Listen ladies if a guy has never reached out to you in the form of speaking to you. Calling you. Texting you. Or emailed you asking to get together or to get to know you better don’t assume they are interested in you.
You should never come to that conclusion if they have never reached out to you or simply because they posted some of your content on their site or something along those lines.
That can actually be very dangerous because you can develop delusional thoughts in your head falsely convincing yourself that the guy is obsessed with you but he has never even expressed an interest in you in any way.
That is very dangerous. He won’t actually share those views that you harbor and may never reach out or express an interest and you may actually get offended at some point because in your mind and based on the irrational conclusion you have come to you may feel it’s his duty to do so.
Or if you see him with a woman you may feel slighted or disrespected in some way as a result of the delusional conclusion you have come to and that may even lead to hate, violence, slander, harassment, or some other harm to the man in some form. Some fatal attraction-type stuff.
So be careful not to allow your thoughts as a result of vanity and ego to cloud and distort your judgment. If a man hasn’t reached out to you don’t assume he’s automatically interested in or attracted to you and that he must absolutely be interested in you because in your eyes you are so hot and irresistible. He may not see you as you see yourself. This is simply the truth. If he’s really interested he will reach out in some form. The same thing applies to men expressing an interest in women.
And a Godly man, for example, views things from a completely different perspective. He is driven by a higher power and calling. Beauty and brains alone are far from being sufficient enough to draw and hook a truly righteous and Godly man.
A Godly man knows a true Godly woman will know the importance of keeping God’s ten commandments and word. Which includes keeping Gods weekly and annual Sabbaths as well. Mentioning anything related to Sunday worship is a dead give away and he will be completely turned off by it.
Because he knows you are either ignorant or not serious or both and don’t have the power to live righteously in accordance with God’s requirements because you won’t receive God’s holy spirit by transgressing his weekly sabbath. So he won’t take you seriously or trust you in that regard no matter how loud you shout that you are a Godly woman.
He can also spot a coached individual from a mile away. And the picture above is not necessarily reflective of a particular person or a particular race that I’m talking about. It was just the only picture I could find that was representative of the topic I’m discussing. Just some food for thought.