Is Kamala Harris Pushing A Depopulation Agenda By Way Of Child Castration, Abortion, And By Pushing The LGBTQ Agenda That Also Puts An End To Child Reproduction?

We here at the TTPAS don’t agree with all of the views in the video above but the young lady in the video makes some very good points that need to be seriously considered by blacks and other voters before they cast their votes. Kamala Harris is obviously pushing a pedophile agenda because she supports the brainwashing of children as young as three years old in elementary schools by way of homosexual, lesbian, and transgender indoctrination in the schools curriculum.

She also supports the physical and chemical castration of children as young as five years old even without the parents consent with serious consequences for parents who try to interfere with the castration. She supports an open borders policy that has resulted in massive illegal immigration in the millions that is destroying the economy because it puts a massive strain on and depletes the healthcare and welfare system and is pushing blacks and other minorities further down the economic and social ladder and is going to eventually lead to civil and social unrest.

I feel for illegal immigrants because of the situations many of them have been thrust into and for many through no fault of their own. But for this ultra extreme radical democrat party it has never been about concern or compassion for illegals but only as a way to secure power by building their voter base by illegal methods so they can retain power for years to come to implement diabolical agendas that will destroy the nation. For them it has nothing to do with compassion or concern for illegals at all.

These sick, depraved, deranged, people have the audacity to call normal people who oppose this insanity weird, when they truly are the weird and deranged ones. This to me appears to me to be a form of intentional national genocide if you really want to get down to brass tacks, courtesy of the democrat party. The young lady in the video above makes some good and important points and I agree with her stance about not giving police absolute immunity because that will simply be a green light for the bad ones to wreak havoc on defenseless citizens.

But I don’t agree with her position about voting for Robert Kennedy Jr because he supports many of the twisted policies the democrat party supports based on my knowledge. Like the man-made climate change hoax, and homosexual marriage, etc, which has been the catalyst for the deranged sexual engineering agenda they are pushing now.

And I agree, many blacks are operating based on emotion and a hope for a better future but only relying on the same party that has lied to blacks over and over and never really delivered on the majority of those promises. And if they took time to research and look deeper they will see that this ticket comprised of deranged extreme radicals who are supported by and are doing the bidding of the extreme radical donor class is not only going to be a nightmare scenario for blacks but for all citizens because of the destructive nation destroying policies that they are determined to bring to fruition.

Their actions suggest they are pushing an extreme radical Marxist agenda that may also be working to advance a form of depopulation and or maybe even ethnic cleansing possibly? By way of mass abortion, child castration, and by pushing the LGBTQ agenda/pedophile agenda which also puts an end to child reproduction. They obviously seek to destroy the country and undermine democracy by way of mass illegal immigration and massive unrestrained spending not to mention greatly reducing energy production which simultaneously greatly increases energy costs that all cause inflation to explode resulting in sky rocketing prices for practically everything we buy as consumers.

Don’t believe me, this is what they support and what they are trying to implement on a massive scale. If you vote for Kamala Harris you are voting for your own genocide as a country. And if you allow any politician, star, or entertainer, who earns hundreds of millions of dollars annually to convince you to vote for an extreme radical ticket and who are completely out of touch with the struggles of everyday citizens themselves you are a fool of the highest degree.

Because those same politicians, and stars, know nothing about the everyday struggles of the common citizen and they don’t feel the pain of higher food, energy, and gas prices, because they have so much money themselves. And they are simply using their celebrity for all the wrong reasons in support of a ticket that they really know little or nothing about.

And one things for certain, those filthy rich celebrities and entertainers wont be paying your grocery, energy, and gas bills while they support corrupt politicians whose policies will cause those necessities you depend on to sky rocket in cost. Don’t be surprised if Kamala and her ultra extreme radical running mate begin to temporarily try to change their ultra extreme radical views to secure the office of the presidency only to fully embrace those same ultra extreme radical views once they secure the power of the presidency because this is just who they are and how deceptive, scheming, and diabolical, they really are. And anyone who calls for or is okay with the physical and chemical castration of children (cutting the genitals off or cutting out the genitals of children) as young as five years old or at any age for that matter is a demon in human form. Period.