Romans 1:26-32–When The Nation Is Being Run By Insane Satan Controlled Puppets In Positions Of Power It’s Getting Close To The Time To Shut It All Down: Fake, Quack, Insane, Agenda Driven, Science And Medicine, Now Claims To Insanely And Ridiculously Be Able To Determine An Infants Sexual Orientation. So They Can Continue To Brainwash Children Into Thinking They Are Homosexual Or Lesbian Throughout Their Lives. And Provide Sex Change Operations For Children In Their Infancy.

Harvard Medical School offers course in OBGYN, pediatrics to identify LGBTQIA+ newborns and ‘infants’

  January 11, 2023SHARE

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Babies delivered at Boston-area hospitals may be identified as LGBTQIA+ at birth in the very near future.

Harvard Medical School is offering a course in specialty areas including OBGYN, pediatrics and plastic surgery. The course focuses on “serving sexual minority people across the lifespan.”

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The course is offered in conjunction with several Boston-area hospitals, according to

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Boston Children’s Hospital, which is affiliated with the Harvard program, insisted some babies know they are transgender “from the womb.” It isn’t clear how newborns communicate their gender identity to doctors at birth. Harvard Medical School will teach medical students what signs to look for.

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In a now-deleted video, Boston Children’s Hospital suggested an even larger number of minors know they are trans “as soon as they can talk.”

Medical students who go on to be OBGYN doctors will learn how to identify LGBTQIA+ babies and provide lifelong services to the child and its parents. Gender affirmation surgeries will also be performed on children.

“Clinical exposure and education will focus on serving gender and sexual minority people across the lifespan, from infants to older adults.”

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One service that will not be provided to LGBT+ children is mental health screening for potential mental problems.

In an interview with the New York Times in January 2022, one of the program’s directors Dr. Alex Keuroghlian rejected mental health screening for transgender people.

He said: “I’m really not a believer in requiring that for people. Being trans isn’t a mental health problem.”

Keuroghlian added that mental health screening is not necessary for nose jobs, breast augmentations or hysterectomies.