The FCC I’m convinced forced and or manipulated by the Obama Administration has just implemented steps to regulate the Internet. Under the guise of insuring a fairer more accessible internet for all citizens. The FCC has just insured that big companies can’t have access to faster lanes on the internet. Or is this…
Category: The Obama Controversy
President Barrack Obama’s True Origins?
Much of what’s being said rings of truth like the remarkable resemblance of President Obama to the leader of the cult. As well as the symbol Obama chose for his Presidency. As well as the “yes I can moniker”. The information in my opinion and much of its contents need to be taken into serious consideration evaluated and analyzed…..
Huge Obama Donor Accused Of Child Molestation.
Founder of the “Human Rights Campaign” one of the largest “Gay/Pedophile Rights Groups” in the country and a major Democratic Fundraiser “Terrence Patrick Bean” was arrested in Oregon Wednesday on an indictment that he sexually abused a boy in 2013. Police reports state he was charged with two counts of third degree Sodomy a…
Vladmir Putin Speaks About The Obama Administrations Radical World And Islamist Views And Agenda.
Article Source: Putin Has Some Harsh Words For Muslim Sympathizer Obama. While many Americans criticize U.S. President Barack Obama for his blatant ignorance of Islamic terror, the same praise Russian President Vladimir Putin for his politically incorrect bluntness towards America’s undeniable blindness of Islam. Putin has many condemnable qualities, but dealing with terrorists…
Man Made Climate Change Is Not A Fact Mr. President, And To Prove It Polar Vortex Number Three Is On It’s Way.
The President says man made climate change is a fact, but this is obviously just another obvious attempt to distort the true picture so perverse ungodly men and women can continue to work to further their ungodly agenda while the President leads the push and charge. Man made climate change is…
Satanic Pride On Full Display.
President Obama sends openly gay delegates to the Sochi Russian winter Olympics in act of complete disrespect and defiance for the rights of citizens and governments of other nations, to live as they choose in accordance with a set of moral principles established by the loving, supreme authority, Almighty God, for the benefit of…
May God Bless Russia And Vladimir Putin.
I never thought I would be writing an article about Russia being a leader in morality, but their stance on homosexuality/lesbianism/pedophilia and their belief that it is a very destructive perversion on a physical,spiritual, and national level I find to be a breath of fresh air in an atmosphere where the U.S. and…
The Destruction Of American Freedoms Under The Guise Of National Security, By The Obama Administration And The NSA.
Published: Jul 28, 2013 The NSA’s gathering of meta data (as they say) for the sole purpose of defending against terrorism and for the sake of national security is something that has taken the American Public by complete surprise. The gathering of information without the knowledge of the American Public has rubbed many Americans…