YouTube Is Engaging In Liberal Fascist, Unethical, And Quite Possibly Illegal Practices, By Deleting YouTube Channels For No Reason While Falsely Claiming Repeated TOS Violations When No Violations Have Occurred.

By Donald Bohanon YouTube has removed my channels while falsely claiming that I repeatedly violated community guidelines. They removed three channels in

Target Under Fire For ‘Sexualizing Christmas For Children’ With ‘Pride Santa’ Decorations.

Target has rolled out a ‘Pride Santa’ and a ‘Pride Christmas Nutcracker’ Figurine as part of their LGBTQ+holiday decoration line  The big

I Have Been Sounding This Alarm For Over A Decade… EXCLUSIVE: Barack Obama Is Using His Toxic Radical, ‘Anti-American, Marxist And Anti-Semitic’ Views To Control The Biden Presidency, Author Scott McKay Claims In New Book.

Author Scott McKay claims Obama would have never been elected ‘if mainstream America recognized the full extent of his radical associations and

The Marvels Gets KILLED! Massive DROP Means It’s DEAD!

Bud Light Getting Destroyed.