Ezekiel 7:23-27 King James Version (KJV) 23 Make a chain: for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence. 24 Wherefore I will bring the worst of the heathen, and they shall possess their houses: I will also make the pomp of the strong to…
Kim Davis: An Example Of Courage And Conviction In An Increasingly Perverse And Anti God Society.
By Donald Bohanon …Published September 26,2015 Kim Davis religious beliefs and her position as county clerk of Rowan County in the state of Kentucky has put her in a precarious position. Her job dictates that she must issue marriage licenses to same sex couples in accordance with state law which I might add has been the…
California Wildfires Ravage Communities 600 Homes Destroyed
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Q&A: What Do You Think About The Popes Claim That He Has The Authority To Forgive Sin?
Question: What do you think about the Popes claim to be able to forgive sin and delegate that ability to other Priests. Donald Bohanon: I’ve heard that claim and he’s delusional and a false representative of Christ/False Prophet. He is nothing but a false prophet who tells the people, the masses, what they…
Q&A: The Quran Is The Holy Word Of God Not The Bible. The Bible Was Written By Men.
Statement: The Quran is the holy word of God not the Bible. The Bible was written by men. Donald Bohanon: You would be wrong about that. Truthfully, I have found many Muslims and those that support the faith to be very deceptive and dishonest. They often slander the Bible/the word of God by creating all…
Q&A: Christ So Identifies With The Church That He Calls It His “Bride”. You Cannot Claim To Love Jesus And Then Refuse To Love His Church.
Statement: Christ so identifies with the church that He calls it his “bride”. You cannot claim to love Jesus and then refuse to love his church. Donald Bohanon: It’s important to first identify what true doctrine is. There are many religious factions that claim to be the true church of God. But many of those same…
Q&A: You Speak Of Judging Quite A Bit But Have You Not Read Luke 18:10-14?
Question: You speak of judging quite a bit but have you not read Luke 18:10-14. Donald Bohanon: You appear to be reading what you want into that verse and taking it completely out context and trying to apply it to a situation that’s non existent.Those who truly desire to follow God, hear the truth/God’s…
Q&A: Why Do You Judge Others When The Bible Condemns Judging? Matthew 7:1-3.
Question: Why do you judge others when the bible condemns judging? Matthew 7:1-3 Donald Bohanon: The Bible commands and instructs and has always commanded and instructed the righteous to judge in righteousness. In other words…the person who is doing the judging must be righteous themselves and must use the word of God when applying judgment…
Mentally Disturbed Homosexual Murders Journalists.
WARNING!! GRAPHIC FOOTAGE! Romans 1:26-32 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward…
Q&A: How Can You Preach “Christ Love”, And Separation At The Same Time?
Question: How can you preach “Christ love”, and separation at the same time? Donald Bohanon: As far back as the establishment of Israel as a nation God has instructed the righteous to avoid fellowship with the unrighteous and or wicked and that still applies today. Primarily because such associations can result in the believer being deceived…