YouTube Is Engaging In Liberal Fascist, Unethical, And Quite Possibly Illegal Practices, By Deleting YouTube Channels For No Reason While Falsely Claiming Repeated TOS Violations When No Violations Have Occurred.

By Donald Bohanon

YouTube has removed my channels while falsely claiming that I repeatedly violated community guidelines. They removed three channels in a span of three days. This was obviously an attack because of my position on sexual perversions as well as being vocal about corrupt, perverse, politicians who they love and adore, etc.

This is a contrived attempt at getting back at me because of my position on these issues. So I am appealing to politicians and others who support the same issues as I do to stand with me and fight openly or quietly against this company and companies like it who engage in these extreme radical fascist practices before I take matters into my own hands by entreating God to bring this wicked company to its knees.

If you expect me to pray for and fight for you I expect support from you as well. This is not the direction I want to take because I know several common people depend on the site to make a living but if I have to I will. So it is in the best interest of YouTube creators to work to help rectify this situation as well.

Filthy rich, ultra-extreme, radical, far-left liberal, companies, who bully common citizens because of their position on certain issues don’t deserve to be functioning companies. Because they are liabilities to citizens and the nation in that they seek to corrupt and destroy citizens through economic manipulation and intimidation.

I also find it strange that the channels removals were facilitated only after I posted a video on Twitter. So that makes me wonder if Elon Musk was somehow responsible himself. I’m not sure, but I will be looking into it. And if not, Elon Musk needs to look into who on his platform was behind it and who is targeting specific individuals for persecution lest his company X gets drawn into this financial drubbing/beatdown/ collapse.

Is he or was he conspiring with YouTube to take the channels down? Let me also emphasize that I violated no terms of service at all. Only one issue where I posted a video thumbnail on one channel and they claimed the image of an injured man I posted may be disturbing to others so they took it down. It was an image of a man who suffered burns. I then did a little research about what was acceptable on YouTube to educate myself so as not to make the same mistake and didn’t do it again. The video was educational in nature as are most of the videos on my channels.

All of these were new channels no older than a few weeks or a month. I never received any TOS violations or alerts for any of my other videos or channels. In fact, whenever uploading the videos I would always get a check stating there were no violations found and never received notifications after the fact of any TOS violations for any of the other videos they just took the channels down without even explaining or notifying me.

Just falsely claiming that I repeatedly violated YouTubes community guidelines and TOS when it never happened. They are also falsely claiming that I created the other channels to circumvent the cancellation of the first channel which is an absolute lie. The other channels were created weeks before they unjustifiably canceled the first channel so how could they have been created to circumvent the first channel’s cancellation? Just complete prodigious lies and falsehoods.

The only thing I did, which doesn’t violate YouTube TOS or community guidelines to my knowledge, was change the names of the some of the channels after deciding to go in a different direction after finding out what people were really interested in. After doing research and getting little response on those channels and about the previous subjects. So I changed the names and focused on different educational subjects. None of the content was of a religious nature or had anything to do with religion.

This kind of persecution has happened on several different occasions as it relates to jobs as well, but I wont lay down and I remain undaunted. So, now, maybe you can understand why I fight against these companies who house and hire sexual deviants who are the primary driving force behind the persecution.

This has been happening for decades only recently did I begin to fight because I was completely fed up with it. If the situation is not immediately rectified you can expect a major financial event to occur totally destroying and undermining the financial stability and success of YouTube. The audio outlining the event in detail will be posted soon if this wrong is not righted.

But I don’t just expect the channels to only be reinstated but that I am no longer targeted for persecution of any kind. If the channels are reinstated I don’t expect the channels to be manipulated by YouTube algorithims in such a way that they don’t rise in the YouTube rankings for example.

I also expect to be compensated financially for the troubles you put me through and continue to put me through. The significant amount of compensation will be outlined in the audio as a deterrent for other companies who may seek to engage in these evil, fascist, unethical, practices. Money of which I will use to further a righteous work and help others primarily. The consequences from God’s hand for these corrupt evil individuals who seek to harm me for standing for righteousness will be outlined in the audio as well. What’s happening to Disney right now is not a coincidence I would advise that YouTube learn from it.

The email notifications for the 3 channels deactivations are below because I’m sure there will be some and even some at Youtube claiming it never happened. I removed the names of the channels because the public doesn’t need to know that because it may open me up to further harassment.


We have reviewed your content and found severe or repeated violations of our spam, deceptive practices and scams policy. Because of this, we have removed your channel from YouTube.
We know this is probably very upsetting news, but it’s our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all. If we think a channel severely violates our policies, we take it down to protect other users on the platform – but if you believe we’ve made the wrong call, you can appeal this decision. You’ll find more information about the policy in question and how to submit an appeal below.
What our policy says
Spam, scams or commercially deceptive content are not allowed on YouTube.
We have reviewed your content and found severe or repeated violations of our Community Guidelines. Because of this, we have removed your channel from YouTube.
We know this is probably very upsetting news, but it’s our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all. If we think a channel severely violates our policies, we take it down to protect other users on the platform – but if you believe we’ve made the wrong call, you can appeal this decision. You’ll find more information about the policy in question and how to submit an appeal below.
What our policy says
Content that violates YouTube’s Terms of Service or that encourages others to do so is not allowed on YouTube. This includes posting content previously removed for violating our Terms of Service; or posting content from creators who are currently restricted or have been terminated under our Terms.
We have reviewed your content and found severe or repeated violations of our Community Guidelines. Because of this, we have removed your channel from YouTube.
We know this is probably very upsetting news, but it’s our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all. If we think a channel severely violates our policies, we take it down to protect other users on the platform – but if you believe we’ve made the wrong call, you can appeal this decision. You’ll find more information about the policy in question and how to submit an appeal below.
What our policy says
Content that violates YouTube’s Terms of Service or that encourages others to do so is not allowed on YouTube. This includes posting content previously removed for violating our Terms of Service; or posting content from creators who are currently restricted or have been terminated under our Terms.

You Can See The Reinstatement Of The Channels Here.