Find you a hobby or hobbies to occupy most of your time and please stay away from anything street-related because it’s not for you. Focus on family and stay busy with things you like to do and if you don’t have any, take up some hobbies.
Because if you get involved with street stuff I’m convinced you will be led astray and spiral completely out of control. You’re not built for that environment you will be a prey item that street-wise men and women prey on. Trust me, you will be much happier and content focusing on things that bring you peace and contentment.
The streets are not a peaceful place and if you don’t have the right mindset, street sense, and smarts, to navigate those streets you will get eaten alive and just pretty much watch your life spiral out of control overtime. Especially if you don’t know how to turn it off and on. And most people don’t know how to. And there are different levels of street involvement the deeper you get involved the worse it will be for you.
And the deeper you’re in it the harder it is to come out of it. So please just keep doing those things that you like to do to occupy your time and stay away from street stuff you are not built like that and you are not built for it. You’re too nice for the streets. Keep your focus on your son and daughter and your own structured life. Life will be easier and better because of it. Trust me.