I’m not sure I agree with everything the doctor says in this video. I don’t believe self control alone as society defines it is the root of or produces true self esteem. Because you can be a man or a woman who has self esteem but who still lacks moral character.
You can have a level of self control/ self esteem as society defines it and still be a liar, a slanderer, a thief, a womanizer or harlot, etc. Women also, by the way, need to apply true self control as well. Because they are subject to the many pulls of the flesh like men are like lust, hate, greed, anger, envy, etc, they are not exempt from these things.
I believe Godly character is the root of a mans being because Godly character is the foundation that produces true self control. This is not to say you will always be in control of your emotions and behavior all of the time when you have Godly character because you are still subject to the many destructive emotions that tug at men and women so you may fall short from time to time. But it will determine whether you are in control most of the time.
Show me a man or woman who has no Godly character and I will show you a man or a woman who has little to no self control. So, I’m not sure if self esteem is determined by self control alone in this regard, or as the doctor defines it.
Because I know men and women who have acquired fame and wealth are intelligent and fit and because of it they have high levels of self esteem but very little self control. Because in this society your self worth/ self esteem as the doctor and society defines it is determined by how much money you have, and how successful you are, and how fit you are, etc, that in turn produces elevated levels of self esteem in most cases.
It actually produces a manufactured form of pride and ego that actually masquerades as true self esteem that you see in many men and women today because society has brainwashed them into thinking that your self esteem/ self worth is determined by your accomplishments and wealth. So much so that it has created an army of narcissists in many respects.
And narcissism can be defined as an elevated sense of importance because of material gain and accomplishment in many cases. Which is what high self esteem is fueled by in many respects. What society promotes as self esteem in many respects is pride ego and arrogance which are the antithesis of true self control.
In other words, lack of Godly character/ true morals and morality is the equivalent of a man or a woman who has little to no self control and by the doctors own admission self esteem ( as society defines it) is the by product of self control. And pride and ego, which society promotes as self esteem, in many respects, are the enemies of self control.
Godly character is the foundation that cultivates true self control and every other good behavior. And true self control is the fruit of Godly character. But I do believe true self control produces true self esteem (not the manufactured form of self esteem you see in society today) and that is cultivated by Godly character.
And Godly character is also the cultivator of good mental health. Because Godly character is the by product of righteousness and spiritual growth as God defines it. And the spiritual condition of the man or woman determines the mental health of the man or woman because the spiritual condition of the man or woman governs the mental and emotional state of the man or woman. Galatians 5:16-24.