This Guy Is Not Me.

Neither do I have any photos of myself posted to my Facebook account (that I can no longer access, by the way, because I deleted the email credentials, I think accidentally, and the company behind the email has gone out of business. They want me to retrieve a code they send to an email I no longer have access to). I haven’t been on Facebook or even logged into my account for several years possibly even a decade or so. There are a lot of accounts that appear under the name Donald Bohanon.

But I have not added any photos of myself to my Facebook account. You won’t find any photos of me online in photo albums or as a profile picture. That storm door design is similar though, so that’s kinda weird. And I do wear fitted caps but that’s certainly not me.

Neither is the guy in the second photo. I think they are the same person though. I just want to clarify that because some people think these photos of guys they see on Facebook under the same name are me. I don’t have any photos of myself published online or on Facebook.

My profile pick is actually a picture of a Bible. Just to clarify. And I let my hair grow back in, for the time being anyway. I may be wrong but I think someone may have intentionally created this account to give the false impression that this guy is me. But once again this is not me. I even wonder if the guys name is really Donald Bohanon.