Month: July 2021
The Fake Man Made Climate Change Veil Of Deception Will Eventually Be Lifted.
Here we go again. Bill Gates a spokesman for the radical liberal left is again claiming to be the expert on what ails the world. Don’t you find it strange that Bill Gates who is not even a climate scientist is the primary spokesman for an issue that they claim is a serious existential threat…
Full Exclusive Interview With Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Bill Cosby Is Released From Prison.
They’re Coming For Your Children And Working Hard At It: How School Officials Thwart Internal Whistleblowers – To Protect Explicit Sexual And LGBT Books In Middle School Libraries.
How school officials thwart internal whistleblowers – to protect explicit sexual and LGBT books in middle school libraries. Securing their toxic agenda targeting kids A chilling view into the minds of those who are in charge of teaching your children [Part 3 of a series. See Part 1 and Part 2.] July 3,…
Hahaha– Mark Zuckerberg Says He’s For Free Expression. I Was Always Told You Can’t Talk About It You Have To Be About It.
We have no affiliation or association with WSHH they are just the source of this disturbing information.
Q&A: Is Rebuilding The Traditional Family Structure Part Of The Commission Of The End-Time Elijah And Did Mr. Armstrong Fulfill That Role?
Question: Is rebuilding the traditional family structure part of the commission of the end-time Elijah and did Mr. Armstrong fulfill that role? Donald Bohanon: In Mr. Armstrong’s time, the roles of those in the family structure were pretty much defined, accepted, and embraced. In fact, Mr. Armstrong lived in an era where the traditional family…