- UMC bishops approved gay pastors and same-sex marriage in the US early May
- The Ivory Coast division of the church responded by defecting on May 28
- Leader Bishop Benjamin Boni blasted the umbrella church for siding with LGBT
PUBLISHED: 13:13 EDT, 3 June 2024 | UPDATED: 07:41 EDT, 4 June 2024
This is an example of standing on the truth outlined in Gods word as opposed to following perverse, corrupt, false ministers with evil agendas. And it was a wise decision that will reap dividends when they face God when judged.
The Bible is clear that these kinds of false ministers who promote abominable rebellion against God and his word under the fake cloak of love and loyalty to God will be destroyed when they are judged and those who follow their biblically condemned actions and evil teachings will suffer the same fate. The truth of the matter is this sexually perverse group and individuals deceive, corrupt, and pervert, practically everything they touch and come in contact with.
So this was a wise and courageous decision from its lay members and I would encourage other lay members of other churches whose ministers promote abominable rebellion against God to do the same.
Find the true Churches of God who are teaching and promoting the true doctrines of God and Christ and who are promoting and encouraging obedience to everything outlined in the word of God.
If a Church, any Church, or any individual, is supporting, teaching, promoting, and encouraging, behavior that the Bible powerfully condemns, run for your physical and spiritual lives!!!!
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This Is What’s Fueling Abominable Rebellion Against God In Society Today.
More than one million United Methodists have quit the church overnight over new rules about homosexuality.
During a North Carolina conference in early May, the United Methodist Church – a global denomination of Protestantism based in the US – changed some regulations to allow gay pastors and same-sex marriage.
The Ivory Coast division – which has an estimated 1.2 million followers – responded by accusing the international leaders of ‘deviating from the Holy Scriptures’ and ‘sacrificing its honor and integrity to honor the LGBTQ community’.
Bishop Benjamin Boni, who is president of the division, said it voted to separate from the umbrella church during a May 28 gathering in the Jubilee Temple of Cocody, Abidjan, on the southern coast of the West African country.
He said in a statement that the decision to separate after more than 20 years was made ‘for reasons of conscience’.
Bishop Benjamin Boni (pictured), who is president of the division, said the separation was formalized during an ‘extraordinary session’ May 28 in Abidjan on the southern coast of the West African country

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The move marks a huge blow to the United Methodists Church, as the Ivory Coast division known as EMUCI is the largest overseas jurisdiction, accounting for around 12 percent of the worldwide membership.
EMUCI joined the United Methodist Church in 2002. The umbrella church was the result of a merge between the Evangelical United Brethren Church and the Methodist Church in 1968.
Questions surrounding homosexuality have been a point of contention for the church for many years, with it previously upholding bans on same-sex marriage and the inclusion of homosexual pastors.
The first openly gay Bishop in the United Methodist Church Karen Oliveto spoke about the divisions last year.
‘There’s a whole segment of the church that’s leaving because they don’t want to be an inclusive church,’ she told CBS News Colorado.
The United Methodist Church, a worldwide denomination of Protestantism which is headquartered in the US, made the rulings at a conference in North Carolina early May. (Pictured: three bishops of the UMC)
Pictured: United Methodist Church of Ivory Coast. Jubilee Temple of Cocody where the historic separation was formalized on May 28
The first openly gay Bishop in the United Methodist Church Karen Oliveto (pictured) spoke about the divisions last year
‘They’re building a church based on who they’re leaving out. And you have to wonder: If you’re building a church on how you are leaving out, are you letting Jesus in?’
Oliveto remains in office in Mountain Sky, which covers Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and Utah, despite her election being declared invalid after she came out in 2017.
She most recently spoke out against the UMC Book of Discipline description of homosexuality being ‘incompatible with Christian teaching’ – which has now been removed – in April 2024, according to the Christian Post.
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This Is What’s Fueling Abominable Rebellion Against God In Society Today.