By Donald Bohanon Islam and the Black Hebrew Israelites Are False Relgions. Video Link: Who Is Jesus? It amazes me how religion,”false religion” will try and twist it, to make true Christianity appear as religion and religion appear as Christianity. The Bible tells us that whoever denies Jesus Christ is the Anti…
Yosemite National Park, Ablaze.
Related Information New Jersey Legalizes Same Sex Marriage Climate Change Or Wrath Of God ? Washington State Senate Approves Same-Sex Marriage Bill Man Made Climate Change Hype The Sinister Global Warming Agenda Deuteronomy 28:21-29 New International Version (NIV 21 The Lord will plague you with diseases until he has…
Homosexual Professor Caught Illegally Recording Students In His Bathroom.
Everyday it appears some new information arises about a homosexual/pedophile/bisexual man or lesbian woman being caught engaging in some inappropriate behavior with minors or adults. The fruits of this filthy perversion seem to validate itself daily, in the form of homosexual men and lesbian women engaging in some form of vile, illegal, sexual behavior…
Does Wearing A Beard Equal Masculinity And Manhood?
Absolute stupidity and ignorance, it looks ragged and tacky in my opinion I’m clean shaven and confident I look better that way. To suggest that a beard makes you a man and if you don’t have one you’re a child, a woman, or other, and I’m sure that “or other” is a pathetic attempt at…
Father Beats Homosexual/Pedophile For Secretly Molesting His Son From Ages 8-11.
The video above goes into detail about how a father caught a teenager molesting his 11 year old son, the abuse is said to have gone on for at least 3 years from ages 8-11 all unbeknownst to the father. This is just another example of how this perversion warps the spirit…
Over 50 Wildfires Ravage Washington State.
Related Information New Jersey Legalizes Same Sex Marriage Climate Change Or Wrath Of God ? Washington State Senate Approves Same-Sex Marriage Bill Deuteronomy 28:21-29 New International Version (NIV 21 The Lord will plague you with diseases until he has destroyed you from the land you are entering to possess. 22 The…
Corey Feldman: Pedophilia Is Hollywood’s Biggest Problem.
The Obama Administration Working To Strengthen The Democratic/Liberal Voting Base Through Mass Illegal Immigration.
I’m certainly not a proponent of mass illegal immigration nor am I against immigration reform for those immigrants who are here as a result of being used by big corporations for the sole purpose of cheap labor.To generate bigger more profitable bottom lines for those major corporations.By paying thousands of illegal workers…
Homosexual/Pedophile Ring Caught In Disney World Sting.
Noooooo,you can’t be serious?! The video above goes into detail about how a homosexual/pedophile ring was caught at Disney World of all places, a haven for young children. A number of sexual predators were also caught at Universal Studios as well, once again the perverse fruit of homosexual behavior is on full display as…
U.S. Adds 288,000 Jobs For The Month Of June.
I have to admit that number is even shocking to me that’s why I question it’s validity and ask the question, are these long term high paying jobs, or just part time, temp, short term, low paying jobs that are being created? And I will tell you why, I have strong reason to…