This Is What’s Fueling Abominable Rebellion Against God In Society Today.

False ministers like this man spewing lies twisting and taking scripture out of context is the reason you have rebellion against God and his word in society today in the most abominable ways. Because they are governed by greed and lust and not by God and refuse to speak the truth for fear it may jeopardize their cash flows and make them fall out of favor with the individuals who cut their pay checks. Roman 16:17-18, 2 Corinthians 11: 13-15, 2 Peter 2:1-3, James 3:1.

The Bible is clear that these kinds of false ministers/ false prophets will be destroyed if they don’t repent of their lies and rebellion by calling evil good and good evil, and justifying the wicked for reward…Jeremiah 25:32-36, Isaiah 5:20-25, Proverbs 17:15, 2 Peter 2:1-3. Not only is he attempting to justify the ungodly behavior by taking Jesus teachings completely out of context he hasn’t provided one verse in scripture to substantiate what he is saying. And if he did, you can rest assured, he would probably take it, or them, completely out of context as well, as way to try to justify the behavior.

His ignorance of scripture in all honesty is as profound as a big furry unibrow. He is basically lying on Christ and God. The Bible commands Christians to expose these forms of evil, and to judge them, in love, by pointing out and emphasizing it’s wrong on so many levels in hopes that the practitioners will repent so they won’t have to face the wrath of God in the judgment and before. Deuteronomy 7:10, Ezekiel 20:4, Isaiah 61:8, Jeremiah 25:32-35, Psalms 21:8-9, Malachi 4:1-4, Matthew 13:49-50, Matthew 23:23, John 7:24, Romans 1:32, Revelation 21:7-8.

And sometimes a more stern approach is needed to get the message across to those who are bit more stubborn and resistant to the truth. Christ often referred to the Scribes and the Pharisee as fools, hypocrites, serpents and vipers, and warned them there would be a terrible price to pay as it related to them being unable to escape the damnation of hell for their evil if they didn’t repent of that evil Matthew 23:13-38. They had essentially watered down the ten commandments and buried them under layers of mens ordinances that had nothing to do with keeping the ten commandments in addition to living hypocritically themselves. What Christ was actually exercising was righteous indignation which is justified in God’s eyes if it’s done for a righteous cause but it still has to be done in accordance with Ephesians 4:26-27.

The Bible goes as far as saying if a man dresses like a woman it’s an abomination. Common sense should tell anyone, who has some, that a man cutting off his genitals and masquerading as a woman is much, much, more offensive in God’s eyes…Deuteronomy 22:5 We are commanded to hate these forms of evil (but not the person themselves, but they also can’t be trusted in that spiritual condition) expose them, and call them out for what they really are, and not justify or support them Isaiah 5:20-25, Psalms 97:10, Proverbs 17:15, Romans 12:9, Ephesians 5:10-13. The problem with America and many other nations is they have the wrong individuals in their ears.

This man unfortunately is a classic example of what’s destroying and corrupting American society and the World community because they spew lies and justify evil for pay under a fake cloak of love and loyalty to God. The truth of the matter is if Christ were on earth today he would vehemently condemn this abominable behavior and would be greatly angered and thoroughly disgusted by it. What the American public and the world community need to do is beware of these kinds of false prophets who come to you as wolves in sheeps clothing. Matthew 7:15. Because if not, following their false teachings that justify and encourage these kinds of abominable behaviors will be your undoing. Unfortunately the truth of the matter is according to God’s word this man doesn’t represent God he represents Satan and his own belly… Matthew 7:15, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, Romans 16:17-18.

He also claims that transgenders are being persecuted but this is the same argument the homosexual community used to get homosexual marriage legalized but the problem with that argument is that you can’t complain and scream that you are being persecuted when engaging in offensive, destructive, perverted behavior. Because it will be largely offensive to most people.

Just like the liar can’t complain about being called a liar. Or the thief cant complain if they are being accused of stealing, etc. Which are mild in comparison to these abominable sins by the way. When you engage in bad behavior you should expect negative backlash for it. But the LGBTQ communities solution to it is to try to legalize and normalize these destructive behaviors in hopes that the ridicule will cease and the behavior will be seen as normal.

Which in all honesty is a sign of insanity and will have a much more destructive impact on society as whole. And it’s not surprising because the Bible says the behavior produces a type of spiritual and mental corruption that leads to a type of insanity and rampant evil behavior and ultimately physical and spiritual death Romans 1:32, Romans 1:26-32. Simply put, if you want the ridicule and hate to cease stop engaging in ungodly, destructive, offensive, behavior. Problem solved. That’s how a normal, healthy, productive, society functions. He also has the audacity to claim others don’t know how to lead when he is leading millions into abominable rebellion against God, confusion, and death. Give me a break. And I’m not sure how he is equating the poor with transgender perversion, that’s simply ridiculous and outrageous.