Let me first start off by saying I don’t condone violence but because I was an avid boxing fan I just thought I would offer my perspective as to why I think Mike Tyson lost the fight against Jake Paul.
- He came into the fight carrying too much muscle mass and because of it his endurance, balance, mobility, and ability to reel off fast combinations was greatly hindered. At his age to ensure speed and mobility are maintained you have to decrease muscle mass to a moderate level. That applies even if you are younger, it almost certainly assured defeat in Mike’s case at his advanced age. He was waaaay too bulky.
- His shoulders were massive as well as if they were emphasizing and putting him through heavy shoulder presses. This also greatly limits mobility and hinders the ability to generate snap on the punches and the ability to thread punches through smaller openings. It creates more of a pushing-type punch as opposed to explosive snapping punches. I would explain specifically why but that would be giving up too much information. Muscle is good but only in moderation when it comes to boxing. Avoid the heavy shoulder presses for boxing you will get enough shoulder work from moderate bench presses while maintaining the ability to fire faster combinations with more explosive power.
- He was too heavy, they had him looking like a bodybuilder as opposed to a boxer. This also greatly limited his endurance, mobility, etc. Because he was too heavy and bulky his mobility, speed, balance, endurance, and explosiveness, were greatly compromised. Makes you wonder if Jake Paul was paying Tysons strength trainers under the table to ensure Mike came in too heavy and too bulky to Jake’s advantage. Just something to think about.
- He would have been better served coming in at a weight of about 220-230 of defined muscle trained for faster more explosive combinations. And better, faster, mobility.
- Because he was too heavy and bulky his foot movement and balance were compromised as well so he was unable to press the action like he did in his younger years which would have been to his advantage because Jake was not trying to engage. He should have been working his way in using head movement to avoid incoming punches while countering after he had created and saw the openings in classic Mike Tyson fashion.
- His strength and conditioning coaches didn’t properly train him in my opinion they should have been putting emphasis on moderate bench presses in the 215 to 220 pound range that’s enough. And back work, leg work, deltoids, and curls done with moderate weight as well. About 240-pound squats for the legs, 90-100 pound curls or so for the biceps, no triceps work, that creates a pushing type punch also, you will get enough triceps work from the bench presses. And about 160-180 pounds for lat rows for the back, and dumbell flys for delts bout 35-40 pounds per dumbell. With slower reps focused on technique, positive and negative resistance. This will cause your body to produce more testosterone and HGH, thereby increasing lean muscle mass. The 2-3 exercises per body part method is not necessary and excessive for boxing. Train to failure with all the muscle groups with plenty of rest for recuperation while training the muscles for faster explosive punching and faster movement. The lower body should have been slightly more developed than the upper body for better stability and upper body mobility. Not too big and not too small. Being too top-heavy, as he was, disrupts your foot speed and balance.
- His age was a factor but I think a faster more mobile version of Tyson would have greatly improved his chances of winning the fight. One thing that was on point though was his defense (but that would have been even better had he been lighter) Jake barely laid a glove on him with the exception of a grazing shot every now and then. The problem was Mike couldn’t hit Jake because he was too tight, (pause, pause, and one more pause, for good measure), bulky, and slow which also reduced him to throwing just one punch at a time. With that being said I don’t think Mike should continue fighting. Although the things I outlined would have made it more competitive in my opinion, the health issues he’s been experiencing and the age make it harder to compete. Just my opinion.