Month: September 2016
Proof Of Angels And Demons?
Let me start off by strongly emphasizing that I would not encourage you to try to cast out a demon simply because you have verbally accepted Jesus Christ as your savior. That does not dictate that you are born again nor does it determine that you are filled with or powerfully led by…
President Obama Ratifies Climate Agreement With China.
President Obama has ratified a climate agreement with China.But whats the purpose? Because there is no such thing as man made climate change that’s threatening the existence of man. And statements like 97% of scientist are in agreement that the climate is warming due to man made activity outlined in the video above…
Debunking The Top Five Man Made Climate Change Myths.
Jesse Dollemore Exposes The Ignorance,Arrogance And Bias Of Fox News Contributor.
I’m glad this guy Jesse Dollemore saved me the time and effort of responding to and writing about the obvious deep seated ignorance and bias of Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren. I find it hard to believe how some one who has no knowledge,understanding, or personal experience whatsoever about the plight of African…