By Donald Bohanon published June 14, 2022.
Above is another example of a paid puppet and mouthpiece for the homosexual community and agenda promoting ridiculous theories and an absurd rationale to help advance the homosexual agenda for pay.
I hate to have to keep exposing members of my own community for their obvious bias and in most cases as a result of being enriched in some way by the homosexual community to help advance their agenda. But the truth has to be spoken to counter all the lies and deception.
Tamron Hall by the way is one of the biggest if not the biggest threat to the black race and the human race as a whole as she aggressively promotes the destructive, corrupting, homosexual/pedophile agenda with a big smile on her face because she is being compensated well to do it. But back to Shannon Sharpe. He has the audacity to compare gay rights with the rights of blacks and other races and minorities. Suggesting that homosexuals and lesbians should be given the same rights as blacks and other minorities.
Let’s examine his statements and ridiculous reasoning for a moment. I think it’s important to first understand that homosexuality is not a race or a nationality so it can’t be grouped in with the plight of blacks or any other race in terms of civil rights violations. Or racial discrimination, oppression, etc.
Homosexuality, bisexuality, lesbianism, and transgenderism, etc, are filthy very corrupting, and dangerous sexual perversions that have resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of people worldwide as a result of AIDS. They are biological threats and hazards because they’re very nasty and extremely unsanitary and produce many diseases in many forms. And more profoundly they pervert and corrupt the human spirit in a way nothing else can.
Shannon Sharpe and many others unfortunately are being compensated to push and promote the LGBTQ agenda. Maybe not directly necessarily but certainly indirectly. To suggest that the plight of homosexuals should be compared to the plight of blacks and other minorities is ridiculous and very offensive.
Rejection of perverted sexual behavior is not a civil rights offense or issue. Because sexual perversion can never be classified as a race. Sexual perversion is dangerous and physically and spiritually deadly and should always be rejected. The spread of AIDS and other diseases as a result of it and other diseases that will arise in the future as well as the proven warped spiritual condition it produces resulting in a warped and twisted mental state is proof of it. And more importantly, God strongly condemns and rejects it for all the filthy obvious reasons. Romans 1:18-32.
The persecution, rejection, and discrimination of blacks and other minorities is and has been based on skin color, nationality, and the stereotypes associated with it. Homosexuality has been rejected historically because it’s a corrupting, destructive, form of perverse sexual behavior. The rejection of perverted homosexual behavior can never be compared to discrimination based on race. One is about race and nationality the other is about perverted sexual behavior.
They are two totally different issues as different as fire and water. Suggesting that homosexuals, lesbians, and transgenders, etc, should have civil rights based on their sexuality is the equivalent of suggesting pedophiles should have civil rights based on their sexuality as well.
The homosexual and lesbian community have deceptively and cleverly managed to include rejection of perverse sexual behavior in the same vein and category as discrimination based on race. And many like Shannon Sharpe have blindly embraced the ridiculous comparison without even evaluating it. Primarily because he and others like him are compensated financially to support and promote it.
The Bible says in the last days the turning away of the simple/ the ignorant from the truth, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. This means that many people will foolishly abandon and reject the truth or turn away from it and sexually perverse men and women in power will entice the ignorant and foolish in every race to support and promote their destructive agendas for pay. And the fact that many do, will eventually, result in their physical and spiritual destruction.
The prosperity/ wealth of these perverted fools as you blindly practice, promote, support, and follow them for reward is going to destroy you physically and spiritually is basically what that prophecy means. Verses 24-31 explain clearly what the problem is and as God explains it’s your unwillingness to fear/obey him for your good. You instead follow, support, promote, and practice, perversity for reward.
Seeking to improve your economic situation by partnering with perverted groups is not progress or a solution but it’s an act of desperation and acting based on desperation normally ends disastrously and it most certainly will in this case.
But God goes on to say in verse 33 that whoever hearkens to him/ listens to him/ obeys him will dwell safely from fear of evil. Emphasis on obeys. Deuteronomy 7:10, Psalms 21:8-9, Isaiah 5:20-25, Proverbs 17:15, Malachi 4: 1, Romans 1:30, Romans 1:18-32 Romans 1:32, Revelation 21:7-8.
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