From any race. It’s like a festering cancer quietly waiting in the shadows for the chance to spread, consume, and destroy its host. That’s one other thing that God detests and is certainly going to bring the wrath of God upon the nation.
Racism and hardcore, hardline racists, should be dealt with with the same urgency that you use to deal with the economy, the borders, and other very destructive and damaging social and cultural issues. And if not, I promise you, God is going to deal with the hardcore racists himself.
And trust me, you don’t want that. The hardcore racists of any color or creed need to be rooted out and dispelled from any position of power and influence. Hardcore flaming racism is just as much a danger to the survival of the nation as the border crisis, inflation, and the homosexual/pedophile agenda and that’s saying something.
I would urge you to work diligently to correct all of it and if not God is going to correct it his way. I can never say this enough. Please do not, and I mean do not, provoke God to anger. And that’s a plea not a demand. Nobody wins when flaming racism takes hold of the nation.
God hates racism because it’s birthed from ignorance and produces unrestrained, uncontrolled, rabid hatred, for other human beings simply based on their skin color or race. It’s actually a form of insanity resulting from grandiose narcissistic pride, fueled by rabid, ignorant, hatred. And, the hate is not based on the persons behavior, the things they do, say, and think, for the most part, but simply on their skin color or race.
According to God’s word, we are to judge people by what they say, do, and think, not by their skin color or race. But that still doesn’t give you a right to physically harm the person unless they are trying to harm you. The Bible tells us to hate the evil that people do. And to hate evil of all forms, but we are not to hate the lost, led astray, shackled, and enslaved themselves, but only to hate the evil itself, to expose it, and work to eradicate the evil, not ‘the people’.