Category: The Attack On Free Speech And Basic American Freedoms.
The Biden Administration Says Americans Must Endure High Gas Prices No Matter How Long It Takes In Order To Ensure The Extreme Radical Liberal World Order Agenda Is Realized.
Boycott ESG!!!: The Extreme Radical Liberal Left Is Working To Control Every Aspect Of Society By Forcing Companies To Adopt Their Insane Extreme Radical Policies. Which Are Sure To Include Promoting And Supporting The Ultra Extreme Radical Homosexual And Sexual Engineering Agenda. Through A Form Of Ultra Extreme Radical Liberal Fascism.
Watch the latest video at
Now, The Insane, Demented, Lying, Extreme Radical Liberal Left Are Coming For Elon Musk After He’s Awakened From His Slumber: Elon Musk Says Claims He Paid ‘$250,000’ To Silence SpaceX Flight Attendant’s 2016 Sexual Harassment Claims Are From ‘Far Left Activist/Actress With Political Ax To Grind’ To Stop Him buying Twitter: Challenges ‘Liar’ To Describe His Naked Body.
Elon Musk’s SpaceX firm was accused of paying $250,000 to a flight attendant She had claimed that he exposed himself to her
Historian WILFRED MCCLAY: ‘The Radical Lefts Tyrannical Impulse Is The Greatest Modern Threat To Freedom’.
Control, Coerce and Censor: From mobs targeting Supreme Court justices to President Biden’s Disinformation Board, the American left’s tyrannical impulse is the
BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors Admits She LIED When She Denied Using Group’s $6m LA Property Only For Official Business.
Reports are now surfacing that BLMs profits were around 900 million as opposed to 90 million. And if that is the case
Caught Lying Like A Rug: Look How They Cry And Weep When The Tables Are Turned On Them.
We have no association or affiliation with WSHH they are just the source of this information. We also don’t agree with all
The Ominous Ministry Of Truth?: Is The Biden Administration Working To Destroy Free Speech By Varied Methods Which Include The Creation Of New Departments With New And Different Names And Titles That Claim To Tackle And Address What They Define As Disinformation?
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has joined the chorus of critics tearing into the Biden administration’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ – headed by a