And God’s word says if a man dresses in women’s clothing or a woman dresses in men’s clothing it’s an abomination. Certainly, cutting off your genitals to become a woman or vice versa is much more offensive to God.
Deuteronomy 22:5
King James Version
5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.
Any individual who allows a person who is immersed in the very sin they are championing to counsel them about that sin is a fool and accepting that counsel will only anger God and won’t end well. You yourself are immersed in abominable sin that God hates but are telling others how to conduct themselves in relation to the issue?
That is a conflict of interest and the definition of insanity. The Bible says Satan comes as a wolf in sheep’s clothing and an angel of light and his ministers do the same. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15. The Bible tells us we will know them by their fruits. Matthew 7:15. If they are fully committed too and practicing or championing anything that is condemned by God’s word they are not of God. They are only masquerading like they are. 2 Corinthians 11: 13-15.
The wise thing to do would be to permanently remove yourself from the company of those individuals. Lest that foolish counsel corrupts you and causes you to behave foolishly and anger God. If we are truly serving God we must be laser-focused on pleasing God as it relates to moral issues and not men or women. When God says it’s wrong we have to treat it as such. Simple, easy, and beneficial. When looking at critical moral issues from this viewpoint you will be able operate with a clear conscience while being able to govern without doubt or trepidation. We simply know if it’s wrong or right based on what God says in his word about the issue.
If others choose to defy God as it relates to the issue that’s their business and between them and God they will have to answer to God for it at some point. But we show our love, loyalty, and faithfulness to God by doing what he says in relation all of his word. Which is a process of growth overtime. That’s what a real Christian really is.