Month: November 2021
Ephesus: The Church That Left Love Behind.
The Burning Questions About Hell.
Do You Really Want To Do That?: Just Exercise A Little Patience.
Man Exposes Popeyes Massive, Disgusting, Nauseating, Rat Infestation And Allegedly Gets Fired For It. (Warning! Strong Language!)
That’s nasty as heck! Big Nasty Rats as big as Chihuahua’s climbing up the walls in formation like well-trained commandos going to their secret location. Nauseating and disgusting! They ought to be ashamed of themselves for firing this man. He did the public a major service. I’m sure there are many attorneys who will represent…
Q&A: Is It Okay For A Christian To Curse Or To Discuss A Sinful Past With Others?
Question: Is It Okay For A Christian To Curse Or To Discuss A Sinful Past With Others? Donald Bohanon: No and yes. It’s not okay to curse and or swear but it’s a habit that can be difficult to overcome and I have been guilty of it myself. But as long as you…
Dr. Patrick Moore – A Dearth of Carbon?: Dr. Patrick Moore Debunks The Man Made Climate Change Lie.
The Pushing Of The Man Made Climate Change Theory/Agenda A Guise To Advance A Totalitarian Agenda?
The Ex-President Of Greene Peace Says Man-Made Climate Change Doesn’t Exist.
Barrack Obama Trivializes The Alleged Rape Of A Girl By A Transgender Girl.
I’m convinced Barrack Obama is a Luciferian and a sold out servant of Satan. Who actually willingly submits to and follows Satan . And if that is the case he would have the mind of Satan who is diabolical, subtle, and deceiving, in his ways and who operates as a wolf in sheep’s clothing….