You will never find the love, loyalty, honesty, respect, connection, commitment, passion, integrity, etc, anywhere else than in a truly righteous man. The truth of the matter is it just doesn’t exist in Satan’s world. Maybe only sparsely. And especially not in this present generation. And in most cases when trying to find it in this world it’s like chasing the wind.
You may be able to find a man or a woman who can put on an authentic-looking facade for a moment until his or her earthly desires that they have not learned to control takeover and begin to drive the vehicle. You will eventually be disappointed in the end and heart-broken especially if you were sincerely and genuinely invested yourself. And it will be no different if you are trying to groom a younger person into what you want them to be. If the spiritual condition is not addressed and corrected the outcome will be the same.
This is not to say a truly righteous man or woman is impervious to the pulls of the flesh but they have just disciplined themselves through the power of the holy spirit in such a way that they know how to control the desires and not allow those desires to take control.
A truly righteous man or a woman knows how to bring those desires under control and operate with an unselfish mindset while always taking their significant others feelings into consideration. When you have the holy spirit truly guiding you while following God’s word, ten commandments, and principles your chances of failure in relationships and life are greatly decreased. And although there are no ideal men and women in this world a truly righteous man or woman is the closest thing you will come to ideal. And success in life and relationships is not synonymous with immense monetary wealth and material gain alone.