I don’t know much about this guy but I do know he is speaking the truth as it relates to what sexual perversions produce. More and different forms of sexual perversion. That is what it produces.
The behavior only gets worse and branches out into other new and different forms of sexual perversion. As the participants look to satisfy their consuming desire for perverse sexual gratification by experimenting with other forms of perverted sex that afford them that ability.
There are numerous videos on this site revealing several instances of homosexual men and lesbian women molesting children. Murdering children, etc. It’s no secret that the behavior as the Bible clearly outlines over time produces a type of insanity that’s fueled by perverted lust that produces the very evil, dangerous. and destructive fruits outlined in Romans 1:18-32.
If you don’t come to really understand the truth of this as the Bible outlines and act on it you are going to be in a world of hurt and suffering as an international community in the very near future.