You better start rallying against it now because if not this can and will result in the government destroying your incomes if you don’t do as they say or if they don’t like what you say if you depend on the internet for those incomes. By shutting down your sites, ie, YouTube channels, etc.
I would suggest that you rally strong support against this marxist and or communist move urging your representatives to fight against it by ensuring that it never sees the light of day and if not make them understand they will pay for it at the ballot box.
This is an unprecedented power grab that is further proving this administrations goal of establishing an authoritarian and or totalitarian state.
First the fake man made climate change cult of control. Then kill switches in all U.S. vehicles. Now in an unprecedented power grab by seeking control of the whole internet could it be any plainer? This administration has literally gone off the rails and it needs to be reigned in!