Making hasty decisions normally results in outcomes that you eventually regret. Particularly as it relates to relationships. Always proceed with caution particularly in this day and age when lies and deception run rampant.
And Atlanta despite its beautiful homes and women and the like, in my opinion, is Satan’s anus in terms of its moral climate. I would avoid Atlanta like the Ebola virus because of its propensity to corrupt and pervert anything that’s exposed to it long-term.
If you are not grounded in and obedient to God’s word while being powerfully led by the holy spirit you will simply become another one of its sad statistics in terms of its ability to corrupt and pervert morally.
Its my understanding that what appears good coming out of Atlanta in many cases is normally a snare and a trap that can suck you right into its vortex of moral and sexual perversion and corruption. That doesn’t apply to everyone who resides there but it certainly applies to most.
The same thing applies to offers and promises of prosperity and the like in exchange for favors from many who are wealthy and reside there. I would reject any such offers coming from sexually perverse individuals or individuals who support and promote this agenda no matter where they reside.
But unfortunately, that applies to several states and cities today as a result of this present administration pushing insane radical sexual engineering agendas which corrupt and pervert spiritually and morally as nothing else can.