Why Humanism Will Always Fail Like Religion Has At Transforming Society For The Good Long Term.

Humanism argues for the most part that religion is not required to have moral structure in society. It claims for the most part, that empathy, love, morality, community, etc, as humanism defines it, can be achieved without any religious structure.

The humanistic viewpoint is that all people have freewill, are inherently good, and desire to achieve their highest potential, and are therefore able to establish societal structures that cultivate and promote the good that is in all human beings to produce the desired effect and living spaces of empathy, morality, love, sharing, caring, etc, as humanism defines it, without any religious intervention or structure. In other words, they feel all these things can be achieved without a divine authority telling them what to do and how to do it.

Let me first emphasize that false religion can never produce the desired effect of societal structure and order that produces productive and constructive societies and leadership in the long term. In that, humanism is correct. Because false religion can simply be defined as the belief systems of men separate from God’s instruction and that could mean Hinduism, Buddhism, or Catholicism, etc. And when you thoroughly examine these forms of religion they are absent the requirements of God and his word to truly produce the structure and order in society for long term sustainability.

Many of these forms of religion also fail to protect the sanctity of society because they capitulate and bow down to, essentially accept, embrace, and go along with some of the most offensive abominable sins in Gods eyes. The sanctity of society can never be protected if the religious institutions whose responsibility it is to protect the sanctity of society accept and embrace the very sins and behaviors that destroy and undermine those societies and their sanctity. They then become very dangerous and utterly useless. Many of these so called religious institutions have now become proponents of unbiblical abominable behavior as opposed to opponents of it which the Bible commands us to do Psalm 97:10, Romans 12:9, Ephesians 5:10-13.

For example, Catholicism teaches that as long as you confess your sins to a priest your sins are forgiven. The Catholic Church, also, in many of its factions, at the urging of the Pope, is now embracing abominable sins that God condemns throughout his word. The Lutheran Church and many other false churches are also guilty of the same abominable sins. When you start accepting, embracing, and introducing, the abominable sins (which are higher levels of sin) into society the bottom normally drops out pretty quickly.

So, this basically produces a continuous cycle of willful sin in many respects, and no fear of consequences for your sins because you have confessed your sins to a person who practices a false form of Christianity and therefore does not have the power or authority to forgive sin. You develop a mindset that convinces you, that you can sin indiscriminately as long as you confess those sins to a priest afterwards. Hebrews 10:26-31. That is a brief synopsis of the religion but there are many other dictates also of the religion that don’t fully align with scripture.

So the sins therefore remain with all the chaos and confusion that comes with it. And the willingness to really put sin to rest is undermined by the encouraging of sinful behavior by suggesting its okay as long as you confess your sins before a priest and say a few hail Mary’s. The Bible also tells us there is one mediator between man and God and that is the man Jesus Christ 1 Timothy 2:5. Not men.

Hinduism and Buddhism on the other hand involve the worshipping of Idols. And its been my experience that this is normally done as way to circumvent the responsibility of truly working to produce Godly character as the Bible defines it. In other words, and in many cases, they don’t want to do what God says so they create their own Gods with their own sets of rules that don’t necessarily limit their own abilities to sin as they choose.

Similar to what ancient Israel did something that eventually led to their fall and destruction. The creation of these idols in many cases are done as a way to justify their sins, as God defines sin, so they wont have to depart from those sins. So the sin remains with all the chaos and disorder that comes with it.

Humanism is really just another form of false religion based on the same or similar principles regarding how righteousness can be achieved. A religion based on establishing their own rules so they don’t have to depart from sin as God defines sin. Religion/ false religion is not the key to establishing societal structure with long term sustainability.

But true heartfelt obedience to the rules and guidelines established in the Bible while being empowered by the holy spirit are. And the truth of the matter is this has never been achieved or done even with religion being the dominant force in society because those false forms of religion never required obedience to all the principles in Gods word while being filled with and led by the holy spirit. And this honestly is the only way to achieve long term sustainable structure and order in society.

It’s never been fully achieved because its never been fully implemented. Or even tried for that matter. With the exception of ancient Israel, and that was doomed to fail because they lacked the power of the holy spirit to fully and effectively live by it. But it still produced better more structured and ordered societies than the surrounding nations who lived by no Bible based moral rules and guidelines and because of it those surrounding nations were plagued by societies that were rife with violence, chaos, and disorder.

Now, there have been some partial implementation of some of those principles in societies throughout history with varying degrees of success because the implementation of some of that Bible based instruction has always produced better societies and outcomes than societies with none of that Bible based instruction.

These false forms of religion have never encouraged a full commitment to all the principles outlined in Gods word because they were formed and created based on gross biblical misinterpretation. Which has resulted in the widespread sin and hypocrisy you see in society today. The chaos and disorder you see in society today. The widespread rebellion against the word of God you see in society today. Because many of these religions encourage rebellion against Gods word and ten commandments under the false cloak of love.

Some, for instance, suggest that all one needs to do is accept Jesus Christ verbally without any real change in behavior which was also doomed to fail and is not biblically accurate because it essentially encourages hypocrisy and rebellion against Gods ten commandments and word. And without obedience to the ten commandments and word of God, God wont give you his holy spirit which makes it virtually impossible to submit to everything outlined in his word Acts 5:32. So the sin remains with all the chaos and confusion that comes with it.

Humanism is no different in that regard, and in actuality is even worse, because it relies on the false notion that all human beings are inherently good and are motivated to achieve their highest potential and because of it are capable of creating the types of societies that produce the love, empathy, caring, sharing, etc, that makeup these societies, as humanism defines it, but not how God and his word define it.

But all one needs to do is look at the state of the world and history to see the ridiculousness in that way of thinking. And how the world is descending deeper and deeper into confusion and utter chaos as is drifts further away from God and his principles and instead follows Satan and his twisted destructive ways and ideas. The truth of the matter is according to the Bible men and women are inherently evil in comparison to God and when left to their own devices it has always resulted in chaos, confusion, and ultimately destruction.

History has proven this over and over again with the fall and collapse of nations and empires over and over again throughout history. Humanism is just another in a long line of false religions that seek to create their own notions of right and wrong, evil and good, separate from how God defines right or wrong, good or evil.

As a way to circumvent the responsibility of living up to the measure of righteousness outlined in the Bible. This essentially produces societies where people are submitting to and following their own lusts and greed. And that in turn produces the confusion, chaos, and disorder, that results in the destruction and collapse of societies and nations. History has been a dark and stark reminder of this

When left to their own devices history has shown us time and time again that men and women will always choose their own lusts and greed, in varying degrees, no matter how twisted, over what’s really good and or bad as God defines it and that has always resulted in chaos and destruction.

The humanists suggestion that societies created based on the humanistic approach have been successful and thrived for periods of time throughout history is just a lie and is not supported by the facts or history. Just like the humanism religion is great big lie from Satan. Following that approach and way of thinking can and will eventually result in the practitioner following their own lust and greed in varying degrees to their own detriment and destruction.

And their own lusts and greed will be the foundation for establishing rules that dictate and determine whether a certain behavior is right or wrong or not. For example, a person who has a propensity to have sex with underage children if in a leadership position and left to determine if this behavior is wrong or right will obviously determine that pedophilia is right and should be legalized. Because there is no higher, wiser, more knowledgeable, authority that he follows to clearly reveal this behavior is destructive, abominable, and evil.

He himself becomes that authority and his or her decisions are determined based on what feels good to them and because of it this will be the governing structure in their lives and in the lives of others they have the rule over. If a woman, for example, has a strong desire to have sex with other women and loves the act of engaging in it, she will obviously determine that form of sexual behavior is good and should be legalized. Her lust and love for the behavior will be the governing structure in her life and in the lives of those she has the rule over. The way that really produces good as God defines it, and only as he can, will be meaningless and irrelevant to her. What appeals to her own lusts and greed will be the real determining factors as to what’s right or wrong in her eyes.

The fact that homosexuality, for example, produces deadly incurable disease, is just nasty, abominable, and evil, as the Bible determines will be irrelevant to the homosexual because he is his own self imposed authority and is governed by his lust and what he determines is right based on his own lusts and greed will take precedence over everything else and will be the governing structure in his life. And the examples are endless. Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-32.

God on the other hand is completely unselfish, full of limitless wisdom, and knowledge, and is governed by limitless wisdom, pure love, and limitless knowledge, which is the motivation for everything he does. He is incorruptible and not governed or influenced by the lust and greed that guide and govern men and women. And because of it he will never make decisions based on lust or greed, etc.

Because he knows how destructive these behaviors are because of his boundless love, wisdom, and knowledge, he will never justify or condone these behaviors. His love for humanity will never allow him to do it. He also understands that these behaviors open up a portal for strong demonic influence which leads to much more suffering and death even though we as human beings are incapable of seeing it ourselves. And because of it, it is deemed as abominably evil in God’s eyes. Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:18-32.

God can’t be bribed or enticed through greed and lust to accept any of it because he is not subject to the pulls of the flesh and the carnal corrupt nature that governs men and women. And because of this God is the only authority worthy and qualified to determine what’s right or wrong, good or evil, because he can’t be governed and controlled by lust, evil, or greed, etc.

And he will never compromise with it because he sees what we can’t see and knows how truly evil and destructive it is. He is the only authority that can be relied on to tell us what’s really in our best interest. And because of this, fully committing to his way of life is the only thing that will produce the desired outcome of long term structure, and order in society, based on what he defines as good or evil, wrong or right. Not the pride, lust, and greed, etc, that governs most men and women and that determine and form their views of what’s right or wrong.