Question: In Your Most Recent Audio You Said God Has Delivered You Out Of Many Situations Can You Describe A Few More?
Donald Bohanon: Sure, one incident occurred when a water heater repair man had come out to fix the water heater but while fixing the water heater he decided to check to see if the carbon monoxide fumes were being properly shuttled out through the chimney by flicking a lighter near the carbon monoxide fume funnel but when he did the carbon monoxide fumes blew the lighter out.
So he did it again and the fumes blew the lighter out again. He then told me to shutoff the gas to the water heater and to open the windows in a very urgent tone and advised me to get it checked out. But before he did all of that he looked at me with a confused look on his face and said you’re dead pal. I then asked him what he meant by that and he told me those were CM fumes that were putting the lighter out and told me I should be dead.
He asked me if I slept there and I told him yes and I also worked out in the basement. He was astounded that I wasn’t affected by the fumes. I later found out that the lining of the chimney had collapsed in unbeknownst to me so the fumes had nowhere to go and were instead backing up into the basement and house but they never affected me or anyone else in the house. I would regularly workout there and I slept there but the fumes never affected me in the least… Psalms 34:7, Psalm 91:11, Hebrews 1:14.