How Deep Does The Clinton D.N.C. Corruption Scandal Really Run…..And Why Isn’t The Liberal Mainstream Media Reporting This Massive Scandal?
Although I completely disagree with Sean Hannity on many issues and topics. I find this information interesting and I’m shocked the radical leftist liberal media is not reporting more about it.
Homegrown Terrorism?:A Deranged Gunman Kills 26 Church Members Of A Small Community.
A Man Bearing A Striking Resemblance To Las Vegas Shooter “Stephen Paddock” Spotted At Atlantic City Casino Five Days After He “Stephen Paddock” Reportedly Commits Suicide.
1 John 2:18, 2 John verse 7: Many “Anti-Christs” Rising In The “End Times” As Scripture Prophesied.
Former Fake Pastor K. W. The guy in the picture above claims to be a minister who now rejects Christianity based on an epiphany he recently experienced that came about as a result of his gross misinterpretations of scripture and misrepresentation of both God and scripture. He’s also claiming that he no longer wants to debate…
Homosexual/Pedophile Actor Kevin Spacey’s Victims List Of Young Underaged Boys And Men Now Grows To 8.
Related Links. The Homosexual Agenda A New Perverted Sexual World Order? New Jersey Legalizes Same Sex Marriage. Obama: Sex Education For Kindergartners Is The Right Thing To Do The Queering Of American Children Who Is President Obama Really? Decades Of Sex Abuse In The Boy Scouts Of…
Unbilical Cord Blood Now Being Touted As An Effective Treatment For Many Incurable Diseases.
The Clinton Corruption And Collusion Scandal Grows Deeper With More Disturbing Facets.
Effectively Shutting Down Unbiblical Justification For Homosexual Marriage.
Pastor Robert Jeffress effectively shuts down a false, abominable,homosexual minister in a discussion about the validity of homosexuality.Pastor Jeffress was absolutely right in condemning the false, and abominable,homosexual ministers comparison of the plight of homosexuals,with that of blacks and other minorities. They have nothing and at all in common and can in no way…
Q&A:Below Is A “Q&A” Session I Had Years Ago With An Individual Who Was Trying To Demonize God Based On His Gross Misinterpretation And Misrepresentation Of God And Scripture And His Lack Of Knowledge Of Both.
Statement: Christianity which uses the bible as it’s foundation. Same bible, where God gave commandments on how to conduct slavery: Leviticus 25:44-46,Exodus 21. Luke 12:47-48. The bible that has ludicrous laws on rape Deuteronomy 22:28-29, and countless example where God sent his people to commit horrible violent genocides. I’m not dissing…