Donald Bohanon: Because I let the SSL certificate expire. When the SSL certificate is expired you will always get that warning message no matter whose site it is. The only transactions I was going to initially allow were donations through cash app because no SSL certificate is needed in those cases because they initiate the transactions on their end.
But those transactions were never allowed to go through by the company because the company is located in San Francisco California and run by sexual deviants so it shouldn’t be hard to figure out why they wouldn’t allow donations to be sent to me. So they were initiating a security alert on their end to intentionally make the ignorant public think I was up to no good.
This is another reason why it is absolutely stupid to put sexual deviants in positions of authority and leadership because all vestiges of ethics, morals, and professionalism, will be cast to the ground in order to advance their evil agenda and satisfy their lust and to hinder and persecute anyone who doesn’t agree with them or who speaks out against their perverse behavior.
Treachery, unprofessionalism, pettiness, vindictiveness, manipulation to accomplish evil objectives, dishonesty, lack of ethics, lack of morals ( as God defines morals) confusion, and deception, etc, will reign supreme in those environments.. And productivity and the bottom line will suffer. But I intentionally allowed the SSL certificate to expire because I was not doing any transactions that required an SSL certificate so I was just giving the company free money for a service I wasn’t using because I was making no transactions so I intentionally allowed it to expire.
That is the reason you would see the error message not because I was engaging in anything criminal or nefarious but only because I allowed the SSL certificate to expire and or did not reactivate it after it expired, once that happens you will always get the warning that you risk theft of information by proceeding to the site because the site is no longer secured by an SSL certificate and that will happen with any site that has let their SSL certificate expire, not just mine..
The purpose of an SSL certificate is to secure your financial information when financial transactions are made to ensure your information is not stolen or compromised by outside hackers. I initially planned to allow transactions that required an SSL certificate but changed my mind so there was no need for the SSL certificate so I allowed it to expire so that’s why you are getting the warning message and that happens with every site that allows their SSL certificate to expire.
Https means the site is secured with a layer of encryption for your protection but it will trigger the warning message and the term (not secure) at the top of the site if the SSL certificate is allowed to expire. It doesn’t mean the site is not safe only that it cant be relied on to protect your financial information from outside hackers if you do financial transactions on the site if the SSL certificate is not activated.