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I’m not sure if this is authentic or not but it sure appears to be. If anyone is experiencing this kind of demonic harassment you have to cast the spirits out in Jesus name and break and bind their power in Jesus name. Like Christ tells us ( his disciples) anything we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. And anything we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Matthew 18:18. This appears authentic but there are fakes on the internet so it’s hard to tell. But the Bible also says these kinds of demonic occurrences will be prevalent in the end time. One thing you can take comfort in knowing though is their power pales in comparison to God’s power and we have authority over them. So we have the power to cast them out and bind and break their power. We as disciples of Christ have authority and complete power over them. So no one should be afraid of them.
But you have to have faith but faith is virtually impossible without obedience to God’s word and commandments. Faith is simply confidence God will fight for you when you are in need. But it’s hard to have that confidence when you know you are living in ways that are abominable and displeasing to God. And God’s loyalty to us is based on our obedience to him. John 9:31
That’s why works and faith are necessary and go hand in hand James 2:14-26. I’m also stumped as to why the demon would have homosexual sex with the man, was the man a homosexual himself? But once again I’m not sure if this is authentic or not. But if it is real it needs to be seen because you need to know this kind of evil exists.