By Donald Bohanon published February 27, 2023
Who wears the pants in the relationship is my question? I’m sorry, but Dwayne Wade comes across as an emasculated man who’s basically being controlled by an angry black woman. This is normally what happens when you have extreme, radical, angry feminists /lesbians in positions of leadership they’re normally focused on emasculating and feminizing weak subservient men.
It gives them a feeling and type of twisted, and false sense of non-existent machismo. It makes them feel like what they want to be but will never be and that’s men. They hate men who are perceived as strong and seek to destroy them and emasculate them by lying on them, and to them, and slandering them, and manipulating them, and through other deceptive methods because they feel those men stand in the way and are threats to their goal of matriarchal dominance and control.
So emasculating and feminizing old and young men alike falls right in line with their plans of matriarchal/lesbian control and dominance. It’s actually a mental disorder resulting from a warped spiritual condition as a result of strong demonic influence possibly due to past sexual trauma.
Or simply from being immersed in sexual perversion. But that is still not an excuse. And there will be a terrible price to pay both spiritually and physically if it’s not repented of. Homosexuals are in lockstep with it because homosexuals want to be women and butch lesbians want to be men. And lesbians want women and homosexuals want men. So the agenda of emasculating and feminizing men is ideal for and falls in line with their long-term goals.
I also have questions about what secrets they may be harboring in relation to the child they are using and exploiting for wealth and fame. As it presently stands on this issue this couple is simply being used by Satan and the tools of Satan the “LGBTQ community” and is serving no purpose but to lead the black community and others to destruction on both a physical and spiritual level. They are merely tools and puppets being used by the LGBTQ community to advance their ungodly agenda.
I have even heard Dwayne Wade say in interviews that he enjoyed dressing up as a girl when he was a child and then try to rationalize the behavior by suggesting that other men do it also. Speak for yourself because that is not my reality or the reality of the men I know. That suggests to me that he has feminine and homosexual tendencies. And those tendencies may be the result of some past abuse in his own life.
And it’s becoming increasingly and quite apparent that homosexuals and lesbians are pedophiles. They are all one and the same. That truth is further reinforced when you understand that most homosexuals and lesbians have been the victims of child molestation themselves. So they normally grow up to molest children also. Many unbiased, ethical, and honest studies support this.
Not to mention the many incidents too numerous to count of homosexuals and lesbians sexually abusing children but that’s rarely covered by the radical liberal left media. And homosexual perversion is the catalyst or creator of all these other confusing and perverted forms of sexual behavior.
The perverted spiritual condition by itself alone as a result of being immersed in sexual perversion will result in child molestation all by itself as a stand-alone. Romans 1:26-32. No past incidents of sexual abuse really need to occur.
It just makes you wonder about being a possible down-low homosexual if he was having inappropriate sexual relations with his son. It, unfortunately, happens often and is a reason why so many boys grow up to be homosexual men.
I think the young man is a victim on so many levels and I believe they are both probably harboring some very disturbing secrets. The child may have secrets that they don’t want him to share and that may explain why they are all in hook line and sinker because they don’t want the secrets to come out. The incessant lying ( as Candace pointed out) as a way to garner sympathy and support, as a way to get more opportunities and compensation, is just sad and very disturbing and says a lot about this couple as human beings.
The unfortunate thing for them is it’s all going to come with a price that they are not willing to pay but there will be no getting around it if they don’t repent. All the lying, hyperbole, ego, and pride will go out of the window when they finally have to face the supreme authority, an angry God, for exploiting the child to enrich themselves financially.
This story is just sad on so many levels and no person with a conscience, crumbs of decency, morals, or a heart would support this insanity and circus act. A confused child who is out of touch with reality so much so that he doesn’t know he’s a boy is a very sad situation and nothing to be applauded.
Supporting, promoting, and encouraging this corrupting, confusing, destructive behavior will also come with a price when judged. Isaiah 5:20-25, Proverbs 17:15. No child is fit, wise, experienced, or knowledgeable enough at that age to make critical life-altering decisions of this magnitude.
And to be honest this is not a decision that any parent should allow their children to make. And to be truthful most children wouldn’t be coming to this conclusion if it wasn’t for the mass form of nationwide indoctrination in schools that’s taking place. Most children unfortunately are being brainwashed into thinking this behavior is normal and okay.
I’m praying for the young man. And that the father will come out of his woke, weak, conforming slumber, and capitulation to popular culture and LGBTQ pressure and take control of his childs life and guide him in the right way. Not the way the LGBTQ community wants you to guide him.