A Portland activist accused of sexually abusing an underage boy was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of separate sexual contact with an underage girl. Micah Rhodes, 23, is being held at the Washington County Jail on an accusation of second-degree sex abuse in connection with the girl. He was arrested after his arraignment in…
Month: February 2017
CDC:Flu Deaths Spiking Among Children.
The Sins God Will Never Tolerate And Expects To Be Corrected Or He Will Get Back To Business As It Relates To Punishing The Nation For These Offensive Abominable Sins.
ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos God is patient loving and merciful. But he will not compromise in terms of turning a blind eye to the practicing and promotion of specific abominable behaviors and requires that rectifying these things be swiftly acted upon. He is patient but if he feels you are trying to…
Q&A: What Is Your Opinion About Dating A Woman Who Has Homosexual Friends And Values Their Opinions?
Question: What Is Your Opinion About Dating A Woman Who Has Homosexual Friends And Values Their Opinions? Donald Bohanon: I would advise against it. Any woman who values the opinion of a sexual deviant whose mental stability, judgment, and character have been greatly compromised as a result of consuming, perverted lust, and perverted sexual addiction is…
What’s Afoot?: Worlds Biggest GMO Producer Monsanto Seeks Approval For Major Merger Under The Guise Of Insuring Steady Food Supply.
Trump could approve a giant merger that’s scaring American farmers Business Insider. Business Insider Dana Varinsky © Provided by Business Insider Corn farmer Illinois By the time President Donald Trump took office, he had already gotten involved in one of the world’s biggest mergers. In mid-January, the CEOs of Bayer and Monsanto, Werner Baumann and Hugh…
Q&A: Have You Heard About The Teaching That Women Are God’s And Creators Of Life Because They Give Birth And If So What Do Think About It?
Question: Have You Heard About The Teaching That Women Are Gods And Creators Of Life Because They Give Birth And If So What Do Think About It? Donald Bohanon: Yes I have heard that teaching and it is one of the most ridiculous outrageous things I have heard.And is obviously just another form…
Q&A: There Is A Donald Bohanon On Facebook With Glasses And A Mustache With A Picture Of A Child Sitting In A Chair With A Big Dirt Spot On The Door Is That You?
Question: There Is A Donald Bohanon On Facebook With Glasses And A Mustache With A Picture Of A Child Sitting In A Chair With A Big Dirt Spot On The Door Is That You?A Donald Bohanon: I have seen that facebook profile and absolutely not. We are two completely different Donald Bohanon’s same name…
Q&A: I Find The Information You Put Out Very Informative And Educational Why Haven’t You Posted An Audio In Over A Year.
Question: I Find The Information You Put Out Very Informative And Educational Why Haven’t You Posted An Audio In Over A Year? Donald Bohanon: I feel I have provided enough information to educate about the really important issues to God. Issues and topics that are not addressed by many self proclaimed ministers. There…