCH, U.S. POLITICAL REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM Published: 17:49 GMT, 13 February 2025 | Updated: 18:17 GMT, 13 February 2025 Shocking foreign aid spending on
By BRITTANY CHAIN FOR DAILYMAIL.COM Published: 23:53 GMT, 12 February 2025 | Updated: 00:27 GMT, 13 February 2025 A school board meeting descended into chaos during an
Related Information The Coming Great And Terrible Day Of The Lord. Redone.
Provide the support and funding lord God and I will bring the lost, confused, and downtrodden to you.
Find you a hobby or hobbies to occupy most of your time and please stay away from anything street-related because it’s not
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So if anyone has tried to contact me I apologize but my phones ringer and ring volume was off as well. You
By JON MICHAEL RAASCH, U.S. POLITICAL REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM Published: 12:30 EST, 3 February 2025 | Updated: 14:14 EST, 3 February 2025 The United States Agency for International
By Donald Bohanon When personal tragedy strikes, as hard as it may seem, we must keep our focus on God. Trials and
If you are looking to start a business, or create an invention, or if you are just interested in creating unique content
“Clear Space, Clear Mind: The Hoarder’s Handbook” is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide designed to help individuals conquer the overwhelming task of decluttering
You’re out there turnt up intoxicated from what appears to be Tequila based on the way you are acting and in Atlanta
Question: Q&A: Did You Pray For The Wildfires To End? Donald Bohanon: Yes, absolutely, but as I have explained on more than
In this video, “Hidden Political Agendas: Using Politicians as Puppets to Further the Interests of a Hidden Global Elite,” we explore how
“The Hidden Dangers of GMO Food” delves into the controversial topic of genetically modified organisms in agriculture. The video highlights potential health
The video “Creation of Technological Dependence: Encouraging Reliance on Smart Devices and the Internet of Things to Increase Surveillance and Control” explores
Have you ever wondered how certain stories dominate the news cycle? Learn how mass media manipulates public opinion to sway elections, promote
I’m praying for you Tie, and Samantha, because I’m truly concerned about both of your well-being. I feel you both have a
I’d like to officially announce today who I am engaged to be married to. It’s been a long time coming but this
Question: Can You Have An Only Fans Account And Be A Christian At The Same Time? Donald Bohanon: It depends on what
By MARYANN MARTINEZ, TEXAS BUREAU CHIEF FOR DAILYMAIL.COM A notorious Colorado apartment complex taken over by a Venezuelan gang is being held siege by migrants
Tech giant Google has been accused of going woke after its new Christmas advert featured a genderfluid beauty influencer. The advertisement for Google Shopping features TikTok and Instagram
Question: How Do You Respond To People Who Say If You Call Them Out For Their Wrong Doing That Means You Are
Watch the latest video at Not to trying toot my own horn but I have been sounding this alarm for several
But what are the most effective forms of punishment in my opinion? Break up the corrupt power structure and base by destroying
TTPAS has no affiliation or association with this channel or the owners of this channel we just thought it relevant to post
For decades Google has been nothing but a tool of the ultra, extreme radical, liberal left, used to promote the agenda of
A group that has never voted and doesn’t even watch the news all of a sudden decides to vote for Donald Trump?
Your wrath as a nation probably really needs to be focused on anyone or any organization who is part of the radical
And he has the audacity to have reverend in the front of his name. He actually claims in this video that fighting
Not all the support from extremely radical far-left liberal politicians and celebrities could assuage God’s power and purpose.
That go blue post was about the Michigan team by the way. Not the democratic party. Just so there will be no
The raging intolerants, and extremely hateful, extremely radical, far liberal left, are always hypocritically screaming for love, compassion, kindness, and tolerance when
I’m convinced this behavior runs much deeper and is prevalent in organizations at the highest levels. The claims that they were actually
This pretty much confirms what I have always suspected, these people hate God and want no part of him or anything he
Because when you do, you summon dark forces/demonic spirits, who despise humans because they know the future potential they have. Their sole
All facts except the part about every human, being born into the God family. Most, but not all will be. The Bible
By Nick Allen For Published: 07:45 BST, 1 October 2024 | Updated: 08:16 BST, 1 October 2024 In a striking moment at the Democratic National Convention
Since the beginning of time men have asked the question what is the purpose of man and why was he created? Were
It will be posted here on the site in a week or two your support will be greatly appreciated.
Him falsely claiming that the fact that he was repeatedly molested for years as a minor had no effect on his sexuality
By Matthew Phelan and Stacy Liberatore For Published: 09:48 EDT, 8 September 2024 | Updated: 09:48 EDT, 8 September 2024 NASA’s radar gives off a ping, notifying scientists
By Maryann Martinez, Texas Bureau Chief For Dailymail.Com Published: 19:24 BST, 4 September 2024 | Updated: 21:19 BST, 4 September 2024 In a startling and surprising admission,
By Stephen M. Lepore For Dailymail.Com Published: 01:52 BST, 2 September 2024 | Updated: 12:49 BST, 2 September 2024 View comments Tim Walz’s older brother has warned that
The confusing and misleading language is how they deceive and distort the truth and lead people astray and down paths of confusion,
That sense of loneliness and emptiness can’t be satiated by good times. Good times may act as a temporary sedative, so to
By Stacy Liberatore For Published: 21:04 BST, 22 August 2024 | Updated: 23:53 BST, 22 August 202 The agonizing crucifixion of Jesus from the Bible details
Exercises To Strengthen The Hip Flexors. Whatever you’re doing to injure or throw your back and hip flexors out this should help.
Who executes an innocent man? If the man is innocent and you execute him you may not answer for it in terms
And don’t be fooled George Soros backed organizations are actually paying people to attend Kamala Harris rally’s and paying them to support
We here at the TTPAS don’t agree with all of the views in the video above but the young lady in the
By Charlie Spiering, Senior Political Reporter, Washington, Dc View comments Vice President Kamala Harris has voiced support for many different ‘liberal’ policies throughout her political career,
Make sure you hold their feet to the fire and keep your foot on their necks. Etsy is another far left liberal
Question: In A Recent Article You Said If It’s Gods Will Trump Will Win. Does That Mean If The Extreme Radical Democrat
They’re working to legalize pedophilia this is what this is all about.
Just let me first emphasize Japan brought this tragedy upon themselves by siding with Nazi Germany who were killing millions of people
And the guy is displaying many of the traits and characteristics of a person who is a closet homosexual and or bisexual
By Dominic Yeatman For Dailymail.Com Published: 17:48 EDT, 5 August 2024 | Updated: 18:22 EDT, 5 August 2024 A New York prosecutor handling child endangerment cases abruptly
I would also suggest steering clear of the radical liberal left progressive agenda of acceptance of all, and inclusivity. I’m convinced God
There’s been a lot of talk about unity from this administration but the kind of unity this ultra extreme, radical administration, is
This is terrible but the catalyst for all of it has been the legalization of homosexual and lesbian marriage and a tranny
By Donald Bohanon added 4-05-2018 The video above is about a homosexual man living the homosexual lifestyle while promoting a false form
Donald Trumps a tough son of a gun. God was with him. Tucker Carlson said they may try to kill him if
The many inaccurate and deceptive representations regarding holy angels in Catholic Cathedrals, and on murials, paintings and the like, etc, can be
The Lake Of Fire is often mentioned in scripture and is described as a place of final destruction for the Wicked,Ungodly, and
By LAURA PARNABY FOR DAILYMAIL.COM PUBLISHED: 13:13 EDT, 3 June 2024 | UPDATED: 07:41 EDT, 4 June 2024 This is an example of standing on the truth
And don’t ever quit no matter what obstacles life throws at him. Tell him I said he’s blessed to have one heck
Good advice. Don’t lose your momentum, set big goals and move forward, but learn from the mistakes of the past and try
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Watch the latest video at
By DAVID AVERRE PUBLISHED: 14:55 BST, 13 May 2024 | UPDATED: 15:24 BST, 13 May 2024 If the West wants to fight for Ukraine on the battlefield, Russia is
And It was actually looking pretty dire. After trying practically everything to get the site back up and running like trying to
The truth of the matter is the real, honest, ethical, science and scientists who aren’t being funded by the government don’t support
By ALEXA CIMINO FOR DAILYMAIL.COM PUBLISHED: 17:08 EDT, 22 April 2024 | UPDATED: 17:08 EDT, 22 April 2024 A transgender sex offender has been arrested for attempting to kidnap
Question: What Does John 1:17 Mean? Donald Bohanon: Just what it says, that the law/ ten commandments was given by Moses and
Listen to her, except the part about some transgenders being acceptable no sexual perversion should be deemed acceptable no matter whose practicing
“Apparently the Speaker finds trans people abhorrent.”@SenatorWarnock reacts to Republicans, including Speaker Johnson, criticizing President Biden for observing Transgender Day of Visibility
By DOMINIC YEATMAN FOR DAILYMAIL.COM PUBLISHED: 19:28 EDT, 27 March 2024 | UPDATED: 19:37 EDT, 27 March 2024 An LGBTQ activist with top degrees from Harvard, Yale and Princeton
Former FBI Agent in the video above says the Sean Combs raid is more than likely the end of the investigation as
By EVE BUCKLAND FOR DAILYMAIL and STEPHEN M. LEPORE FOR DAILYMAIL PUBLISHED: 16:42 EDT, 25 March 2024 | UPDATED: 19:59 EDT, 25 March 2024 Homeland Security agents have descended
By PERKIN AMALARAJ and DAVID AVERRE PUBLISHED: 07:34 EDT, 25 March 2024 | UPDATED: 07:44 EDT, 25 March 2024 Leaked footage has revealed that one of the four terrorists
I didn’t need this to know Jesus is real and exists but if true this is just icing on the cake and
Ezekiel 7:24 Is an end time prophecy for the U.S… God says in the last days because of the abominable sins of
Ezekiel 7:24 Is an end time prophecy for the U.S… God says in the last days because of the abominable sins of
Ezekiel 7:24 Is an end time prophecy for the U.S… God says in the last days because of the abominable sins of
1. Justifying evil under the fake guise of love…Isaiah 5:20-25, Proverbs 17:15 2. Encouraging a wife to divorce her husband and take
By GEOFF EARLE, DEPUTY U.S. POLITICAL EDITOR PUBLISHED: 09:10 EDT, 19 March 2024 | UPDATED: 15:36 EDT, 19 March 2024 Former President Donald Trump unloaded on Judge Arthur Engoron
By JAMES GORDON FOR DAILYMAIL.COM PUBLISHED: 21:14 EDT, 11 March 2024 | UPDATED: 02:28 EDT, 12 March 2024 The husband of U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is engaged
Humanism argues for the most part that religion is not required to have moral structure in society. It claims for the most
Parents from Montana lost custody of their 14-year-old daughter, now identifying as Leo, after they obtained sex change hormones through Amazon Their
By GERMANIA RODRIGUEZ POLEO FOR DAILYMAIL.COM PUBLISHED: 14:46 EST, 5 March 2024 | UPDATED: 17:06 EST, 5 March 2024 Doritos has fired a transgender activist who appeared in one
Etsy is another extreme radical far left liberal fascist company that shutdown my account after briefly selling on their platform. They falsely
All facts, except the part about the whole world and or all men being saved.
Watch the latest video at They are absolutely correct. Google is just another liberal fascist company that is focused on advancing
And be not deceived bad company corrupts good character. And also be mindful of who you associate with there are a lot
Climate control measures will bump up farming costs by 34 percent, report says Campaigners say farmers need to cut emissions or face
Question: When You Ask For Contributions From Companies Like Disney To Some That Can Give The Impression That You Are Doing This
I agree with President Trumps position on this issue. I believe everyone deserves a second chance. But it’s ultimately up to the
Donald Bohanon: Because I let the SSL certificate expire. When the SSL certificate is expired you will always get that warning message
NATO generals warned there may be just three years left of peace with Russia They said the body needs to start cutting
And let me explain why. These are very evil and deceptive times we live in today. I know first hand because I
By Donald Bohanon added 1/22/24 Basically what he is asking you to do is to put your absolute trust and faith in
Although I agree with most of what the UCG teaches I don’t agree with the teaching that all men will be saved.
She is an older Latino woman of short stature with gray hair and I’m convinced she is attacking this family I may
I totally disagree with 99.9% of the views expressed by the guy who is actually airing the event on his youtube channel
Related Information Ambitions Of A Great False Prophet?: The Pope Prays For A One World Religion. The Prophesied Rise Of The Strong
Companies are distancing themselves from the controversial Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and moving towards employee ‘wellbeing and inclusion’ Business consultants believe
They obviously believe all the prophecies about these coming calamities. And they are wise to do so. Either that or they may
Kendall Stephens, 37, was arrested on Monday accused of raping two minors The trans LGBTQ+ activist became a well-known campaigner after becoming
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The Department of Justice has filed nine new criminal charges against U.S. President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter The scandal-hit first son already
An unnamed woman claims in a new lawsuit that Diddy, 54, flew her to his New York studio in 2003 and plied
Based on what I have been seeing I personally think Nikki Haley will be a puppet in a sort of liberal conservative
Is this the goal of the European Union to have one form of digital currency all to be controlled from one centralized
Target has rolled out a ‘Pride Santa’ and a ‘Pride Christmas Nutcracker’ Figurine as part of their LGBTQ+holiday decoration line The big
Author Scott McKay claims Obama would have never been elected ‘if mainstream America recognized the full extent of his radical associations and
EXCLUSIVE: Schools across Britain taught kids to masturbate and have anal sex Teachers have also ‘indoctrinated’ children with false claims about biological
EXCLUSIVE: Video exposes trans ‘indoctrination’ in British primary schools READ MORE: The shocking lesson plans used by teachers in UK classrooms HAS IT
You better start rallying against it now because if not this can and will result in the government destroying your incomes if
And why wouldn’t it be? Think about it, the influx of migrants into the country solves a lot of problems for the
If you expect to win that is. I would encourage you to act if they are trying to codify aspects of bills
By Donald Bohanon–Published 10/19/23 I disagree with the notion that men who don’t have children wouldn’t be as responsible with children, and
I understand your pain and anger because many in your Arab community are being killed as a result of this conflict. But
I understand the rage that you must be feeling because of the demonic and barbaric actions of a few, but that doesn’t
If you see German troops, troops from the European Union, begin to surround Jerusalem/ Israel then you have major problems and we
Hamas massacred 40 children in one kibbutz alone, sparking global outrage. By SAM GREENHILL CHIEF REPORTER IN NEVE ZOHAR, ISRAEL. Babies beheaded, grandparents
Researchers found that kids with ADHD and autism are less able to expel BPA The team said that BPA exposure could increase
By INDERDEEP BAINS PUBLISHED: 17:47 EDT, 9 October 2023 | UPDATED: 21:23 EDT, 9 October 2023. It was supposed to be a festival filled with merriment and
Is it just me or does this guy look a little overly anxious and exuberant in the eyes about this interview with
A member of the LGBTQ+ advocacy group Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence who has previously participated in Drag Queen Story Hour was arrested after
I certainly don’t agree with all of Jordan Petersons’ views but he was pretty accurate in this discussion and in his assessment
I don’t agree with what the videos below seem to be suggesting, and that is, the influx of migrants is comprised of
Toxic byproducts of metals mining also pollute 10.7 million acres of flood plains Researchers estimate the pollution also impacts 5.72 million livestock
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I’m not sure I agree with everything the doctor says in this video. I don’t believe self control alone as society defines
MEGHAN MCCAIN: Relentless forces arrayed against Ron DeSantis smear him – because they fear him. But I’ll take this proven executive over
My posting of this information is not necessarily an endorsement of Vivek Ramaswamy only about sharing information that may be important and
Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) read graphic and sexually explicit passages from LGBTQ books during a Senate Judiciary Hearing on Tuesday He quoted
Let me explain why I say this. Because as of late there has been a lot of damning information coming out about
Question: There Are Many People Claiming To Be Prophets In These End Times And Even The Prophet Elijah. But How Can We
Question: Are You Concerned About The New Policy The Trump Administration Has Implemented Which Supports Preemptive Strikes On Those Deemed
The blazes on the island of Maui have now become the deadliest wildfires in modern US history – killing 93 people Hawaii
Barack Obama’s gay sex fantasy confession is revealed in unredacted letter to ex: ‘I make love to men daily, in the imagination’
Sitting down for a lengthy Q&A with Tablet, historian David Garrow also renewed claims Obama’s first memoir was fabricated – slamming it
Debunking The Man Made Climate Change Hoax And Exposing Its Dangers. Dr. Patrick Moore – A Dearth of Carbon?: Dr. Patrick Moore
The guy in the video above is Vivek Ramaswamy his campaign slogan is ‘Truth’. But I want to make it clear that
Included in the damning form is the claim that ‘it costs 5 (million) to pay one Biden, and 5 (million) to another
Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine, who is transgender, said that transgender minors may go through ‘the wrong puberty’ The comment
Question: What Do You Think About Bishop T.D. Jake’s Do You Think He Is A False Minister? Donald Bohanon: Let me see…He
By Donald Bohanon Published 6/27/23 Marco Rubio says in the video above that the men who claim these UFO’s exist really have
Romans 1:26-32: We’re here, we’re queer and we’re coming for your children’: Topless drag queens spark outrage with inflammatory chant at NYC
By Donald Bohanon Published 6/25/23 Barrack Obama puts on the facade of being so concerned and compassionate while at the same time
Watch the latest video at
Parents’ rights are under attack’: Fury as New York schools are told to keep children’s gender identities secret from families: New guidance
Related Information Wake Up America & The World!: If They Can’t Turn You Homosexual Through Lies, False Science, Fake Propaganda, And Other
The article below goes into detail about why Mr. Armstrong is not and could not be the Prophet mentioned in Malachi 4:5-6.
Sorcery and black magic are real and many young people are secretly engaged in it. And or experimenting with it. Not understanding
Question: I Don’t Need God Or The Bible To Define, Or Be Moral Or Empathetic To Others. So What Real Purpose Does
By Donald Bohanon Published 5/27/23 The young lady in the video above is a porn star her name is Reily Reid. She
Click Watch On Youtube
TTPAS does not agree with all the views of these channels but we do agree with their position in relation to rejecting
A number of the audio links were not properly redirecting to the audio file for some reason. This may have been happening
The video begins around the 2:50 mark. Colonel Douglas MacGregor explains, among other things, how Ukraine is the primary culprit in attacks
The Bible says in the last days America will be despised by all other nations. The fact that you have whole countries
Question: In Romans 10:9-10 it states that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that
Florida’s Education Department approved a rule on Wednesday that expands Ron DeSantis’s so-called ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law It now prohibits the teaching
Elon Musk says the guy told him he was a speciest. His response was you got me, and what are you? Lol.
We have no association or affiliation with WSHH they are just the source of this shocking information. This appears to be authentic
Watch the latest video at Watch the latest video at By Donald Bohanon published 3/30/23 The violent and deadly acts
Question: Why Are You So Resistant To Change? Change Is A Good Thing You Must Be Willing To Change To Grow And
The United States’ primary goal is to advance a sexual engineering agenda worldwide as opposed to an economic agenda. Advancing an economic
The most recent edition of the ‘Twitter Files’ reveals that FBI officials demanded execs for the social media giant to give them
Twitter’s former head of trust and safety received a torrent of threats Elon Musk implied in tweets that Roth had advocated for
President Joe Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act Tuesday afternoon in a ceremony attended by thousands on the White House South
LAUGHING IN THE FACES OF PARENTS. I don’t care who you are!’: Man is arrested for punching a NYPD officer after confronting
By HOPE SLOOP FOR DAILYMAIL PUBLISHED: 14:20 EST, 8 December 2022 | UPDATED: 18:32 EST, 8 December 2022. The dean of an elite school in Chicago has been caught
Question: The Bible Says In Revelation That Christ’s Hair Is Like Wool So How Can You Claim Israelites Are White When Blacks
Question: Why Do You Claim Barrack Obama Is A Servant Of Satan? Donald Bohanon: Because he’s proven it by his actions. He
Question: What Do You Say About Women Who Have Slept With Hundreds Of Men And Even Women And Who Encourage Other Women
Sexual perversions, rape, mass murder in the form of war, in the urban neighborhoods and communities, and in the form of abortion,
Dwyane Wade Accused Of Exploiting Transgender Daughter For Financial Gain. Dwyane Wade Accused Of Exploiting Transgender Daughter For Financial Gain Home / Exclusive / Dwyane Wade
Question: Would God Forgive A Woman Who Was A Prostitute And Could She Be Bought Into His Fold Of Protection Before These
Question: Why Do You Say The Stars Mentioned In Your Audio “The Coming Great And Terrible Day Of The Lord” Are Asteroids?
Question: How Can You Say God Is Love And Serve Him When He Allows So Much Death And Suffering? Donald Bohanon: Let
By the way, the plug and other device she’s talking about can result in you actually seeking out men for this kind
According to the Bible Grace was bestowed upon us as an act of mercy from Christ to pay the penalty for our
Question: In Your Latest Audio ‘Are All Sins Equal?’ You Say Fornication Is A Form Of Idolatry But Can You Explain What
By Donald Bohanon published June 14, 2022. Above is another example of a paid puppet and mouthpiece for the homosexual community and
I agree with most of what’s being taught in this video by the UCG but I don’t agree with its unbiblical view
By Donald Bohanon published May 21, 2022. I disagree with Tucker Carlson’s position that America’s out-of-control inflation is not an act of
Philadelphia’s School District emailed teachers and staff on their mailing list to inform them about the three-day free Trans Wellness Conference The
Putin: ‘Abandoning […] neutrality would be a mistake since there are no threats to Finland’s security’ Russia’s attack dog foreign minister Sergei
Question: Do You Have To Be Wealthy Or Employed To Lead Others To Repentance? Donald Bohanon: Was Jesus Christ wealthy? Was Moses
Watch the latest video at The verses in Isaiah 1: 5-7 are describing the spiritual/moral condition of America. As well as
Watch the latest video at Watch the latest video at Related Information. Why Do You Demonize Gays And Ostracize Them
Watch the latest video at Watch the latest video at Watch the latest video at Watch the latest video
Question: Would You Recommend Children Ruling Over Adults Based On Some Of Your Statements In The Anointing And Anointed Audio? Donald Bohanon:
Listen: Are All Sins Equal?
Question: Do You Think Russia Is Being Attacked Economically Because Of Its Stance On Homosexuality And Other Sexual Perversions? Donald Bohanon: Absolutely.
REVEALED: Transsexual, 83, on parole for killing two, arrested and charged for the murder of a third woman whose body was chopped
The Bible often speaks about the anointing and the anointed. Many self-proclaimed ministers have interpreted this to mean some kind of power
Question: Is It Unlawful To Attend The Funeral Of Your Mother On The Sabbath And To Act As A Pallbearer? Donald Bohanon:
EXCLUSIVE: ‘I love naked cuddles on a cold evening.’ How senior Facebook executive was caught in a pedophile sting after allegedly
All the world leaders in this video claim to be focused on securing and protecting democracy but at the same
We at TTPAS have no association or affiliation with WSHH they are merely the source of this troubling information. Keep in
ODU Professor Wants To Normalize Pedophilia And Use Terminology Like ‘Minor Attracted Persons’ Tuesday, November 16, 2021 Facebook Old Dominion University students
Related Information Male Masculinity Now Being Promoted As Toxic And Dangerous?
By Donald Bohanon posted August 31, 2021. TTPAS has no affiliation or association with WSHH they are just the source of this
Question: You Mention In One Of Your Q&As That God Doesn’t Operate In Jealousy But In Zephaniah 1:18 It Says The Whole
How school officials thwart internal whistleblowers – to protect explicit sexual and LGBT books in middle school libraries. Securing their
Question: Is rebuilding the traditional family structure part of the commission of the end-time Elijah and did Mr. Armstrong fulfill that role?
Question: Many Now Believe The Corona Virus Was Lab-Created By Men And If So Can It Be The Wrath Of God At The
Question: Are You Familiar With Lori Vallow And Are You A Part Of The Doomsday Cult? Donald Bohanon: Yes, I am familiar with
Question: In Your Most Recent Audio You Say We Are Not to Associate With Certain People But How Do You Explain Christ Association
Liberals, the liberal media, liberal and corrupt politicians, mislead and deceived citizens, etc, want the American public to think that inclusion
Consistent with the Bibles warning many false prophets are arising in the end times. Some claim to have been spoken to in
Many self-proclaimed ministers teach Christ came to do away with the commandments and that doing away with them is a part of
Question: Didn’t Jesus Christ Say John The Baptist Was The Elijah? Matthew 17:12-13. Donald Bohanon: Absolutely. But it’s important to point out
It’s interesting that they couldn’t even find the origins of Islam most people are just ignorant and blindly follow anything as a
Questions: What Do You Think About The Suggestion That We As Black People Can Communicate With The Spirits Of Our Dead African Ancestors
Question: Did You Study At A University To Come To Be So Knowledgeable About The Bible? Donald Bohanon: Absolutely not, because if I
Watch the latest video at The radical liberal left is now using children as pawns to advance the insane
HAHAHAHA.Laura with the man-made climate change impending doom music requirements. To go along with the ridiculous, fake, man-made climate change, impending doom
Question: How Do You Respond To Those Who Say If You Use The Word Of God To Condemn Sinful Behavior You Are
Question: Why Don’t You Engage Others In An Open Platform And Debate Those Who Oppose Your Stance On Specific Issues? Donald Bohanon.
By Donald Bohanon–Added May 5,2018 Karl Guttenberg– former ‘German Defense Minister’ and once prominent German political figure has resurfaced after his exile
Biologist Targeted For Exposing The Gender Bending Pesticide And Antidote To Heterosexuality- “Atrazine” – Poisoning America. Christina Sarich Waking Times Fri, 06
Q&A: Are you the same Donald Bohanon who worked at a company called ?????? in ?????? Was always dressed in sharp suits,
Question: You Say That Christ Is Going To Use A Sword To Defeat A 200 Million Man Army??? Doe’s That Make Sense
Question: I Am A Wife Married To An Ordained Minister Who Teaches The Bible Every Sunday. But I Work With A Homosexual
By Donald Bohanon– Published 12/29/2015 In a materialistic and wealth-driven society acquiring wealth is viewed as being synonymous with winning on all
Statement: The Quran is the holy word of God not the Bible. The Bible was written by men. Donald Bohanon: You would
There has been an increased focus on UFOs and UFO sightings as of late. The movie industry is now exploiting the UFO
Related Information Is Political Corruption Deeply Interwoven Into Every Facet Of American Government? Isaiah 1:5-7
Lol ‘Governor Trudeau?’ I thought It Was Prime Minister Trudeau?