Related Information Climate Change Or Wrath Of God ? Climate Scientists Laugh At Global Warming Hysteria. Lord Christopher Monckton Ends The Global Warming Debate And Proves It’s A Hoax. Is Man Made Climate Change Indisputable? The Man Made Climate Change Deception.
The Man Made Climate Change Deception.
Related Articles Is Man Made Climate Change Indisputable? The Science Behind Global Warming Hysteria.
UFO Sightings…Setting The Stage For A Great Satanic Deception.
There has been an increased focus on UFOs and UFO sightings as of late. The movie industry is now exploiting the UFO craze with the release of movies like Alien Abduction and others. As well as many other movies prior to those releases. But why so much focus on UFOs and alien life forms? Why…
Is Man Made Climate Change Now Indisputable?
Wow, I guess that pretty much settles the climate change debate, according to some climate scientists the globe is officially warming, and based on their studies there can be no disputing the scientific results they have come up with. But where are the climate scientist that are in complete disagreement with this panel’s findings, why…
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California Measles Outbreak Worst In Decades.
Ascension To Heaven Or Resurrection To Judgment?
All Audios And Content Are The Property Of Donald Bohanon And Are Not To Copied Or Reproduced In Any Way. To listen to audios just click the link. To save audios to desktop and listen, just right-click on audio link and choose save link as, or save file as. You must have Windows media player…
Isaiah 13:4-6 – The Lord Of Hosts Mustereth The Host Of The Battle.
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How To Create A Socialist State.
Saul Alinsky President Barack Obama HOW TO CREATE A SOCIALIST STATE by Saul Alinsky [Saul David Alinsky (January 30, 1909 – June 12, 1972) was an American community organizer and writer. He is generally considered to be the founder of modern community organizing. He is often noted for his book Rules for…
May God Bless Uganda And President Yoweri Museveni.
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