Most women think because they are beautiful and successful that qualifies them to be a certified catch for most men. And that may be the case for most worldly men who are gold diggers with an agenda. Because you have male gold diggers also.
But that attitude won’t get you anywhere with a man who has godly character because he only sees the godly character in a woman first. Everything else is secondary.
If you don’t have godly character you won’t be appealing to him I don’t care how good you look, how good you think you look, or how much money you have. Because he knows the lack of godly character will only prove problematic in the relationship and be a liability in the future.
The godly man is married to God and the woman who sparks his interest and catches him has to be also. If you aren’t willing to make that sacrifice it’s probably best that you move on because you will probably be just wasting your time.
Beauty and success will certainly be appealing to worldly men but it won’t be nearly as appealing to godly men of character. It won’t be enough to spark a godly man’s interest in terms of establishing a serious relationship.
But beauty and success will certainly be enough to hook and catch most worldly men, but be prepared to deal with the many problems and the sorrow that comes with allowing yourself to get emotionally involved with a man who has an abundance of character flaws that he refuses to address and correct. And women are no different than men in that regard.