Terror In Brussels Belgium: Has The Biblically Prophesied Push Finally Begun?
The Bible says in the last days the King Of The South ( a possible radical Islamic brotherhood of Middle
The Truth Plain An Simple -St John 5:28-29, Romans 2:6-10.
News And Information From A Biblical Perspective. Foreknew, Predestined, Called, Ordained, And Justified, By God. Not By Man! – Jeremiah 1:5, Jeremiah 1:15, Malachi 4:5-6, St John 5:28-29, Romans 2:6-10, Romans 8:29-31, Ephesians 1:5, Ephesians 1:11.
The Bible says in the last days the King Of The South ( a possible radical Islamic brotherhood of Middle
Oprah Winfrey is a well-known and influential figure. The Oprah show was the benchmark for many of ABC’s talk shows, and the
LOS ANGELES — The rainy season drove into California in December with wet and windy promise: soaking rain, snow, dark gray skies
The European Union is working towards the creation of a multinational coalition military force to protect the continent from a perceived
Microchip Technology and implementation is advancing rapidly in Europe. Some companies are requiring that a chip be placed in the hand
More ABC News Videos | ABC World News The Bible says at the end of the age a fierce Middle Eastern King/Government
By Donald Bohanon Islam and the Black Hebrew Israelites Are False Relgions. Video Link: Who Is Jesus? It amazes me
The radical Islamic group Isis is moving rapidly towards the capital of Iraq and based on recent reports they have
I simply don’t trust a liberal media to report all the facts neither do I trust a corrupt anti God establishment
Wow, I guess that pretty much settles the climate change debate, according to some climate scientists the globe is officially warming, and